I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 753: Cruel and ruthless Yuan Boya

Chapter 753 Cruel Yuan Boya

"What did you buy today?" Qin Yao slowly finished his work and stood up in front of the peach tree.

Bai Ni quickly collected her emotions and said with a smile: "The pig's trotters from the Wang family in the east of the city, the roast chicken from the Sun family in the south of the city, the duck neck from Wang Ji, the fruit from Chen Ji, the wine is made from old age and named after it. It’s called vintage wine.”

 Chin Yao: “…”

 The wine that has been brewed for a long time is called an old wine?


The wine stored by a person named Guojiao, shouldn’t it be called Guojiao’s treasure? !

At this moment, the moon is bright and the stars are bright. It is just the right time to drink in the moonlight and dream of the stars.

The Peach Blossom Demon raised his hand, and countless peach tree roots suddenly rushed out from the ground, condensing and condensing into a peach wood table. Beside the peach wood table, some peach roots were drilled out and condensed into several low stools.

Bai Ni put the food and wine on the table in a tacit understanding, then went to the kitchen to get bowls, chopsticks and tea, and arranged them properly.

One man and two women, enjoying the breeze, looking at the night sky, drinking wine and eating vegetables, it is quite an artistic conception.

The four aromas of flowers, rice, meat, and wine were mixed together and sent out of the courtyard by the breeze. Qingming, who had just turned into light, couldn't help but sniff, feeling like drums and thunder in her belly.

In the courtyard, Qin Yao felt something in his heart. He raised his hand and waved, and a spiritual energy rushed to the courtyard gate and opened the main door.

 “Qingming, come in.”

Qingming quickly walked in, stood in front of the peach tree, bowed and saluted: "Meet my uncle."

Qin Yao waved his hand: "Sit down and have a drink with me."

 “I’ll get another set of bowls and chopsticks.” Bai Ni stood up with a smile.

Qingming sat down at Qin Yao's signal and rubbed his hands: "Uncle, I don't drink very well."

“It’s okay, just have a drink.” Qin Yao reached out and patted the wine jar and said with a smile.

Qingming thought that this meant drinking at most one jar, and she felt at ease. After Bai Ni brought the bowl and chopsticks, she took a few bites of the food and then drank with Qin Yao.

As he drank, he realized that something was wrong. Why did the jar of wine never seem to be finished?

Facing the smiling uncle, he didn't dare to ask, let alone refuse, and gradually passed out drunk at the dinner table.

“Bai Ni, take him to the guest room.” Qin Yao put down the exquisite jasper wine bowl and said casually.

“Yes, Master.” Bai Ni picked up the drunk Qingming with one hand and walked slowly towards a room.

 “Master, let me drink with you.”

After the two left, a red cloud suddenly appeared on Taohua's cheeks. She picked up the wine jar and poured a glass into her bowl.


Qin Yao smiled slightly, picked up the jade bowl and touched it with her, and the clear voice echoed in the beautiful courtyard...

 The next day.

 Qingming wakes up from a hangover and feels a heavy head and pain.

He stood up from the bed holding his forehead, and opened the door unsteadily. The warm sunlight shone through the gaps between the wicker branches and shone on his body, causing him to squint his eyes slightly.

"Wake up." A figure wearing a black gown and half-long hair, looking like a demon **** in the world, turned around and said, "Wash up first. After washing up, I will take you to the city to eat."

Qingming nodded, tried to walk steadily, and slowly came to the well, fetching water to rinse her mouth and wash her face.

 Lean less.

Qin Yao took Bai Ni and Qingming into Pingjing City and sat in a bun shop. While greeting the boss to serve the buns, he observed the bustling Pingjing City.

Soon, the hot steamed buns and white porridge were brought up. Qin Yao was the first to put down his chopsticks and eat with two juniors. Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a man with a world-weary face wearing a black gauze hat and a He was wearing a red military attaché robe, riding on a tall horse, leading a group of soldiers, escorting three carriages, and slowly walked toward the city gate.

“Hey, boss, who is that guy? Why is his face so smelly? It feels like everyone owes him money.” Qin Yao pointed at the man in red and said to the boss of the bun shop. "His name is Yuan Boya, and his identity is the Jinwu Guard Cavalry Cao of Pingjing City. He is considered a mid- to low-level military attache in the guard station." The middle-aged boss with slender cheeks and a mole at the corner of his mouth responded.

"He's just a middle- and low-level military attache, why is he pulling so hard? Is there someone above him?" Qin Yao asked as if chatting.

 “Who can he have?”

The middle-aged boss shook his head and said: "This is a lunatic who will do whatever it takes to get promoted and make a fortune. Generally speaking, if there is a distant mission out of the city, the city guard will arrange for an onmyoji from the Onmyo Lao to **** him.

And this Yuan Boya always said that in order to be promoted, he would personally **** someone.

Last time when he went to Xirang City to deliver something, they encountered demon bandits on the road. Of the more than thirty people, five of them survived in the end. Those dead Jinwu guards became stepping stones for him to climb up.

This time there were also more than thirty people, and it seemed that the gifts were tributes. I don’t know how many people will come back in the end. "

"Once is not enough, I have to do it again, how cruel..." Qingming murmured.

"If no one cares about you, you won't be promoted unless you are ruthless. If you can't be promoted, you won't be able to change your destiny." The shop owner shook his head and said.

“So, those twenty-odd people should die?” Qingming asked.

The shop owner paused for a moment, and finally sighed: "They have a bad life."

 It is also fate.

Qingming felt a violent emotion rising in her heart for no reason. Seeing that Yuan Boya was about to lead his troops out of the city, he suddenly said: "Uncle, let me go to the latrine."

"Go." Qin Yao said calmly as if he was ignorant of all this.

Qingming left in a hurry, hesitated to speak, and finally said: "Master, he probably went to find the hut."

 “I know.” Qin Yao said lightly.

 Bai Ni breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the bun shop owner secretly, and silently ended the topic.

Half an hour later, Qingming hurried back to the bun shop, bowed to Qin Yao and said, "I'm sorry, uncle, for keeping you waiting for so long."

Qin Yao smiled and said, "My hands and feet are very nimble."

  Qingming: “?”

Qin Yao: "When you go back, pick out some good things and send them to my house."


"Why are you so stunned?" Bai Ni stretched out her hand to push him and said softly: "Why don't you thank my master quickly?"

Qingming woke up from a dream and quickly bowed: "Thank you, uncle!"

If he was still confused at the beginning, even panicked, but after Bai Ni's reminder, he finally realized that Qin Yao was helping him finish the matter, or take over all the cause and effect for him.

Leave aside the issue of tribute, Jin Wuwei’s anger cannot be settled by a half-human, half-demon onmyoji.

"It's just a small matter, not worth mentioning." Qin Yao stood up and said, "Let's go, hurry up and take a walk around the city."

 That day, late at night.

A figure dressed in snow-white came across the moon, wrapped in wind and snow, and landed in front of the Demon Sealing Storehouse in Yin Yang Lao.

“What kind of evildoer dares to come to Fengyao Treasury to do this?”

 A group of men in black quickly rushed out of the gate and shouted sharply.

The snow girl smiled coldly, waved her sleeves, and countless snowflakes turned into sharp ice, rushing toward the people in black like the sky and the earth...

 (End of this chapter)

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