Chapter 756: Flat Rejection

 The Crow Tengu was seriously injured.

It was so heavy that he had no time to find a relatively secluded cave to heal his wounds, and it was so heavy that even if he sensed Kamaita's attack, he couldn't fight back.

 In this case, when the three sickle weasels discovered his figure, the outcome was doomed.

Soon after, the kamaitas worked together to chop off the Crow Tengu's head and looted all the belongings on it, including the scales that emitted glowing red light...

at the same time.

Yin Yangliao, inside the forbidden area.

With the joint witness of all the onmyojis in the liao, Lian Xisheng officially passed the position of head of the case to Tadayuki and retired with great achievements.

 Great Elder Xican led his colleagues to bid farewell to Lian Xisheng, and then bowed to the new leader.

 Tadayuki accepted the pilgrimage, and since then the matters related to the inheritance of the case have been settled. Immediately afterwards, the focus of the work in the Lao shifted to other matters, and the first one was naturally the issue of scales and stones.

"The theft of the Scale Stone is the responsibility of the entire Yin Yang Lao. All colleagues are obliged to retrieve the Scale Stone." Standing in front of the ruins of the golden pagoda, Tadayuki solemnly said: "But obligations are obligations. Whoever can recover the Scale Stone will be It is a great achievement, and if you ask for it, you will be obliged to do so.”


  Everybody said in unison.

Zhongxing waved his hand and said: "The next thing is the second thing. The twin Crow Tengu clan followed Cimu in attacking Yin Yang Liao, and it was also a Crow Tengu clan that took away the scale stone at the critical moment.

We don’t know where Cimu is hiding now, but there are records in the latrine where the Crow Tengu clan is stationed. Elders, who is willing to lead a team to the Crow Tengu's station to ask for an explanation? "

 The only four remaining elders looked at each other, but no one responded.

 Four elders died in one night, how could the remaining four not be saddened by their death, or even be frightened by it?

Xi Can glanced at the four of them, sighed quietly, and said: "In charge of the case, I will take people there."

Zhongxing was also helpless: "Then I'll trouble the great elder."

 xican: "Things within one's duty."

 “The next thing is the third thing.”

Zhongxing said decisively: "In the battle in the forbidden area, four of the eight elders were killed, and four vacancies appeared. All colleagues will be moved forward from No. 11. Do you have any objections?"

The Onmyojis glanced at Qin Yao No. 11 and shook their heads.

 Just kidding, who dares to have an opinion?

"No. 11, please come and exchange the number 7 waist card." Zhongxing took out four waist cards from his arms and raised his eyes to look at Qin Yao.

 Qin Yao untied the wooden sign from his waist, strode forward, exchanged the No. 7 wooden sign from the master's hand, and said calmly: "Thank you so much, master."

Zhongxing shook his head: "It's me who should thank you."

Qin Yao smiled, turned around and stood in the queue of elders.

It should be noted that Qu Yi'an, who had an old grudge with him, was among the four elders who were killed, so no one in this group was an eyesore.

 Then the fourth thing, the fifth thing...

Tadayuki's strength is indeed not very high, but he is a person who can actually do things. Each order is arranged in an orderly manner, allowing everyone to quickly find the goal and direction.

Unconsciously, the sky gradually darkened, and Zhongxing finished talking about the last thing, waving his hand and saying: "Let's get here first today, Elder Qin will stay, and the others will go out first."

Everyone was ordered to leave, and the forbidden area soon became empty.

“Sir, are you satisfied with this arrangement?” Tadayuki asked.

Qin Yao smiled and said: "The gap between No. 11 and No. 7 may be an insurmountable gap for my colleagues in the dormitory, but to me, it is actually insignificant. Also, don't call this senior brother by his title. , you are now the head of Yin Yang Lao, and no one is bigger than you." Zhongxing shook his head and said firmly: "The title of senior brother came from the waist badge at first, but now, I recognize you as a person, no. Then there are the numbers on the waistband.”

Qin Yao reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "Just do whatever you want, as long as you don't shout in front of others."

Zhongxing: "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

"Is there anything else?" Qin Yao retracted his palm and asked lightly.

Zhongxing paused and said hesitantly: "Can you find out where Cimu is?"

“His whereabouts were covered up by Xiang Liu, and I can’t calculate the specific location.”

Qin Yao said: "But he is not a big trouble, let alone a hidden danger. The most trusted concern in Yin and Yang Liao is always Xiang Liu..."

 “Take charge of the case, take charge of the case.” Not long after, shouts suddenly sounded outside the door.

Zhongxing followed the sound and asked subconsciously: "What's the matter?"

A black-robed Onmyoji stood outside the forbidden area, bowed and said: "To report to the boss, a group of Jinwu guards came from outside the building, saying they wanted to inquire about the tribute."

A flash of surprise flashed across Zhongxing's face, and he turned to Qin Yao and asked, "Elder Qin, let's listen together?"

Qin Yao thought for a while and said, "That's fine..."

Soon after, a bearded military attaché wearing a black gauze hat, a red robe, and an adjutant stepped into the forbidden area. He cupped his hands at Zhongxing and said, "Young Lieutenant of the Jinwu Guards will be able to meet with the head of Yin Yang Lao."

"Master Gou, you don't need to be polite." Zhongxing said, changing the subject: "I just heard from my disciples that you are here for tribute. I don't know what this means."

Gou Youfang said solemnly: "A few days ago, Jinwu Guard Cavalry Cao Yuan Boya escorted a group of tributes out of the city and was ransacked by an Onmyoji outside the city. I brought him here this time because I wanted to ask the Onmyoji to help find the Onmyoji and recover the lost items. tribute."

Zhongxing’s face was full of doubts: “There was no Yin Yangliao involved in the escort?”

Gou Youfang secretly glared at the adjutant beside him.

If this guy hadn't gone his own way, was greedy for credit, and didn't ask for the protection of Onmyoji at all, how could he have pulled off such a trap?

 In the end, things got to him, and he had to come to Yin Yang Lao to ask for help to wipe his ass!

“It’s all my fault that I was in a hurry or just lucky, so I didn’t ask the Onmyoji from the Yin Yang Lao to **** me.” Sensing the captain’s needle-like gaze, Yuan Boya stood up helplessly and said with cupped fists.

 Zhongxing: “…”

Do you want to avoid Yin Yang Lao and work alone?

As the head of the Yin Yang Lao, he just wanted to say: This tribute was well thrown away.

"Master Gou, in this situation... Yin Yang Lao has no obligation to help you." Tadayuki said.

Gou Youfang smiled bitterly and said: "I know, so this time I came to ask Yin and Yang for help. Please consider the situation in the past and lend a helping hand. Jinwu Guards will be grateful."

“In other words, you are not willing to pay anything, and you just want Yin Yang Lao to help you solve your troubles?” Qin Yao suddenly interjected.

 “Who is this?” Gou Youfang asked.

"He is the elder Qin of Yin Yang Lao. He specializes in external affairs. He can decide whether to help or not," Zhongxing said.

Gou Youfang felt a chill in his heart and quickly saluted: "Meet Elder Qin."

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "You're welcome, and there's no need to keep talking. Before your tribute team set off, you thought it didn't matter whether there was a Yin-Yang Lao guard or not, so you shouldn't come to the Yin-Yang Lao for help after something happened. We're not a toilet. Paper, why should I wipe your butt?"

 (End of this chapter)

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