I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 758: good news and bad news

Chapter 758 Good News and Bad News

 Zhongxing quickly collected himself and said, "Brother, what should we do next?"

 He is just a guide, or assistant, and his decision-making completely requires Qin Yao's opinion.

Qin Yao pointed to the mountain peak at his feet and replied: "Do you think this mountain looks like a tomb?"

Zhongxing: "???"

The next moment, Qin Yao reached out and grabbed the clothes behind him, and pulled it up. Then he touched the ground with his toes, flew up, and distanced himself from the mountains of Fuzang Gorge.

“The mighty heavenly dragon, the great Luo Dharma mantra, the prajna Buddhas, the prajna bama is empty.”

As a thunderous spell resounded across the heaven and earth, a golden dragon suddenly appeared around Qin Yao, circled around his body, and then roared towards the mountain wall.


The rocks penetrated the sky, the mountain wall collapsed, and a big hole was punched out in the huge mountain.

Qin Yao stepped on the void, stretched his arms, and used his power to hit the second, third, and fourth powerful Tianlong. In an instant, the entire mountaintop was shattered, and huge boulder fragments fell into the mountain. One clan brought about a genocide-level disaster.

On the throne at the bottom of the mountain, the snow demon suddenly stood up, waved his sleeves and released waves of demonic power, flying away the rocks that were rushing toward him. Without even looking at the Crow Tengu, which suffered heavy casualties, he turned around and crashed into the mountain wall behind the throne.

 “Boom, boom, boom…”

The solid mountain wall shattered like tofu under the impact of her ice crystal body. She rushed straight forward and soon rushed out from the other side of the mountain.


The snow girl floated in the air, stood up instantly, and moved to the other side of the mountain like a fish swimming in the sea. She raised her eyes to look at the majestic man in the sky.

With bare hands, you can collapse mountains in the air. What kind of power is this?

 This is the power that Onmyoji can possess?

 The snow girl was puzzled.


Suddenly, the man in the sky noticed her presence. Looking down, a bright white-gold ray stretched out like a lightsaber and came to her in an instant.

Yue Nu was shocked and hurriedly flew out of the way. She subconsciously turned her head and glanced, only to see the lightsaber piercing deeply into the ground where she had just stood, silently creating a bottomless hole.


Qin Yao turned his head, and the divine eye rays swept towards Xue Nu's body at an alarming speed.

The snow girl spun around in the air, raised her arm and threw out the ice sword she had been holding in her hand.


The ice sword hit the platinum ray, exploded instantly, and was blown away by the wind in the blink of an eye.

The snow girl's pupils trembled sharply. Just as she was about to turn her head and run away desperately, her body seemed to hit a barrier and was immediately launched into the air.

How can there be a barrier in the sky?

As this thought flashed through her mind, the snow girl quickly looked forward. Before she could see anything else clearly, a pair of big iron-like hands rushed into her eyes.


Qin Yao's clone slapped Xue Nu on the face hard, and the arrogant force directly pulled her down into the void and smashed her into the ground.

The snow girl was so dizzy from the slap that she spent a lot of energy before she regained consciousness and struggled to crawl out of the ground. When she raised her eyes, she saw a thick calf.

“Bang.” The clone kicked the snow girl in the face, pulling the latter out of the ground and sliding along the ground for a long distance.


 Qin Yao himself flashed in front of the snow girl, kicked the opponent behind the head, and kicked the opponent like a football towards the clone.

  The clone jumped into the air, stretched out his right leg, and put his foot heavily on the snow girl's heart. The force exploded in an instant, causing the snow girl to fly back uncontrollably...

Tadayuki stood between the two 'Senior Brother Qin', staring at the snow girl flying around, and kept turning his head.

 I soon felt dizzy.

Qin Yao's mind moved, and his true form merged into one. He suddenly raised his right hand and grabbed the neck of the snow girl who was flying in the air. His other hand was gently placed on the opponent's head. When she was dizzy, she seemed to be unconscious. He used the soul-searching technique to check her memory.

 Soul searching is a very dangerous spell. Qin Yao could be sure that he could forcefully search for the soul of the snow girl without being counterattacked, but he was not sure whether the other party would use a self-destruction spell to defeat his idea after realizing his intention.

 Therefore, it is the safest way to deal with it by beating it until it is confused and confused, and then go back and search for souls.

  After a while.

Qin Yao crossed his hands and broke the snow girl's neck. He then used the fire talisman to purify the ice and snow body. He turned to look at Zhongxing: "There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Zhongxing was stunned for a moment, scratched his head and said, "Listen to the bad stuff first. It's better to be bitter first and then sweet, than to be sweet first and then bitter."

Qin Yao pursed his lips and said: "The bad news is that I learned from Xue Nu's memory that Cimu went to the Demon Realm and is looking for the treasure house left by Xiang Liu. Once he successfully excavates it, he will strengthen himself and eliminate the Yin and Yang Lao. I am afraid there is no other enemy besides me.”

Zhongxing’s heart sank and he quickly asked: “Where’s the good news?”

“The good news is that times have changed and the world has changed. Today’s Demon Realm has undergone tremendous changes compared to ancient times. Xiangliu’s treasure house is not so easy to find. He will not come back in a short time. Yin and Yang Lao has a chance to breathe.”

Tadayuki: "Is there any way to stop him from digging up the treasure house? After he obtains the Xiangliu treasure house, I'm afraid even the Yin Yang Lao, which has returned to its heyday, will not be able to subdue him."

Qin Yao spread his hands and said, "Xue Nu doesn't know where the treasure is hidden. Who knows where Cimu will go? We can't even determine where he is going, how can we stop him?"

 Zhongxing: “…”

“There are cracks in the scale stone, and Cimu has hope for treasure again. Why do I feel that our situation is getting more and more dangerous?” Soon he said worriedly.

Qin Yao took a breath and said: "This is disaster. You can see it, but you can't avoid it at all. The only thing you can do is to face the difficulty and move forward indomitably."

Zhongxing straightened his clothes and saluted Qin Yao solemnly: "Brother, the whole world is entrusted to you."

Qin Yao waved his hands repeatedly: "It's not that big. What Xiang Liu wants is to unify the human and demon worlds, not to destroy the human world, so even if he escapes, only the rulers of the Yin and Yang Lao and the human and demon worlds will be robbed. There won’t be any big problems for the people in the world.”

Tadayuki holds a different view on this: "In the world enslaved by demons and gods, humans will only be reduced to slaves, or even food rations. It will be the darkest era, and the people of the world will be plunged into dire straits. Therefore, I feel that what I am saying is not true. exaggerate."

Qin Yao laughed dumbly and was unable to refute: "Let's go back to the dormitory."

He didn't even mention the preparations for war.

 The reason is that whether in the movie or in reality, ordinary Onmyoji can play a minimal role in the decisive battle.

Most of the Onmyoji can't fly, so you want them to organize themselves to fight against the demon-like Xiang Liu?

It's okay to be an atmosphere group or a cheerleading team.

 (End of this chapter)

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