I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 765: Xiang Liu who aspires to be the village hegemon

Chapter 765 Xiang Liu who aspires to be the village bully

 Outside Pingjing City.

 Five Elements Courtyard.

 The fishy wind suddenly rises, shaking the peach branches and causing the flowers to fall like rain.

A slender figure flew out of the peach tree, looking up at the huge monster in the sky that was blocking out the sun. His body trembled slightly, and he bravely said, "What advice do you have, Your Majesty?"

 “Peach Blossom, it’s me.”

Qin Yao flew down from Xiangliu’s head and landed lightly on the ground with his feet.

 “Master!” Taohua was startled and immediately cried with joy.

Three hundred years, even for the monsters in this world, is considered a great reincarnation...

Without Qin Yao's instructions, Xiang Liu immediately shrank his body and landed in a corner of the courtyard.

“You are the only one left in the courtyard?” Qin Yao came to sit down at the stone table and asked softly.

A hint of sadness flashed across Taohua's face: "Back then, Yuan Boya left shortly after you left and never came back. Although Kagura did not leave, she passed away decades later. The tomb is behind the courtyard. Since then, After Ni and Qingming also passed away, no outsiders came to the courtyard."

 Qin Yao was silent.

 Strictly speaking, the world level of the God-Serving Order is not low, but the lifespan depends entirely on the rules of heaven, which are the so-called settings.

 In the setting of this world, except for the bug of Xiang Liu, you are astonishingly talented and extremely talented. Even if you have the fate of the protagonist, you are still a normal person. As a human being, we will be born, old, sick and die, and there is no reincarnation in the six realms.

Died, that is true death, once and for all.

Time is a sharp knife for everyone. Human life has no ability to resist in front of this knife, and the knife will kill the soul.

This is also the main reason why he did not choose to use his own body to suppress the demon from the beginning. The result may be the same, but the process is not meaningless at all, and his three hundred years of time were wasted.

You must know that this is not practice for three hundred years, but continuous bleeding for three hundred years. It is of no benefit to practice, and it is of no benefit to itself. The only benefit is to conquer Xiang Liu...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but secretly asked: "System, if I take Xiang Liu out of this world, I won't have to pay any price, right?"

  【You need to pay a certain amount of filial piety. 】The system responded.

"Why?" Although he knew that the system must have a logical and self-consistent rhetoric, Qin Yao still emphasized: "He is my **** of service, and belongs to me completely, no different from a weapon or magic weapon."

 Past experience has verified one thing: there is no need to pay taxes on magic weapons and secret books brought out from reincarnation.

  【Servant God does not belong to the category of weapons and magic weapons. 】The system responds mechanically.

Qin Yao's mind was racing, and he quickly came up with an idea: "In "The Prequel to the Lotus Lamp", does the three-pointed, two-edged sword turned into a three-headed dragon count as a weapon?"

 System: [calculate. 】

Who can say that a three-pointed two-edged sword is not a weapon?

"By analogy, if Xiang Liu turns into a magic weapon, does it count as a weapon?" A smile appeared on Qin Yao's face.


 This seems to be a loophole.

 But the loophole is so big that it cannot be repaired by relying on its own calculations.

 Unless the person who made the system added the settings, the problem could be solved, but obviously, this was impossible.

 “It counts, or it doesn’t count.”

Qin Yao asked again.

The system could not solve the bug, so it could only respond: [Forget it. 】

Qin Yao was satisfied and softly comforted Tao Hua, then turned around and came to Xiang Liu.

"whats the matter?"

 Although he has been surrendered, this is reality, not a game. Xiang Liu still has resentment towards Qin Yao in his heart.     deep resentment.

“Do you know why I am not interested in the royal power in this world at all?” Qin Yao asked lightly.

Xiang Liu perked up: "Why?"

 This is the doubt that has troubled it for more than three hundred years.

The so-called man cannot live without power for a day. He still doesn’t understand why Qin Yao practiced so hard if he didn’t admire power?

"Because I have a bigger world in my eyes." Qin Yao said: "For example, with your current strength, are you willing to be a village hegemon in a small village?"

 Xiang Liu: “…”

It's like a dignified Liu, go to the village and become the village tyrant?

 Where is this?

"What does the bigger world mean?" After a while, it suddenly had a guess in its mind.

Qin Yao: "Do you think I look like an Onmyoji?"

Xiang Liu’s nine heads shook their heads in unison.

 Just kidding, it has never seen such a fierce Onmyoji.

There is no power in this world to deduce the secrets of heaven, so Qin Yao said without any burden: "I am a traveler from different worlds, and I can travel between different worlds. This world in your eyes, in my opinion, is It’s like a village, and you are like a goblin determined to be the leader of the village.”

There was not a single curse word in these words, but Xiang Liu felt deep malice and sensed one thing: Qin Yao, look down on him.

 It should be angry, but compared to anger, the emotion of curiosity is more turbulent, so surging that it completely suppresses the anger: "What is the bigger world?"

Qin Yao pursed his lips and said quietly: "Pangu created the sky and the earth. When the clear air rose, it became the sky; when the turbid air fell, it became the earth.

His body is transformed into mountains and rivers, the sun, moon and stars, and contains the innate gods.

The innate gods compete for the throne, establish Taoism, and arbitrarily decide for eternity. The heaven and the earth will be destroyed but I will not be destroyed. They will destroy the heaven and the earth at every turn and recreate the universe.

The holy throne is stable, all religions are prosperous, and all kinds of talents come into my hands, preaching throughout the world, and educating all souls.

Based on your strength, if you go to this world, you will be awarded the honorary title of cannon fodder. Any famous disciple can cut off nine of your heads with one sword, peel off your skin and bones, and refine your soul. "

Xiang Liushe was dumbfounded and looked at Qin Yao blankly.

 After a long time, his mouth became dry and he was inexplicably nervous: "Are you kidding me?"

Qin Yao said indifferently: "Do you think I am joking with you?"

 Xiang Liu: “…”

 He could not imagine the majesty of that world because it was completely beyond his understanding.

“Wait a minute.” After a long time, it finally responded: “I am cannon fodder, so what are you?”

Qin Yao grinned: "It's a must."

Xiangliu was inexplicably happy: "Hahahahahaha, grass mustard, grass mustard ..."

Qin Yao shrugged: "What are you proud of? Cannon fodder."

Xiang Liu was still happy: "I heard that you are so bad, and I felt balanced."

Qin Yao gradually faded his smile: "When you have such a world in your heart, when you come back and look at the current world, does it look like a village?"

Xiang Liu was no longer happy either, and said solemnly: "Take me there!"

 Who wants to hang out in the countryside if there is a higher stage?

 “Will go, but not now.”

Qin Yao said: "We need to experience it in a less dangerous world first, and wait until I am no longer a fool and you are no longer cannon fodder before we set off. Otherwise, given our strength, who knows whether we will die in In the hands of some unknown people.”

 (End of this chapter)

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