I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 767: What's more terrible than indifference is ignoring

 Chapter 767 What is more terrifying than indifference is ignoring

 “How dare you think that?”

Zhong Kui was speechless.

It has only been more than a month since this guy was promoted to the arresting general and reached the sixth level of Earth Master.

 It cannot be said that this kind of thing is impossible to upgrade to a level in one month, but it is also very rare. Each case requires extremely special conditions as a prefix.

He believes in the support of noble people mentioned by Qin Yao. Without the help of noble people, this sudden increase in evil virtue cannot be explained, but he never believes that any noble person is willing to spend his own power to improve Qin Yao's cultivation!

 No one would do anything to benefit others at the expense of oneself.

Looking at his uncle's speechless expression, Qin Yao laughed dryly and made no other reply.

 He found the problem.

In Zhong Kui's eyes, it was indeed a bit exaggerated to ask if he could advance to the seventh level after he had only been promoted to the sixth level of Earth Master a month ago.

But in his eyes, it has been more than three hundred years. Although he has not had the opportunity to practice for more than three hundred years, this does not prevent it from giving Qin Yao the feeling of "I haven't upgraded in a long time."

 “Don’t be crazy and get promoted.”

Zhong Kui flipped his hands and took out his command seal, hanging it in the air above the white jade official seal...

 At dusk.


 The setting clouds and the solitary owl fly together, and the cranes and spiritual beasts sing in unison.

Qiu Yunshui was dressed in a green Taoist robe that flowed in the wind like flowing water. With a smell of dust in his whole body, he slowly arrived outside Yuanfu Palace from the teleportation array: "Qiu Yunshui pays homage to the master."

"Elder Qiu, please come in." Chen Qingyan personally greeted him at the palace gate and said with a smile.

Qiu Yunshui shook her head and said calmly: "No need, I'll leave after just three words."

Chen Qingyan's smile remained simple, he raised his hand and said: "Elder Qiu, please speak."

 “My master sent news that Qin Yao’s official worshiped Hei Wuchang.”

"Ah?" Chen Qingyan's eyes were filled with surprise: "Didn't I just get promoted to the rank of arrest general some time ago? Why was he promoted again so quickly?"

Qiu Yunshui: "I don't know the specific reason, but my master asked me to tell you something."

 “What words?”

“From now on, when it comes to matters related to Qin Yao, ask him for his own opinions, and do not do anything for him or even force him to do anything.”

 Chen Qingyan's face paused slightly, thoughtfully.

Not long after, Qin Yao returned to the human world from the underworld through the teleportation array. As soon as his eyes adapted to the intensity of the sunlight, the figure of the old master appeared in his vision.

 “Are you waiting for me?”

 Chen Qingyan nodded: "I heard that you were promoted to Hei Wuchang?"

Qin Yao held his forehead and said with a wry smile: "Aren't you going to do something big again?"

 “It depends on your opinion.” Chen Qingyan waved his hand.

 “What do you think?” Qin Yao’s face was full of surprise.

 Before, other matters were easily negotiable, but this kind of matter could not be discussed. Now he has the right to speak?

Chen Qingyan nodded slightly: "You are the party involved. Whether you handle it or not naturally depends on your wishes."

Silently experiencing the changes brought about by his promotion, Qin Yao smiled and said: "There is no need to keep this matter secret, but there is no need for celebrations or anything like that. If I have this skill, I might as well... practice in seclusion."

 Chen Qingyan: "Okay, you have the final say in your affairs."

Qin Yao smiled: "Thank you very much, Master... Then I will leave first."

 “I’ll give it to you.”

 Chen Qingyan also had a smile on his face. In the past, Shi Jian was the frontman of Waimao. He once told Qin Yao that if he wanted to deal with Shi Jian, he must at least replace his position in the sect.

Now, Qin Yao has completed the counterattack in just a few years and reached a height that Shi Jian longed for but could not reach, but he no longer takes it into consideration.

At least, he never heard Qin Yao say anything about retaliating against Shi Jian again, just like the **** who climbed the mountain and no longer looked down at the people struggling in the mud at the bottom of the mountain.

 Ignore is more cruel than indifference...

At this time, Shi Jian was meeting friends.

 My friend is an expert in Tianshi Taoism. He was passing through Maoshan this time and came to Shi Jian to exchange ideas on Taoism.

Not to mention the master and disciple Qin Yao who was cheating, Lightning Running and Thunder Fist Shi Jian is still quite famous in the practice world, and others are willing to communicate with him.

Speaking of this, I have to mention Shi Jian's current embarrassing situation: because Qin Yao's master and apprentice are becoming more and more famous in the spiritual world, their former friends do not know the grudges between them, and their respect for him is therefore The rising tide lifts all boats, leaving him at a loss as to what to do and at the same time unable to refute.

 “Okay, okay…”

 “This is a sign of the rise of Maoshan.”

In the Bagua Palace, Shi Jian and a group of people were sitting opposite each other, chatting about heaven and earth, and suddenly heard a noise, like a surging wave, like a surging river, shaking Maoshan Mountain.

The Taoist who was speaking closed his mouth, listened for a moment, and said with a smile: "It seems that something happy has happened to you in Maoshan."

Shi Jian slowly narrowed his eyes and called, "Boy."

 The boy waiting in front of the Taoist palace opened the door and saluted, chanting the words "Master".

“What happened outside?” Shi Jian asked.

The boy lowered his eyes slightly to prevent others from seeing the expression on his face, and said softly: "I heard that senior brother Qin Yao has been promoted to the position of impermanence..."

As Shi Jian's boy, how could he not know the grudge between his master and his master and his disciple?

 It's just that besides Master, there are outsiders here, so it's inappropriate for me to show any emotions.

"How is that possible?" Shi Jian was stunned and muttered to himself.

He remembered very clearly that it had only been less than a month since Qin Yao took up his post to arrest the general. How could he be promoted to impermanence so quickly?

Where did this guy come from so much charisma?

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist." A flash of envy flashed in the eyes of the Master of Tianshi Dao, and then he straightened his clothes and saluted Shi Jian.

 Obviously, he didn't know about the grudge between Shi Jian and Uncle Jiu.

Shi Jian's cheek twitched, and for a moment he didn't know how to reply.

 Family scandals should not be made public.

 The conflict between him and Lin Jiu has not been spread, so the other party's congratulations can be said to be reasonable.

  However, this is not what he wants.

"What's wrong, fellow Taoist? Someone from Maoshan has been promoted to Impermanence. Aren't you happy?" Seeing his gloomy face, the Taoist from Tianshi Tao said in surprise.

Shi Jian shook his head, feeling like a needle was buried in his heart, but forced a smile on his face: "No, no, I am happy, very happy..."

It feels like the hope of revenge is getting slimmer and slimmer, and there is not even a chance of a fight to the death.

 A few days later.

 Yizhuang, practice room.

Uncle Jiu and Qin Yao were sitting opposite each other. Green smoke was rising from the incense burner in the room, turning into a soothing aroma in the air.

"In this reincarnation, I no longer have the ability to choose the world, so I am not sure what world our master and apprentice will be transported to. I hope you will be mentally prepared in advance." Before his consciousness sank into the fantasy house, Qin Yao said in advance Uncle Jiu was given a shot of vaccination.

Uncle Jiu nodded: "It doesn't matter to me. As long as there is virtue to be gained, I can tolerate no matter how deformed the world is."

Qin Yao laughed dumbly, and soon his consciousness sank into the fantasy house, and he said: "System, let's start, random transmission."

 (End of this chapter)

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