I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 769: Uncle Jiu’s shock

Chapter 769 Uncle Jiu’s shock

"Hit the snake seven inches." Qin Yao said without hesitation: "Same as last time, first find the destined protagonist in this world. After finding him, form a protagonist group, so that you will not miss various opportunities, and will not Waste time in this world.”

“The destiny protagonist of the previous world was Fa Hai. Who is the destiny protagonist of this world?” Uncle Jiu asked.

 “Di Mingqi.”

 Chin Yao responded.

"Di Mingqi..." Uncle Jiu racked his brains and couldn't find this name among the historical figures he was familiar with, so he asked, "Is he very powerful?"

Qin Yao shook his head: "If nothing else happens, his current identity should be a spy in the Xishu Military Camp."

Uncle Jiu: “…”


 He understands.

This Di Mingqi should be a template for mortals to counterattack by cultivating immortals...


In today's world, the Five Husbands are in chaos, and eleven countries stand side by side. Countries attack each other, and wars, or even chaos, permeate the entire land of China.

The two masters and disciples asked questions as they walked through the land burned by the flames of war. At first, when encountering such human tragedies, Uncle Jiu would try to help as much as possible, but later he discovered that even if he was a god, he would not be able to save so many suffering people.

 Compared with the **** on earth in front of us, the social environment of the Republic of China can be called a peaceful and prosperous age.

 One day.

 At dusk.

 The setting sun is like blood.

Corpses littered the fields, and in the mountains where the earth was stained with blood, a tall figure wearing a black robe and holding a black flag slowly walked among the corpses. Wherever he passed, the remaining souls and energy in the corpses would be destroyed. The black banner pulled away and disappeared into the banner with the portrait of the evil god.

Subsequently, the corpse that has lost its soul and energy will wither like a flower and turn into a skin and bones, which is horrifying.

 It is said that evildoers emerge from troubled times. The current social environment is simply a grand event for evil cultivators. No, it should be said to be a carnival.

  After all, it is only in times of peace that human life matters. In times of war and chaos, human life is nothing.

It is worthless!

"They are dead, and their bodies no longer belong to them. If you take the essence of flesh and blood in their bodies, you will take them. Why take their souls and deny them the opportunity to reincarnate?" As he walked, Black Suddenly, two uninvited guests appeared in front of the man.

 “If you meddle in other people’s business, you will die.”

The man in black robe held the evil god's black flag with one hand, as if holding a spear, and looked at the little old man who spoke with evil eyes.

Under his gaze, the little old man pulled out a mahogany sword: "I don't think things involving thousands of souls are trivial... Tell me honestly, why did you extract so many souls?"

 He is a reasonable person after all and is willing to give the other party a chance to defend himself.

If this person is threatened by the evil god, or has something to hide, he doesn't mind giving the other person a chance, and even helps him change his ways.

 “What is for what?”

The man in black robe sneered and waved the magic flag. The place where the flag passed was suddenly filled with evil energy. It seemed as if there were thousands of resentful souls wailing: "Inexplicable guy, get out of here and don't bother me here."

When it came to this, Uncle Jiu was speechless. He turned to Qin Yao and said, "Let's do it."

The man in black robes had a sneer on his face, and before Qin Yao could take action, he shook the magic flag violently, and black smoke roared and turned into countless skulls, rushing towards the master and apprentice.     “Yes, Master.”

 Qin Yao turned a blind eye to the roaring skull. He reached into his arms with his right hand, took out a short blade with a sealed edge, unsealed it and threw it forward.


During the flight, the short blade suddenly turned into a huge monster with a snake body and nine heads, shattering all the roaring skulls with its body.

Immediately under the horrified gaze of the black-robed man, a snake head suddenly swooped down and swallowed the man and the flag into his belly.


 After a moment, Xiang Liu lowered his head and spit out a black flag. The black flag turned into a faint light, and the entire flag pole was inserted into the earth.

"What kind of world is this? Even the air contains spiritual energy!" Looking around and breathing silently, Xiang Liu was shocked in his heart.

What it didn’t know was that just as it shocked the world with its spiritual energy concentration, Uncle Jiu was also shocked by its strength. He looked at Qin Yao with a complex expression and said through the secret: “Is this the powerful magic weapon you are talking about?”

At that time, when Qin Yao told him about his gains in the last reincarnation, he thought that the other party had only obtained another divine weapon at the level of the Yanyue Sword. But now he looked at the huge demon in front of him and recalled the terrifying He was completely confused about his fighting power.


 Do you think this thing is called a magic weapon?

"There are no outsiders here. Master, just say what you say." Qin Yao said with a smile, then raised his hand and pointed at Xiang Liu: "Don't you think it is strong enough?"

Seeing that Xiang Liu's nine heads and eighteen eyes all turned towards him, Uncle Jiu suddenly felt a chill in his heart and said quickly: "I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

Qin Yao couldn't help laughing and stretched out his right hand towards Xiang Liu.

Xiang Liu transformed into a seven-inch long three-pointed two-edged sword, which fell into the palm of his hand.

 “Almost mythical.”

Uncle Jiu sighed with emotion, and then a trace of confusion appeared on his eyebrows: "With your current strength, it may be difficult to defeat the opponent head-on, right?"

Qin Yao nodded: "Yes, in a fair and just fight, I will never be your opponent. Being able to defeat it is entirely because of someone else's glory."

Uncle Jiu was stunned, but did not continue to ask: "Everyone can do it if they work hard, but luck is something that no one can control. No matter who has the credit, to have such a powerful spiritual beast is yours." luck."

Qin Yao chuckled, acquiescing to this statement.

 Is the three hundred years of "Eagle Cooking" experience considered luck?

 In his opinion, it really counts!

Without the Yin Yang Master, the ancestor of Yin Yang Liao, who killed Xiang Liu's physical body and sealed Xiang Liu's soul, he wouldn't even have a chance to survive the eagle.

 Let's not talk about Xiang Liu in his heyday, let's talk about the miserably sealed Xiang Liu Yuanshen. Once he escapes from trouble, he will not be able to deal with it by himself.

 This is his clear understanding of himself!

 More than ten days later.

The two masters and apprentices traveled through mountains and rivers, crossed the wasteland, and finally arrived at the junction of Western Shu and Eastern Shu. On the endless plains, they saw two military camps, one blue and one red, far apart.

"The red ones are the Eastern Shu soldiers, and the blue ones are the Western Shu soldiers. The people we are looking for are among the Western Shu soldiers." Standing at the junction of the two armies, Qin Yao looked to the left, then to the right. Said softly.

Uncle Jiu looked towards the Xishu barracks on the left and asked curiously: "How are you going to appear?"

Qin Yao took out the space bag and cast a spell to summon a heavenly book: "To make it simple, go directly to the leading general of the Western Shu Army and ask him to arrange the two of us into the scout camp to be with Di Mingqi and wait for changes... "

 (End of this chapter)

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