I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 820: Immortal first grows up

Chapter 820 The Immortal Begins to Grow

“Why are you looking at us like this?” Qin Yao suddenly turned to look at Zhao Linger and asked in confusion.

Zhao Ling'er quickly swallowed what was in her mouth and said, "I feel... you are all relaxed."

 Chin Yao: “?”

"Everything is easy?" Lin Qing'er asked curiously.

Ling'er thought about the words in her mind and said: "I feel loneliness in brother Qin's smile, and I feel fatigue in mother's smile. You are all tense. But now, you are all relaxed."

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Lin Qing’er: “…”

How delicate and transparent does one have to be to be able to see through their smiles and sense their emotions?

You must know that neither of them is the kind of shallow people who would write their emotions on their faces.

 The only explanation is: this is not precociousness, but talent.

 An amazing talent.

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Ling'er lowered her eyes and said, "I also want you to feel relaxed, less lonely, and less tired, but I don't know what to do."

 The two of them were stunned.

It turns out that this is the crux of Zhao Ling'er's weird eyes, or rather his weird emotions.

Lin Qing'er stood up and patted her little head gently: "You think too much."

 Ling'er asked cautiously: "Am I wrong?"

Lin Qing'er shook her head: "You are right, kindness is the most noble quality in the world, and love is the most precious emotion in the world.

 You want to heal us, which is a manifestation of kindness and love, so you are right.

 I say you think too much because you are still young and should not think about such complicated things.

 As adults, we have the ability to regulate our emotions, and all scars may be healed inadvertently. "

 Zhao Ling'er seems to understand.

Even though she has an exquisite heart and can discover the true emotions hidden under the mask, she is still too young to understand complex emotions.

Qin Yao looked at Lin Qing'er and murmured: "If you understand the way of heaven and the holy way, if you can understand the emperor's virtues from all directions, you will know how to let everything go naturally..."

Lin Qing'er's eyes flashed with something strange: "Do you also read Zhuangzi?"

Qin Yao shook his head: "I don't read Zhuangzi."

Lin Qing'er was surprised and said: "If you don't read Zhuangzi, how can you know the Dao of Heaven?"

Qin Yao secretly thought: This is your classic line, and it is also the reason why you can die calmly for the love of the world.

It’s just that I can’t say this to her...

"Someone told me. She also said that no matter what happens, she will never give up her love for the world."

"It's so strange..." Lin Qing'er said: "The person you are talking about and I actually have the same mind."

Qin Yao raised his glass to her: "I respect that person, and I respect you too."

Lin Qing'er clinked glasses with him and said with a smile: "Respect your best friend."

 After the two of them drank a jar of wine, the dinner came to an end.

Lin Qing'er took Qin Yao to the guest room, and Aunt Zheng led Zhao Ling'er to clear the dining table.

 In the blink of an eye.

 In front of the wooden door.

 Qin Yao stood on the threshold and said to the young woman who looked like a fairy concubine under the moonlight: "Even if the sword master doesn't come, worshiping the moon is doomed to fail. Don't do anything stupid."

"How could I do something stupid?" Lin Qing'er shook her head.

Qin Yao sighed: "Because the great love of your Nuwa tribe is dedication! Believe me, evil will never defeat good, and there is no need for you to make sacrifices."

Lin Qing'er was stunned: "Do you know the Nuwa tribe very well?"

Qin Yao: "I don't know them very well, but I have heard many stories about them. Since I call you Sister Lin, I don't want to see you do stupid things. For example, you are willing to die for the people of Nanzhao."

Lin Qing'er's heart trembled.

 I feel like the other person has seen through me.

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "It's getting late. Sister Lin, please go back and rest."

Lin Qing'er was silent for a moment and suddenly asked an unrelated question: "What do you want to eat tomorrow morning?"

Qin Yao smiled: "I can do it."

 Lean less.

After closing the door, Qin Yao looked through the wooden door, watched the other person disappear into the corridor, and said to himself: "I walk alone, and no one can accompany me the whole way, but I will also meet many good people and good things on the road, like A beam of light that heals the soul.”

 In an instant, his mind was clear and he no longer felt lonely...

 The next day.

After waking up from sleep, Qin Yao took out the white jade official seal from his hands and called up the recent details:

 Save all the people of Nanzhao and gain 4,800 Yin Virtue points.

 Rescued the Witch Queen Lin Qing'er and gained 800 Yin Virtue points.

Rescued Princess Zhao Ling'er of Nanzhao and gained 1,200 points of Yin De.

Lin Fengjiao transfers five thousand points of Yin De to you.

 Total: 11,800 points.

Your current Yin De balance totals: one hundred and five thousand seven hundred and ten points.

 “It’s so scary.”

Qin Yao was speechless as he watched this line of harvest.

  Not counting the 5,000 points of Yin De transferred by Master, the sum of the above items alone is as high as 6,800 points.

 The problem is that the plot of Fairy Sword has not officially started yet!

This world...is simply amazing.


“Brother Qin, are you awake?”

Later, Zhao Ling'er, who had changed into a white one-piece dress, stopped in front of Qin Yao's room and knocked gently.

“Wake up.” Qin Yao suddenly came to his senses, quickly put away the white jade official seal, stood up and opened the door: “Is something wrong, Ling’er?”

“Mom asked me to call you for breakfast.” Zhao Ling’er grabbed his arm affectionately and led him out.

“What are you going to eat today?” Qin Yao waved his hand with his back to the room, and the bedroom door was immediately closed by a burst of suction.

 “Eat fish.”

Zhao Ling'er licked her lips: "Mom made braised fish, it's delicious."

Hearing what she said, Qin Yao sniffed and smelled an alluring fish scent...

In the blink of an eye, two people, one large and one small, walked into the restaurant together. Lin Qing'er, who was wearing a long red dress, put a bouquet of lotus flowers in the vase in the center of the table. When she came closer, she saw four people lined up on the table. Bowl, the meat porridge in the bowl exudes the faint fragrance of lotus leaves.

 Braised fish.

 Lotus leaf porridge.

White lotus.

 Looks simple but not bland, although there is meat there is no fishy smell.

 Fragrance of fish, porridge, lotus.

 The fragrance enters the heart and spleen.

"These lotus leaves and lotus flowers..." Qin Yao said in surprise.

"I went out to the island to pick them." Lin Qing'er said with a smile.

Qin Yao scratched his head: "Just to make a breakfast?" Lin Qing'er: "My flying speed is okay, no delay or anything."

 Qin Yao was silent.

Is this really the case?

 He felt that this was probably a way for the other party to "repay the favor".


Time is long.

 Qin Yao's life on the island was simple and regular. He had three meals a day, went to bed early and got up early. Apart from often accompanying Ling'er to the sea and practicing with great concentration, he lived like a mortal living in seclusion.

 This period was also Zhao Ling'er's happiest day. Apart from missing her father, it could be said that she was even happier than in the palace.

Someone accompanied her to the nine heavens to catch the moon, to the five oceans to catch turtles, to fly on a broomstick, to ride the waves on a wooden board, to fly kites in the wind and waves, to travel in the deep sea to explore secrets...

 Her laughter is left everywhere in the sky, on the ground, on the water and at the bottom of the sea.

Qin Yao’s shadow filled her entire childhood. At the same time, she watched her grow up and bloom little by little, gradually becoming the ‘celestial being’ in her impression...

 This day.

 Qin Yao was drunk in the peach blossom forest. It was like a dream but not a dream. He saw a girl in a white dress coming through the air. He thought he was on the set...

 “Brother Qin, brother Qin.”

 Zhao Ling'er flew down next to him, with a look of anxiety on his face.

Qin Yao's mysterious power turned around and all the alcohol evaporated in an instant. He stood up and asked, "What's the matter, Ling'er?"

“Trace of the Moon Worshiping Demon was found near Fairy Island. Mother asked me to come find you to discuss matters.” Zhao Linger said briefly.

“It’s almost the same indeed.” Qin Yao said slowly.

 “What?” Zhao Linger looked confused.

“Nothing.” Qin Yao waved his hand, and a piece of flame suddenly flashed around his body. He and the girl disappeared into the depths of the peach forest and appeared in front of the small island wooden house.

"Qin Yao." Seeing them coming, Lin Qing'er immediately took Aunt Zheng to greet them.

“Are you sure he is a demon from the Moon Worship Cult?” Qin Yao asked in a deep voice.

"Confirmed." Lin Qing'er nodded heavily: "Our whereabouts have been exposed."

“Pack your things and leave immediately.” Qin Yao said decisively.

 At the beginning, combined with the strength of their master, disciple, and Jiujianxian, they were unable to defeat the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader and the Water Monster. Now that Uncle Jiu and Jiujianxian are not here, he and Lin Qing'er alone cannot defeat the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader.

"I..." Lin Qing'er subconsciously wanted to say something.

"Do you still remember what I said to you nine years ago?" Qin Yao knew what she wanted to say and interrupted without hesitation: "Evil cannot prevail over good, and the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult will definitely lose. There is no need for you to sacrifice. I think. Xiang Linger, can you bear to see her wandering around the world alone? "

"Mother." Zhao Ling'er held Lin Qing'er's wrist in a tacit understanding.

 “That’s all.”

Lin Qing'er sighed helplessly and said, "Where are we going?"

"As long as everyone is here, what's the point of going?" Qin Yao said without hesitation: "Go and have a roll in the rivers and lakes and see what the rivers and lakes are like. But you two have to work hard. It's best to bring hats and hats. veil."

Lin Qing'er only thought that she was doing this to prevent being discovered by the demons of the Moon Worship Sect. In fact, Qin Yao was just doing it to avoid any **** sexual motives.

Be it Lin Qing'er or Zhao Ling'er, they both have beautiful faces. If they are not kept in good condition, they will cause some trouble because of their faces.

 After half an hour.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, dressed in black robes, came by boat. As soon as his mind moved, his tall body rose into the air and slowly landed on the island. In one step, he arrived in front of the wooden house in an instant...

“It’s too late after all.” Looking at the daffodils in the vase on the table, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Church murmured to himself.

 The next day.

The sky is bright and clear.

 A huge skull cut through the water and waves, and came from the vast ocean to the pier of a small fishing village. Then four figures jumped out from the skull.

"Are you okay?" Qin Yao cast a spell to collect the Bone Heart-locking Hammer, then turned to look at the pale Zhao Ling'er.

 “I’m fine.” Zhao Linger waved her hand and said.

 “Let’s find a place to eat something first.” Qin Yao injected a touch of faith into her, and the girl’s face suddenly became visibly rosy.

A flash of light flashed in Lin Qing'er's eyes, she pointed forward and said, "There is an inn there."

“Let’s go.” Qin Yao waved and led the three girls to the inn. He subconsciously looked up at the name of the inn.

 Clouds come and go…

 It’s quite artistic.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and his body trembled slightly.

 Clouds come and go?

 Li's Inn? !


While he was lost in thought, a round-faced woman wearing a blue scarf, a light gray gown, and a floral apron tied around her waist opened the wooden door. Her eyes suddenly lit up when she saw their figures: "A few of them. Sir, do you want to stay in the hotel?"

Qin Yao suddenly came back to his senses and said: "Eat something first, and then open four rooms."

The round-faced woman smiled happily and bent down in a respectful gesture: "No problem, no problem, please come in. I'll pour you tea first."

The four of them came to the inn and sat down around a square table. The round-faced woman diligently brought tea to them. Then she put her hands on her lower abdomen and said with a smile: "Guys, please wait a moment. I'll go and serve them right away." You are preparing meals, do you have any requirements?”

 “Something lighter.” Qin Yao said.

"Yes Yes."

As the round-faced woman spoke, she slowly backed away, then ran up to the second floor, picked up the fan hanging on the wall, and hit the waiter on the bed in the head.


The waiter in the shop was awakened from his dream by her fan. His whole body was agitated, and he subconsciously turned around and kicked the opponent. However, the woman grabbed his Achilles tendon and pulled him off the bed.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts..." The waiter said loudly with one leg on the bed and one leg under the bed.

The woman snorted coldly and pulled him off the bed: "If you are still sleeping when the customers are here, our shop will have to let you go to bed sooner or later.

 Hurry up and buy some, come early, get good ones, don’t worry about the price. These few people who came here seemed to be rich or noble at first sight. As long as they were fed well, all their capital and profits would be taken back. "

 The waiter quickly put on his coat and hat: "Should we jump out of the window?"

"Nonsense, let them watch you coming in and out to buy breakfast. At most, you can earn some errand fees. How can you kill them?"

"Okay, okay, I'll go down right away." The waiter said, turned around and jumped out of the second floor window. His feet used a tent below to gain strength, and then he jumped onto the street.

The round-faced woman took a breath silently, with a smile on her face again. She turned around and walked down the second floor. She said to a lonely guest: "The four guests have already ordered the people below to cook. How about I Will I take you to see the room first?"

 “There’s no need to look, everyone has to go to bed.” Qin Yao said.

The round-faced woman blinked and rolled her eyes slightly: "Ah, unfortunately, we have a tight supply of upper rooms here, and there are currently no rooms left."

 Chin Yao was speechless.

 At first, it was funny to watch her "killing" people in the TV series, but when she actually "killed" herself, I also found it funny.

  It’s just that the point of laughter is different.

 Let me tell you one thing, my acting skills are too poor.

"Okay, stop acting. There is no one upstairs or downstairs in your shop, and those rooms have been rented to ghosts? If you keep playing tricks, we will leave now." Qin Yao said lightly.

The aunt's face changed slightly, and then she said with a dry smile: "You misunderstood, even though there is no one here now, the rooms are actually booked out. Of course, I see that you sincerely want to stay, so I gave up four rooms. It’s not impossible for you to come out.”

"The food is here, the food is here." At this time, the waiter with a naive look ran over with two wooden boxes and gently placed them on the table: "Crystal shrimp dumplings, golden pumpkin porridge, four people Please enjoy."


Lin Qing'er thanked her softly, and then said to Zhao Ling'er: "It's time to eat, take off your hat."

 Zhao Ling'er nodded slightly and took off the bamboo hat on his head together with her, revealing her stunning face like a fairy...

 (End of this chapter)

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