I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 831: I wish you all the best wishes

Chapter 831 I wish you all my best wishes


Qin Mansion, in the courtyard, Ling'er stared at the two palms that were tightly held together.

Opposite him, Li Xiaoyao subconsciously wanted to take out his palm, but Lin Yueru clenched it tighter and said loudly: "We are together."

Ling'er laughed and congratulated sincerely: "Congratulations, congratulations..."

The smile on Lin Yueru's face quickly widened, she leaned over and said, "Thank you."

Ling'er waved her hand and looked at Li Xiaoyao: "Little brother, no matter how you were in the past, you must treat Miss Yueru well in the future. Brother Qin and I will keep an eye on you."

Lin Yueru was deeply moved, and took the initiative to let go of Li Xiaoyao, stepped forward to hold Ling'er's hands, and thanked him again: "Thank you, Ling'er."

Ling'er raised her eyes and smiled, innocently: "There is no need to thank you repeatedly, we are friends, and this is what friends should do."

Lin Yueru nodded heavily: "It is Xiaoyao and I's lucky to know you."

In the center of the courtyard, in the pavilion, Qin Yao held the Book of Heaven in his hand, watching the scene quietly, and said to himself: "In this life, enjoy your happiness..."

In a world without his intervention, Lin Yueru was deeply in love with Li Xiaoyao, but she could never fall in love, which made her heartbroken and heartbroken.

 In the end, in order to fulfill Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er, he was even more willing to sacrifice his life.

This is an extremely infatuated woman. Judging from the performance in the play, her love for Li Xiaoyao is not only no less than that of Zhao Ling'er, it is even more intense and unforgettable.

 I only hope that the two of them will be fine in the future. Li Xiaoyao can change Lin Yueru's gangster habits, and Lin Yueru can change Li Xiaoyao's unruly temper...

 Best wishes to you.

 Live up to the deep feeling.

 In the blink of an eye, three days later.

 In the early morning, the golden crow rises, and the bright sunshine falls on the earth, shining into the bedroom, waking up the beautiful girl lying on the bed.

The girl slowly opened her eyes and stretched her waist. As she was slowly waking up her body, she suddenly felt her arms itching. She subconsciously scratched her twice, but it seemed to be on the scales.

With a thump in her heart, she hurriedly raised her arms, only to see a glistening white light emitting from her wrists. Under the white light, there were pieces of jade-white scales on her skin.


Next room.

After hearing Ling'er's scream, Qin Yao instantly escaped and appeared in the middle of the room.

Looking up, he saw a girl in white pajamas with a frightened face, and the scales on her arms spread rapidly like a curse.

 “Brother Qin.”

After seeing Qin Yao, Zhao Ling'er's panicked heart suddenly found support. She jumped up from the bed and flew into his arms. Her petite body was trembling constantly, and she was obviously in shock.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's okay." Qin Yao raised his hand, patted the girl's thin back, and said warmly.

With his constant comfort, Zhao Ling'er's panic gradually calmed down. She slowly took two steps back and raised her elbows: "Brother Qin, am I sick?"

 Qin Yao shook his head and reached out to touch her little head: "No, you are returning to your ancestors, or you are retreating from the world."

 “Return to the ancestors and fade away from the world?” Zhao Ling’er looked stunned.

Qin Yao pulled her to sit down at the table, smiled and said, "Didn't your mother tell you about your bloodline?"

 Zhao Ling'er shook her head: "No."

Qin Yao: "You are the descendants of Nuwa, the mother of the earth, and one of the most precious descendants of gods in the world. Therefore, when you were young, you were able to enter and exit the sea at will, and there was no hindrance to your practice of magic.

In the legend, Nuwa is a human with a snake's tail, and the scales on your arms are snake scales. I think it won't take long for you to transform into a human with a snake's tail. "


 Zhao Ling'er exclaimed, imagining the image of herself with a human body and a snake's tail in her mind, and immediately shook her head: "No... Ling'er still has to get married."

She doesn't care about her divine status, but she is worried that her monster appearance will affect her happiness.

Qin Yao laughed and said: "When you become successful in cultivation, you can freely switch between the snake tail and the legs. Your mother is also from the Nuwa tribe. How many times have you seen her reveal her snake tail?"

After he said this, Zhao Ling'er immediately got out of the horns, smiled sheepishly, and a layer of blush spread on her face.

Looking at the beautiful immortal's shyness, Qin Yao felt itchy in his heart. Fortunately, it didn't show up on his face at all, and he maintained his dignity: "Let's go and practice in the courtyard."

Zhao Ling'er nodded slightly, thought for a moment, and then took the initiative to take Qin Yao's hand and curled the corners of his mouth.


More than two hours later, Qin Yao and Zhao Ling'er were practicing as usual in the pavilion. A bright red figure suddenly fell from the sky and landed outside the pavilion. He shouted with joy on his face.

"Who are you?" Ling'er felt that this person looked familiar inexplicably, but she couldn't remember where she had seen him before.

"Princess, I am Anu! Your best friend Anu." The person raised his right hand, spread his fingers, and his ring finger trembled rapidly.

Without any warning, the ring finger of Zhao Ling'er's right hand began to tremble.

 “It’s a thread…Anu!” Ling’er stood up in surprise.

"It's me, princess." Anu flew over and hugged Ling'er's slender waist tightly: "I finally found you."

Ling'er reached out and stroked her back gently, asking softly: "Why are you here?"

"It was the leader who asked me to come." Anu let go of Ling'er's fragrant body and said, "He said that His Majesty misses you and the Witch Queen very much and is always looking forward to your return, so he asked me to come and find you." you."

Ling'er's face froze, and she subconsciously took two steps back to distance herself from him: "Anu, don't you know about the palace coup more than ten years ago?"

 “What coup?” Anu asked in surprise.

"There is no time to explain, we must leave immediately." Qin Yao said, pointing at Anu: "You can't follow us."

 Anu: “???”

“It’s impossible for the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult to follow her all the time. He can’t come so fast.”

Zhao Ling'er said something to Qin Yao, and then looked at Anu: "More than ten years ago, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult launched a palace coup, stole the imperial power through the coup, and turned my father into a puppet.

 My mother and I were able to escape thanks to Brother Qin’s rescue. Now that the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult has asked you to come to us, he must have done some tricks on you. He has most likely already learned our location. "

 “How is that possible?” Anu said in shock.

Qin Yao took a deep breath and said: "Ling'er, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult is a heavenly master and the closest thing to an immortal. If you don't leave, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Zhao Ling'er nodded and patted Anu on the shoulder: "You can ask my father for confirmation when you go back. I won't lie to you. That's it, I'll leave first..."


Just as he was talking, the red sword held by Anuti in the palm of his hand suddenly let out a clear sound, flew out on its own, and pierced Zhao Ling'er's eyebrows.

At the critical moment, Qin Yao only had time to raise his hand to hold the sword blade, and grabbed the trembling flying sword with his palm. The next moment, he threw it directly towards the door wall.

The flying sword instantly broke through the wall under his mana. However, the flying sword's own spiritual power quickly wiped out the mana and turned around and flew back.

  唰. Qin Yao took Zhao Ling'er's hand and quickly performed the air escape technique.

As a piece of flame appeared from the ground, the two people disappeared in the courtyard in an instant.


The red sword that flew back wiped Anu's cheek and fell to the ground. The tip of the sword was inserted diagonally into the soil, but it seemed to be deeply pierced into Anu's heart...

 All this changed so quickly that it was difficult for her to accept it without being mentally prepared.

 It's just that in this situation, no one can give her comfort and guidance, and she can only bear all the psychological debts alone!

at the same time.

 Linjiabao sub-rudder.

When the dazzling white flames sent out two figures, the two disciples guarding the gate were stunned on the spot.

They have seen many visitors of all kinds, but this is the first time they have seen this kind of visitor.

 “Is Li Xiaoyao in the house?”

Qin Yao asked bluntly.

 “Here.” One of the guards said subconsciously.

 “Take me to him immediately.” Qin Yao ordered.

The two guards looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know how to answer.

 Qin Yao frowned, not in the mood to talk nonsense with them here. He released his spiritual sense to detect the entire sub-rudder. After finding Li Xiaoyao's position, he immediately took Ling'er and escaped into the air.

The two guards guarding the helm were dumbfounded, and their brains went into shutdown at the same time.

"I remember when I was in a small fishing village, I was a flower in the village..." In the wooden pavilion in the garden of Linjiabao, Li Xiaoyao stood with one foot on a wooden chair and boasted loudly to the two people in front of him.

“Mr. Li, a flower seems to be used to describe a woman.” In front of him to the right, Liu Jinyuan, the new champion in the subject, said softly.

 “Who stipulated it?” Li Xiaoyao asked.

 Liu Jinyuan: “…”

This question really stumped him.

"Xiaoyao." Qin Yao took Zhao Ling'er and escaped into the air, shouting towards the pavilion.

“Taoist Master Qin, Miss Linger, why are you here?” Li Xiaoyao quickly put his feet down from the chair and greeted.

"Taoist Master Qin, Ling'er." Lin Yueru stood up and saluted.

Seeing that she was getting up, Liu Jinyuan had no choice but to stand up and raised his eyes to look at the person. When he saw Zhao Ling'er's face clearly, his heart seemed to have been hit hard by something.

 In this world, is there such a beautiful person? !

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "Xiaoyao, we are going to set off again."

 “Is it so sudden?” Li Xiaoyao asked in shock.

Qin Yao shook his head: "It's not sudden at all, but a necessity. As long as you stay with us, this is the first time, but not the last. The more times you do it, the more you will get used to it, until we eliminate the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult. ”

Li Xiaoyao suddenly looked at Lin Yueru and asked solemnly: "Are you willing to follow me?"

 “Where are you going?” Lin Yueru looked directly into his eyes with a calm and fearless expression.

 “My home is all over the world, and I wander around the world.” Li Xiaoyao said.

Lin Yueru: "Give me half a stick of incense and I'll pack my luggage. You don't have to take anything else with you when you go out, but you must not take less money."

"Don't you think about it?" Li Xiaoyao grabbed her wrist and asked hesitantly.

Lin Yueru smiled heartily: "If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog. What's there to think about?"

Li Xiaoyao's heart trembled and he was deeply moved, but he said: "Who said I want to marry you?"

“Don’t you dare to marry me?” Lin Yueru snorted coldly, raised her right hand and made a cross-cutting gesture towards Li Xiaoyao’s crotch: “When the time comes, I will send you to the palace to serve the emperor.”

Speaking, she hurriedly stood up and used Qing Kung Fu to fly towards her boudoir.

Liu Jinyuan stared blankly at her back. After she disappeared, he suddenly came back to his senses. He raised his eyes and looked at the two people outside the pavilion. He cupped his hands and said, "Two masters, can I follow you to explore the world?"

"If I remember correctly, you are the new champion of the current dynasty. Do you have time to travel around the world?" Qin Yao asked doubtfully.

 This was also the plot that he couldn't understand the most when he read the original work.

“There is still two to three months.” Liu Jinyuan explained.

Seeing that Lin Yueru would not be back for a while, Qin Yao hesitated and persuaded softly: "Knowing everything in the world is knowledge, and being knowledgeable is writing. Mr. Liu can be the top scholar in high school. He can obviously do these two things. Why can't he still see it?" Open it?”

He said he couldn't look away, but Liu Jinyuan himself understood that the other party was trying to persuade him to let go.

“After all, I have to say goodbye properly, not to my cousin Yueru, but to myself.”

Qin Yao understood it now.

He is not only reluctant to let go of Lin Yueru, but also his past as a "Qingmei".

Qingmei is defeated by the sky, this kind of exit is the most painful, and it doesn't even have the right to regret!

"In that case, you can follow if you want." Qin Yao understood Liu Jinyuan, so he paid off his advice.

 In that ordinary time that he had no system and had never traveled through, how could he not have love?

 “Thank you very much.” Liu Jinyuan said with some emotion.

 In fact, his request was somewhat rude, but fortunately the other party understood it.

Qin Yao waved his hand and turned to look at Zhao Ling'er: "Can your string of ties be lifted? The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult will not let Anu off easily. If this thing is not lifted, there will be great hidden dangers."


Zhao Ling'er nodded slightly, and swept the ring finger of her right hand with a flash of spiritual light in her left hand. A red rope suddenly appeared at the base of her finger. With a gentle pull, the red rope was immediately pulled off.

After a while, Lin Yueru came over carrying a package, and everyone started on their way.

"Xiaoyao, come and lead the way." After leaving Jinling City, Qin Yao said with a smile as he looked at the roads extending in all directions.

 Because of his arrival, the plot has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Taking Ling'er's discovery of her own snake scales as the time point, in the original work, Ling'er took the initiative to escape, and Li Xiaoyao took Yueru and Jin Yuan to pursue her traces.

  It is said that they are pursuing, but in fact they have no direction, no location, and no basis. They are completely relying on random information to move forward.

 Sometimes there is no information about catching the wind and shadow, and it is just a matter of where you go, and you gain a lot of opportunities from this.

It is this opportunity that Qin Yao wants to take advantage of...

 There is one thing to say, Li Xiaoyao's growth trajectory is really unbelievable.

Let’s not talk about others, let’s talk about Qin Yao himself. He needs golden fingers and support. In this case, he has gone through dozens of dungeons to get to where he is today. He is still unable to compete with the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult. catch.

 And what about Li Xiaoyao?

Talking about love along the way, I have been able to kill the leader for a few years.

 (End of this chapter)

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