I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 836: The sword master is here in person

Chapter 836 The Sword Master Arrives in Person

"What do you want to say to me?" Shi Gonghu asked in confusion after he left the crowd far away.

Qin Yao suddenly stopped and looked up at the other person's face: "The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was once your adopted son, right?"

 “I don’t have this adopted son!” Shi Gonghu said coldly.

Qin Yao waved his hand: "Don't get excited. I am discussing with you matters about the life and death of Nanzhao Kingdom. I hope you can be more serious and answer truthfully."

Shi Gonghu suddenly fell silent.

If Qin Yao had not shown the strength to crush him, he would certainly not have considered the matter necessary to discuss.

 What qualifications does an outsider have to discuss the life and death of Nanzhao?

But the reality is not what it would be like. In reality, the other party has just defeated itself in a crushing manner. Once this kind of combat power completely breaks out, as long as the entry point is found correctly, it can really determine the survival of a country!

For the sake of Nanzhao, he did not dare and could not despise the other party's request.

"Yes, he was once my adopted son." After a long time, Shi Gonghu breathed out softly and said seriously and sincerely: "His real name is Shi Jieren, and I gave him this name."

Qin Yao nodded slightly: "Excuse me, how did your father and son fall out?"

"He was so ruthless. When he was a boy, he was murderous and his hands were bloody. I tried to teach him, but I didn't expect that as time went by, he gradually became more vicious and sinister. Later, he founded the Moon Worship Sect. , proclaimed himself the leader of the church, and did evil things to confuse the people, I will no longer recognize him," Shi Gonghu said.

“Who did he kill at that time?” Qin Yao asked.

 “Some people who have gone astray.”

 “What does it mean to be a person who goes astray?”

Shi Gonghu’s expression paused and he said: “He joined the army when he was young and killed many soldiers in the army camp. They were not enemies, but soldiers in his own army camp.

Some of these people are afraid of fighting, some like to commit adultery, some abandon their wives and children, and some seize people's property.

 He couldn't stand it, so he simply killed them all. This was the trigger for us to turn against each other. Being jealous of evil is not a bad thing, but not everything can be solved by killing. "

Qin Yao thought for a moment and said, "So since then, you have been more and more strict with him, right?"


 “Hit or scold?”

 “That’s right.”

Qin Yao sighed: "Elder Shi, have you ever thought that there is something wrong with this approach?"

 Shi Gonghu responded silently.

How could you not have thought about it?

He has thought about it more than once, if he had changed his approach, would the outcome have been different?

It was also because of this thought that he felt a sense of indebtedness to Shi Jieren deep down in his heart. This sense of indebtedness was the key to why he later had no face to face Shi Jieren.

 “Go find Shi Jieren.”

Qin Yao sincerely suggested: "Let him feel love, warmth, and even family affection. A lunatic without emotions is the most terrifying thing. When he has feelings, he has weaknesses and weaknesses. The most important thing is to buy us time, contain his energy, and not give him a chance to cause trouble. "

Reality is not a game, there is no chance to save and restart.

There is no news from the Witch Queen and Jiujianxian yet, and he and Li Xiaoyao are busy leveling up.

If the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult pursues their traces without distraction, no one can tell when the other party will suddenly appear in front of them in the future, forcibly bringing this leveling journey to an end.

 Hence, being able to contain the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult must be the key to defeating him in the future.

Looking at the entire Nanzhao Kingdom, there is only one person with this qualification and ability, and this person is Elder Shi in front of him.

The holy aunt of Nanzhao Kingdom and Nanman's mother, the female general of Nanzhao Kingdom, are both one level worse. They can only bring some minor troubles to Baiyue, but they cannot affect his mind.

"I need to think about it carefully." After thinking for a long time, Shi Gonghu said expressionlessly.

"Of course." Qin Yao said: "After all, on the surface, this requires you to bow to the worship of the moon and admit that your past persistence was wrong. It would not be too easy for anyone to make a decision."

 “Let’s go back.” Shi Gonghu nodded slightly.

Having said everything that needed to be said, Qin Yao could not force the other party to agree, so he naturally changed the topic and walked towards the way he came from while talking and laughing...

"Brothers, there is a misunderstanding. This is purely a misunderstanding. We are very familiar with your elder Jiujianxian from Shushan. He can prove that Miss Ling'er is a goddess and not a monster."

Not long after, when the two of them came to the crowd side by side, they saw Li Xiaoyao standing alone in front of Zhao Ling'er and Lin Yueru, facing three young Taoists in white clothes and carrying three-foot green peaks, and said with a smile on his face.

"You are very familiar with Uncle Jiujianxian, are you familiar with me?" The leading Taoist in white sneered, pointing his sword at Ling'er's face: "Speaking of which, is there any goddess with snake scales in the world? The Python Goddess ?"

“Friend, don’t point at others with your sword, it’s very rude.” Qin Yao ducked to his side and reached out to grab the sword that was shining with cold light.

The white-clothed Taoist smiled slightly and looked at Qin Yao, his heart tightening inexplicably: "Who are you?"


Qin Yao shook his wrist and broke the sword with his physical strength. Then he threw half of the sword into the scabbard carried by the Taoist behind his back. He smiled at his pale face and said, "Now I say I am a wine sword." My dear friend, are you willing to believe it?”

The Taoist in white lowered his head and glanced at the half sword in his hand, feeling a chill in his heart: "Xiang, I believe it... Senior, please look at your relationship with Uncle Jiujianxian, please forgive us for our rashness this time."

 Being able to break a hundred-refined stainless steel sword with one hand without any spiritual energy fluctuations was beyond his knowledge, but it also made him understand one thing:

They and their three brothers cannot afford to offend such a strong man!

"Since you have said so, I will not give you face, but I will also give Mo Yixi face." Looking at his arrogant and respectful appearance, Qin Yao smiled in his heart and waved his hand casually: "Go away! Try your best from now on. Don’t appear in front of me, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind.”

The three people bowed and saluted, and then, whether it was a coincidence or whether they were strictly following Qin Yao's instructions, they saw them throw out a magic sword in a burst of running, jumped up, and landed on the magic sword. In front of him, he headed straight towards Qing Ming.

"Aren't you worried?" Lin Yueru looked up at the direction they disappeared and asked softly.

“What should I worry about?” Qin Yao asked.

"Maybe they will go back to bring in reinforcements..." Lin Yueru said without thinking.

Qin Yao smiled and said: "Unless the Shushan Sword Master comes in person, if anyone in Shushan has such a mind, they are the ones who should worry."

 In this story, Shushan Sword Master and Moon Worshiping Cult Master are respectively the top strong men who stand at the pinnacle of good and evil. Being top is not about popularity, but strength.

Qin Yao had a fight with the leader of the Moon Worship Cult, and he was very sure that the other party had the strength of a Heavenly Master.

Then according to the Jiujianxian, the sword master who can beat the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult must be at the level of the Heavenly Master.

Therefore, in terms of strength on paper, looking at the entire Shushan Sect, Qin Yao was only afraid of the Sword Master.

 “What if the Sword Master comes in person?” Lin Yueru asked. Qin Yao glanced at Zhao Ling'er and smiled: "That may not be a bad thing..."

The Sword Master came down to earth to experience and chose the former between Tao and love. Even though he got his wish, how could he not owe Lin Qing'er anything?

 In the original plot, because of this debt, the Sword Master brought Zhao Ling'er to the Demon Locking Tower, not to trap the other party, but just to let her survive the calamity here.

It’s a pity that he was too arrogant, so arrogant that he didn’t bother to explain to anyone. As a result, he was misunderstood by Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru, and he broke through to save Ling’er, which ultimately cost Lin Yueru his life.

Now that Ling'er has his own protection, if the Sword Master still insists on taking Ling'er to the Demon Locking Tower, he must first pass the level of Xiang Liu.

After she passes the test, Ling'er will definitely not sit back and watch the Sword Master kill Xiang Liu, and he can follow her to practice in the Demon Locking Tower.

 If the mountains are not high, there will be immortals and they will be famous; if the water is not deep, if there are dragons, they will be spiritual.

The most extravagant person in this Demon Locking Tower is undoubtedly Jiang Ming, the adopted son of the previous head of Shushan, Jiang Juezhi.

In the plot, if Jiang Ming had not taken the wrong path, could not see through the complex, and turned against Shushan because of a banshee, then the position of head of Shushan would not have passed to the sword master Yin Ruozhuo...

Having said that, it was precisely because Qin Yao could guarantee that he would be the winner no matter what the outcome was that he let the three Shushan disciples go back.

If Zhao Ling'er were not here, these three Shushan disciples would be in trouble, and at the very least their relevant memories would be wiped away.

There is such a spell in the Book of Heaven. Qin Yao, who is holding the Book of Heaven to cast the spell, can't handle it with three ordinary monks with ease...

 More than ten hours later.

The three brothers from the same sect were in a panic and finally rushed to the Shushan sect. In Laojun Temple, they saw their master Yin Ruozhuo paying homage in a uniform manner.

"Get up." Zhuo Ran, a Taoist with a long beard and a smooth forehead, stood in front of the statue of Lao Jun and said calmly, with his white hair combed back.

“Thank you, Master.” The three of them thanked each other in unison, and then stood up in unison. It was obvious that they had done this kind of thing more than once, and they had a perfect tacit understanding.

 “Why do you look so disgraced?” Before they could speak, the Sword Master asked proactively.

“Master, we found a human monster with snake scales on its body.”

 In the room between the three of them, the Taoist priest who led the group spoke again, but he concealed his dispute with Qin Yao and others.

Shushan disciples travel all over the world, and it is normal for them to have disputes with others. But if you only have the ability to cause trouble and have no means to solve it, and you feel trouble and come back to the mountain to ask for help, you will be stabbed in the back once word gets out. .

None of the three of them wanted to take this step and become the laughing stock of Shushan, so they had their own selfish motives and did not reveal much to the sword master until the end.

 In their opinion, as long as the master encounters that monster that is neither human nor snake, there will be no other result except to completely eliminate it!

 “Take me to that person.”

The sword master said suddenly.

The three of them did not see the flash of strange color in his eyes, but when they heard the instruction, their hearts were filled with surprise. They thought that they had gained the attention and care of the master...

Not long after, the sword master stepped on the flying sword and appeared in the clouds outside Yangzhou City with three people. He lowered his head and looked at the official road outside the city, but saw that the sky above the official road was empty. There was not even a wild bird at this moment.

 “She escaped.” The leading disciple said flatly.

The Sword Master was noncommittal and said, "Is there anything in your body that is causally connected to her?"

The leading disciple thought for a moment, took off the sword on his back, and pulled out half of the sword: "One of her guards broke my sword. Does this count as cause and effect?"

 “Forget it.” The sword master beckoned: “Give me the sword.”

The disciple grabbed the sword with both hands, bent over and handed the half-broken sword forward: "Yes, Master."

The sword master reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword. With a thought in his mind, the image of Qin Yao breaking the sword with absolute strength suddenly flashed in front of his eyes. His face was slightly surprised, but he said nothing.

It wasn't until he extracted this piece of cause and effect and used it to determine Qin Yao's location that he waved his hand and said, "Let's go, I know where he is..."

The next moment, the giant sword emitting a faint divine light flew into the sky again, leading the four masters and disciples across the mountains and rivers, and arrived above a sparkling water.

Above the water mooring, a delicate boat continued to divide the water and waves with the support of mana, and sailed into the distance.

The sword master waved his sleeves and controlled the flying sword to gradually land in the low altitude of the water. His eyes were level with the two men and two women in the cabin, and golden light was flowing in his eyes.

“She is the snake demon you call me?”

Silently withdrew his gaze and focused on Zhao Ling'er. The sword master pointed at her and asked the disciples behind him.

 The disciples nodded one after another.

After all, this is something they have seen with their own eyes, and they only believe their own eyes.

The Sword Master sighed and ordered: "From now on, you three can go to the library to read books and meditate. Without my permission, don't come out no matter what happens."

 Three disciples: “???”

 Inside the cabin.

Qin Yao and Zhao Ling'er sensed the energy fluctuations coming from the void one after another. They each stretched out a hand to lift the curtain at a corner of the ship and looked out of the ship.

"Which lineage of Nuwa descendants are you from?" During the inquiry, the sword master revealed the main problem that caused the three disciples to read.

Even the descendants of Nuwa could mistake her for a snake demon. He was not disappointed with these three disciples.

"Who are you?" Zhao Ling'er asked warily, noticing that the other person's eyes were always focused on her face.

Sword Master: "My name is Yin Ruozuo."

"Sword Saint Yin Ruochu of Shushan?" Zhao Ling'er widened his eyes slightly, and then subconsciously looked at Qin Yao opposite him.

 The Sword Master is actually here...

 How should he respond?

"Young lady hasn't answered my question yet." Yin Ruozhuo's eyes were burning, but his voice was still calm: "Which lineage of Nuwa's descendants are you from?"

"What does it mean?"

Zhao Ling'er asked in confusion: "Are there many descendants of Nuwa?"

Yin Ruozhuo's face paused slightly and he said seriously: "You only need to tell me what your mother's name is..."

 (End of this chapter)

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