I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 843: The Great Aspiration of the Moon Worshiping Leader

Chapter 843 The Great Aspiration of the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader

 Three days later.

Qin Yao took Linger Dunkong back to the Qin Mansion in Jinling, only to see Jiu Jianxian and Lin Qing'er sitting under the pavilion in the courtyard, talking about something with Aunt Zheng who was standing in front of them.

The huge golden-winged phoenix is ​​lying on the side of the pavilion, lazily basking in the sun...

 “Mother!” Linger shouted with surprise on her face.

"Ling'er." Lin Qing'er followed the sound and stood up slowly.

Zhao Ling'er flew up, threw herself into Lin Qing'er's arms, and said excitedly: "When did you come here?"

  “It’s been half a month.”

Lin Qing'er patted her back gently, raised her eyes to look at Qin Yao not far away, and greeted with a smile: "Ah Yao."

 “Witch Queen.” Qin Yao said with cupped hands.

Lin Qing'er was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "Why did you call me Sister Lin again today after calling her Sister Lin for so long?"

Qin Yao smiled and pointed at Zhao Ling'er: "Because I'm afraid I will have to call her according to her seniority in the future."

Lin Qing'er took the opportunity to look at the girl in her arms, but saw her Xia Fei's cheeks, lowered eyes and shyness, so beautiful that people dare not blaspheme.

"You have finally reached this point." Lin Qing'er couldn't help but sigh.

 It would be strange if there was no spark between an unparalleled hero and a simple girl. What’s more, she had had this feeling since Qin Yao’s return.

 Hence, she was now expressing pure exclamation rather than amazement.

Zhao Ling'er raised her beautiful eyebrows, hugged Lin Qing'er and smiled: "Brother Qin said that after defeating the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, he will marry me with three letters, six betrothals, and eight sedans."

"What are you so proud of?" Lin Qing'er couldn't see her like this, so she stretched out her hand and pinched her nose.

Zhao Ling'er almost burst into tears when she squeezed her. She backed away quickly, not daring to be arrogant anymore: "By the way, mother, and Senior Jiujianxian, what was the result of your Yuanjiang treasure hunt?"

Hearing her mention this, the two of them looked at each other with complicated expressions.

"Isn't it going well?" Ling'er said carefully.

“It can only be said that if you plant flowers with intention, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows with no intention of doing so, they will create shade.” Jiu Jianxian said leisurely.

 Zhao Ling'er: "?"

Lin Qing'er explained: "Like most of the monks who hunted for treasures in Yuanjiang, we also failed to find Yuanjiang Immortal Mansion, but by chance, we got a formation map from an old ghost. Now, it will no longer be a luxury for the four of us to work together to defeat the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader."

“What formation diagram?” Qin Yao asked curiously.

"Four Elephants God-Slaying Formation." Lin Qing'er took the brocade bag from her waist, took out a piece of ancient-looking kraft paper, and laid it flat on the stone table.

Qin Yao and Ling'er gathered around, lowering their eyes to look at the patterns and written records on the kraft paper. Their spirits quickly merged into a world of formations. They saw the four divine beasts of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu working together to perform a devastating attack. A method that is as devastating as heaven and earth...

"This formation diagram is indeed very powerful." Soon after, Qin Yao took the lead to look away and looked down at the Jiujianxian opposite: "But to be on the safe side, I suggest using a double formation diagram."

 “What double formation diagram?” Jiujianxian asked in surprise.

Qin Yao took out the three-pointed two-edged sword, ordered it to transform into its true form, and then said to Ling'er: "Summon the fire unicorn."

Ling'er nodded, formed a seal with his hands, stretched his arms forward, and pointed toward the ground.

 A steady stream of mana flew out from his fingertips and landed on the ground in front of the pavilion. It gradually outlined lines and finally condensed into a six-star array.


Not long after, the magic circle suddenly spewed out endless light and fire, and a huge unicorn slowly emerged from the fire, causing the golden-winged phoenix that was lazily lying next to the pavilion to suddenly raise its head and then stand up.

“Fire Qilin.” After the flames and the magic circle dispersed, the Jiujianxian muttered.

"Silly bird?" Fire Qilin ignored him and instead looked at the golden-winged phoenix with its head held high.

 “Silly dog.” The golden-winged phoenix was furious and immediately retorted.

 Fire Qilin gritted his teeth and said, "You are the stupid dog, and your whole family is a stupid dog."

The golden-winged phoenix sneered: "Are you right?"

"Okay, don't argue anymore." Lin Qing'er stepped forward and said.

 The two mythical beasts shut their mouths in a dignified manner, but their eyes were still full of anger when they looked at each other.

"Now do you understand what I mean?" Qin Yao stretched out his hand and pointed at the three beasts of Xiangliu, Qilin and Phoenix, and said to the Jiujianxian.

The Wine Sword Immortal pondered for a long time and said: "When I passed by a large swamp with my sword, I saw a thunder bull in the swamp. It should have been born from the essence of thunder and lightning from heaven and earth, and it was transformed into a large swamp by extraordinary fortune. Monster. If you are willing to help me, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Qin Yao smiled and said: "It's good to have a goal...Witch Queen, Ling'er, what do you say?"

 “It’s obligatory.” Ling’er said with a smile.

Lin Qing'er said: "Without further delay, let's set off now."

Then, Qin Yao flew on Xiang Liu, Lin Qing'er flew on the back of Phoenix, Zhao Ling'er sat cross-legged on Qilin, the Wine Sword Fairy flew with his sword, and they all soared into the sky...

 A few days later.

Four people and three beasts descended on the Great Swamp. The purple sacred cow, which was sleeping soundly among the reeds, suddenly woke up and stared at the sky in shock.

 Did it violate the laws of nature?

These guys are obviously here for it.

“Thunder Niu, are you willing to be my mount?” Jiujianxian stepped forward and shouted loudly.

Thunder Niu is unwilling.

 I don’t want to do it from the bottom of my heart.

 Hello, who wants to be a mount?

 But looking at the terrifying entities behind the sword, it didn't even dare to refuse.

 I am afraid that if I refuse, I will be lost...

"You can be my master, as long as you defeat me." Thunder Niu took a deep breath and said with some risk: "Of course, the premise is to fight alone."


The Wine Sword Immortal laughed, and the flying sword under his feet suddenly fell through the air, with a golden arc on the tip of the sword, heading straight towards the Thunder Bull.


Thunder Bull roared into the sky, and a beam of thunder light gathered directly above its head, soaring into the sky, and collided with the giant sword that released the golden sword light.

There was a stalemate between one person and one cow. After a long time, the Jiujianxian realized that he could not win in the competition of mana, so he drew out the second sword behind him with his backhand. Rushing towards Thunder Bull at a high speed.

Lei Niu groaned, and a power grid suddenly appeared around his body. Every time Jiu Jianxian struck, he would be numbed by the electricity. He could only endure the sting and continue to attack.

Relying on the astonishing speed brought by the combination of man and sword, the Jiujianxian poked blood holes one after another on Thunder Niu's body. At the same time, his own hair stood up from the electricity, and his face was blackened.

It can be said that both sides suffer.

"I can't stand it anymore." More and more wounds made Thunder Niu miserable. Finally, it broke out completely. The endless thunder gathered together and turned into a huge thunder sword, which pierced the chest of the Wine Sword Immortal.

The embarrassed Jiujianxian still kept calm at this moment. Facing the huge divine sword that was speeding towards him, his body rose up again incredibly, and his feet landed on the thunder sword with a bang. He endured the feeling of lightning strike, and quickly Move your legs and run along the Thunder Sword towards the Thunder Bull.

Thunder Bull was lying on the ground, having given up struggling.

The blow just now was its final counterattack. If the opponent could really endure the pain of the thunder tempering and gallop in front of it, then it would accept it even if it became a mount.   唰.

 A moment later, the Jiujianxian came from the tip of the Thunder Sword to the tail of the sword, suddenly flew up, and then made a thousand-jin falling method fall down at a high speed, hitting the Thunder Niu heavily.

Thunder Niu's back was hit hard, and he gasped and said: "No fight, no fight, I admit defeat."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

The Wine Sword Immortal was so happy that he laughed wildly. Then he collapsed on the back of the Thunder Bull exhausted. He looked at the three gods and three beasts in the sky and waved his hands vigorously.

Qin Yao, Lin Qing'er, and even Ling'er couldn't help laughing.

No matter how many hardships and setbacks he experienced, he always maintained a pure heart and never got too deep, let alone scheming.

 Perhaps, this is called living a free and easy life.

Four people, four elephant formations, and four divine beasts were gathered together, but both Thunder Bull and Jiujianxian were seriously injured. In addition, it would take a lot of time to familiarize themselves with the formation, so the four people rode the four great beasts back to Jinling Qin Mansion. , the moment it landed, the two people talking in the pavilion were shocked.

When someone holds a magical beast in his hand, I ask you whether you can bear it.

Lin Yueru was okay, but Li Xiaoyao really couldn't stand it, and his envious eyes almost turned red.

People love to pursue things they don’t have or can’t get, but once they get it, after the three minutes of heat is over, it feels like that.

“Taoist Qin, Queen of Witches, Senior Wine and Sword Immortal, Ling’er.” Lin Yueru pulled Li Xiaoyao’s sleeve and led him out to see the ceremony.

"The moon is like a moon, Xiaoyao." Qin Yao greeted with a smile.

“What’s going on with Qilin and Thunder Niu?” Li Xiaoyao asked.

 “You’ve subdued it, what else could it be like?” Jiujianxian turned over and stepped off the Thunder Bull, staggering suddenly, but managed not to fall.

 “Where was it conquered?”

“You want it?” Jiujianxian asked.

Li Xiaoyao nodded heavily: "I used to think flying with a sword was a very cool thing, but now that I see you guys coming on a mythical beast, I suddenly feel that flying a beast is much more comfortable than riding a sword."

“You want to find it yourself.” Jiujianxian waved his hand and said, “Taking a sword depends on your talent, and riding a beast depends on your fate. None of us can help you.”

 “Are you going to Miao territory?” Lin Yueru jumped out of the topic at hand and saw a step further.

Qin Yao: "We have to wait until we have successfully adjusted and have a great chance of winning before we set off. If you don't kill the snake, you will suffer from it, so you can't rush, and you can't rush."

 It was said that there was no need to rush, but no one expected that this running-in would take more than half a year.

If Shi Gonghu hadn't used both reason and reason in Nanzhao to hold back the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, they would never have had the opportunity to concentrate on practicing the formation.

After all, although the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult has gone astray, he is not stupid, and Nanzhao is not his prison.

 In the original work, he came to the Central Plains from Miao territory several times, once almost deposing Anu and Tang Yu, and another time directly forcing Liu Jinyuan's parents to death.

 Hence, Shi Gonghu deserves the most credit for being able to obtain this kind of cultivation environment.

 “The weather is very nice today!”

On this day, the sun was shining brightly. The four people and the four holy beasts dispersed their formation. The Wine Sword Immortal landed on the back of the Thunder Ox, made a tent with his hands, put it on his eyes, and looked at the white clouds in the sky.

“Suitable for traveling.” Qin Yao held the Qing Suo sword in his hand, stood proudly on the head of a snake on Xiang Liu, and said with a smile.

“Then what are you waiting for?” Jiujianxian asked.

Qin Yao paused for a moment and said, "Go back to Jinling and take Xiaoyao and Yueru with you."

“What are you bringing them for?” Jiujianxian asked in surprise.

Qin Yao pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Let them learn and observe."

The Jiujianxian pointed at him and said with a smile: "You have always refused to admit that you are his master, and you have not allowed him to call you master, but you have taught him martial arts and helped him find a wife from a beautiful family. My son, and the Qin family business, I think it was given to him, otherwise why would the servants call him Master? These things are not something that ordinary masters can do. "

Qin Yao shook his head: "He can embark on the path of cultivation without me."

Jiujianxian: "Where are the others?"

 Qin Yao was silent.

what about others?

In the original work, Li Xiaoyao was unable to protect Lin Yueru, causing Lin Yueru to die tragically in the Demon Locking Tower; unable to protect Zhao Ling'er, leading to Zhao Ling'er's tragic death in his arms. In the end, I was left alone, wandering around the world with a child, looking lonely.

There are also Liu Jinyuan, Tang Yu, Anu...

 They are all dead.

 Died cleanly.

After a while, Qin Yao took a deep breath, suppressed the chaotic thoughts that suddenly emerged, and said: "I borrowed his luck to be able to upgrade two levels in a row. Give him a lifetime of happiness, this is what I should do of."

"You borrowed his luck?" Jiu Jianxian laughed dumbly and didn't believe it at all.

This is like an emperor saying that he borrowed money from a beggar and lived a prosperous life.

too exaggerated.

Qin Yao didn't explain anything more, but looked silently in the direction of Jinling: "Let's go, try to settle all the karma with the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult before tonight."

 Two hours later.

 It is noon.

Xiangliu carried Qin Yao, Phoenix carried Lin Qing'er, Qilin carried Zhao Ling'er, Thunder Bull carried Jiujianxian, and Li Xiaoyao carried Lin Yueru with his sword, all descending over the Nanzhao Palace at the same time.

Suddenly, the palace shook. The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, Shi Gonghu, Tang Yu, Anu, and even the Witch King all came out of the palace and looked up at the sky.

"It seems that you feel that you have a chance to win." The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult slowly spread his arms, flew into the sky, and looked at everyone.

Qin Yao asked in a solemn voice: "Does the leader feel loved?"

“Did you ask your adoptive father to come?” asked the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

Qin Yao shook his head and lied: "No, it's because he doesn't want to give up on you."

Baiyue didn't quite believe it and said, "He already gave up on me before. Why is he unwilling to give up?"

"Some loves are precious only after they are lost." Qin Yao said: "He wants to redeem you, but I actually don't want to fight you to the death. As long as you are willing to return to the mountains and forests with him and return to power under the Witch King, then both of us will Everyone is happy.”

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult shook his head and said: "During this period, I have been reflecting day and night on whether I have done anything wrong. Later, I thought that I had indeed done something wrong. I had been immersed in small loves and gave up on big loves. "

Qin Yao's heart sank slightly and asked: "What is your great love?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult smiled slightly and said: "I remember when I was very young, my wish was that everyone would love me, but unfortunately things went against my wishes. Now that I have the ability, I want to hold up an umbrella for the children of the world, so that Everyone has love, everyone loves everyone.”

Qin Yao frowned: "I don't quite understand what you mean."

“To put it simply, if you take away people’s selfishness, I find that the more selfish you are, the harder it is to love others,” Baiyue said.

 Chin Yao: “…”

This guy, who doesn't know whether he should be called a genius or a madman, has obviously gone from one extreme to the other.

 (End of this chapter)

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