I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 845: End of volume (Part 2)

Chapter 845 Ending (Part 2)

 Sincerity is a surefire skill.

 There is no distinction between past and future, no distinction between men and women.

At this moment, Shi Gonghu was very sincere. Seeing that the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was silent, he took out a dagger from his arms and handed it to him: "The root of the mistake is me, how can I let you pay for me? If it's because of me, You are still not satisfied with this world, and you still feel that you want to change the world, even at the cost of your life, then kill me, let yourself go, and let the world go."

 At this point, he turned to look at Qin Yao and others: "Please, if he can be redeemed, then no matter what he has done to me, if he wants to leave, just let him go and don't fight again."

Qin Yao said without hesitation: "Okay!"

The Moon Worshiper in the original work did a lot of bad things, but it would be unfair to use the characters in the original work to define the real people in front of him.

After all, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult in front of them had not yet forced Liu Jinyuan's parents to death, controlled Anu to cut off Tang Yu's arms, killed his biological father Jiu Jianxian, and beat Zhao Ling'er to death.

 “Come on, child.” Shi Gonghu said softly.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was trembling and reached out to catch the dagger.

Shi Gonghu still looked at him sincerely, with guilt and determination to make amends in his eyes.

A ray of light suddenly appeared in the hand of the Moon Worshiping Cult leader, turning the dagger into iron powder and dispersing: "Father, I will go with you."

 “Okay.” Shi Gonghu was overjoyed, and then turned to look at Qin Yao.

 Qin Yao nodded silently.

Shi Gonghu breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and moved forward. Shi Jieren took one last look at Qin Yao and the others, and silently followed his adoptive father's footsteps.

"He's not pretending to surrender, is he?" Li Xiaoyao came to Qin Yao's side with his sword and asked hesitantly.

Qin Yao shook his head: "No, because he has already got what he wants most."

 Shi Jieren was caught in the rain when he was young and knew the coldness and pain of the rain on his body, so he wanted to hold an umbrella for the children of the world and build a utopian world where everyone loves everyone.

 If he is allowed to continue like this, when he finds that no matter how hard he tries, he cannot build a world where everyone loves everyone, he may go the same old way of worshiping the moon in the original work, destroying the current world and creating a new one.

 But they first shattered the Moon Worshiping Leader's illusions with absolute force, forcing him to settle for the next best thing. Secondly, it can be to have someone on your back before dying, so that you will not be lonely on the road to hell, or it can be to leave with Shi Gonghu, so as to repair the relationship between father and son and regain love.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult chose the latter, so he became a Shi Jieren again!

 It doesn’t matter if you don’t get it. If you get it, if you lose it, you may regret it for the rest of your life. If you gain or lose again, it is no longer a matter of regret. Unless you are a heartless person, normal people cannot bear it.

Seven days later, three pairs of lovers, Qin Yao Linger, Xiaoyao Yueru, and Tang Yu Anu, held a wedding ceremony together in Nanzhao Palace.

The Witch King and Witch Queen, Aunt Li Lin Tiannan, Shi Gonghu and Nanman General attended as the parents of the new couple. Liu Jinyuan, Cai Yi, Jiu Jianxian and others attended as friends, and the whole city celebrated.

 In the imperial garden.

Looking at the three newlyweds worshiping heaven and earth, Jiujianxian sat in a corridor with a smile on his face and kept bringing the wine gourd to his mouth.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

After a while, with the sound of slight footsteps, a beautiful woman with fair skin and dignified appearance came behind him.

"Holy Aunt..." Jiujianxian turned around and glanced, his face slightly stiff.

 In front of the other person, he always has a sense of self-defeat as a heartless man.

Saint Aunt stood beside him, quietly watching the three couples at the wedding, and suddenly said: "If we have a child, he should be as old as Anu and the others."

Jiujianxian was a little embarrassed and didn’t know how to answer the question for a moment.

The saintly aunt turned to look at him and asked, "Do you hope to have a child?"

Jiu Jianxian paused for a moment and said, "If it were twenty years ago, I would have said no hope, but at this age, and watching these six lovers finally get married, my mentality has already changed."

The holy aunt was silent for a moment, and suddenly said softly: "You have a child..."

"What?" Jiu Jianxian suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the beautiful woman beside him blankly.

 The next day. As soon as Tang Yu opened the door to his new house, he saw Jiu Jianxian standing outside the door with eyes wide open. He was so frightened that he took a few steps back and almost screamed.

 “Senior, are you okay?”

 “Where is Anu?” Jiujianxian asked with a complex expression.

Tang Yu was speechless, turned around and said, "Anu, Senior Jiujianxian is looking for you."

Anu, who was neatly dressed, came over and asked in surprise: "What's wrong, senior?"

"I suddenly remembered that I haven't given you a wedding gift yet." Jiu Jianxian said.

Anu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "It doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter...take it!" Jiujianxian said, raising his hand and delivering his sword to Anu.

Anu took over the Jiuxian Sword in a daze. Unexpectedly, this was just the beginning. The Jiujian Fairy then took out a bunch of things and stuffed them all into Anu's arms.

 Anu was completely stunned.

 I don’t know what’s wrong with this Xian’er.

"Ms. sir..." In the wedding room next door, Zhao Ling'er, who was as clear as a hibiscus, was wearing a set of white pajamas and bowed to Qin Yao.

 “Madam.” Qin Yao chuckled and returned the favor.

Zhao Ling'er smiled brightly, put on a colorful coat, and took the initiative to hold his hand: "Ms. sir, Ling'er will take you out for a walk."

In the drizzle, the two of them each held an oil-paper umbrella and walked in the picturesque ancient city. At this moment, they also became the scenery.

  【The plot of this reincarnation has ended, do you want to return immediately? 】At this time, a line of subtitles suddenly appeared in Qin Yao's field of vision.

“No.” Qin Yao said secretly.

  One Jiazi later.


Qin Yao was sitting in the pavilion of the Qin Mansion, looking at the setting sun in the sky releasing its brilliance like broken gold, and said softly: "System, return!"

  It's not that he wants to spend more time with Ling'er, but that he is reluctant to part with her as a newlywed.

After all, if he can choose the time period for his return, even if he leaves for countless years and finally chooses to return on the same day after leaving, for Ling'er, he has not left at all...


 A white-golden beam of light fell from the sky, penetrated the stone cover of the pavilion, and drowned his soul.

The next moment, Qin Yao slowly opened his eyes in the practice room of Uncle Jiu’s world...

 “This dream is so long.”

Gently exhaling a breath of turbid air, Qin Yao took out the white jade official seal from his hands and looked up recent yin virtues:

 Kill the Red Ghost King and gain 1,100 Yin Virtue points.

  Kill the Poisonous Lady and gain 840 Yin Virtue points.

 Total: one thousand nine hundred and forty points.

The current total balance of Yin De is: one hundred and eighty thousand four hundred and seventy three points.

“We’re still a little short of reaching two levels in a row…” Qin Yao held the jade seal with one hand, a smile on his face.

 (The fairy sword, the end!)

 (End of this chapter)

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