I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 849: Master Huan Gong

Chapter 849 Protecting Master An Gong

“The real appearance on Zhongnan Mountain is burning incense and praying to come quickly; the heavenly master Zhong Kui is coming, and the divine soldiers are as urgent as the law.”

 Half an hour later.

 In the Hu'an Palace, right in front of the statue.

Wearing a black winged hat, a red wide-sleeved robe, black boots, and red hairpins on his ears, the Golden Dragon Master put his arms on his chest and closed his eyes tightly while mumbling something.

Soon, his body suddenly stiffened, and he suddenly opened his eyes, with clearly visible golden light flowing in his eyes, looking at the statue of the evil **** placed on the bill.

At this moment, he was no longer the Golden Dragon Master, but the incarnation of Zhong Kui in the human world. Seeing the evil god's clone standing in front of him, he immediately became angry and raised his right arm high. His right hand was glowing with golden light and he suddenly slashed it down.


A ray of golden light flew out from under Zhong Kui's sword, streaked through the void, and struck the center of the ghost master's clone sculpture exactly, cutting it in half in an instant, and a faint scream could be heard in the hall.

After cutting open Master Ghost's clone, Zhong Kui suddenly sensed an unusual aura. He suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of the door. He saw a tall and muscular figure standing on the threshold, looking at him with a kind face. .

 “The **** of Hades?”

Zhong Kui said in surprise.

Qin Yao shook his head, raised his hands and said, "Qin Yao, I would like to pay my respects to Lord Zhong Kui."

"No need to be polite... I ask you, if you are not a Yin god, where did you get the godhead of the underworld? And judging from this level, it should be not low!" Zhong Kui looked puzzled.

Qin Yao put down his arms and said sincerely: "This matter is a long story, and it involves a secret that I have. It is difficult to tell me. Please forgive me."

 Zhong Kui's character image in most worlds is positive, upright, kind, intelligent, and perhaps also upright.

Qin Yao didn't dare or didn't want to fool him, so he could only show his sincerity as much as possible, hoping to get the other party's understanding.

Zhong Kui stared at him for a long time, then suddenly asked: "Where does your goodwill towards me come from?"

Qin Yao was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and said, "You are very much like a relative of mine."

Zhong Kui:"?"

 “What relatives?” After a moment, he finally couldn’t hold it back.

 I haven’t met such an interesting person in many years.

 “Like my uncle.” Qin Yao said calmly.

Zhong Kui:"…"

 He really has a sister!

 Besides, Achang and Ahuo were almost scared to death after hearing what Qin Yao said.

This guy is so speechless that he never stops talking.

“Where is your uncle now?” Zhong Kui asked again after a long time.

 Chin Yao: "Yin Si..."

Zhong Kui was curious: "What's your name?"

 Qin Yao opened his mouth and said, "I'm sorry, I can't reveal it."

"You are very interesting." Zhong Kui smiled slightly: "Would you like to be the one with the destiny?"

 If you have destiny, please ask Zhong Kui!

 Qin Yao pondered for a moment and thought about the words: "I don't want it anymore. Listen to Master Jinlong, there is a thin line between destiny and evil. I don't like such an exciting life."

“That’s right, there is no reason to force others to inherit destiny.” Zhong Kui nodded slightly, then laughed three times and left.

Master Jinlong shuddered and suddenly woke up. He turned to look at the ghost master's clone that was cut open on the bill, and looked sideways at his eldest disciple Achang: "There was no accident just now, right?" Achang: "..."

 He didn’t know whether what happened just now was an accident or not!

"What's wrong?" Zhizi Mo Ruofu, looking at Achang's appearance, Master Jinlong knew that something was going on.

“Can you tell me?” Achang asked Qin Yao cautiously.

"Yes." Qin Yao laughed: "It's not a shameful thing, why not?"

 Achang nodded, and then recounted the conversation between Qin Yao and Zhong Kui.

Master Jinlong was confused.

 Seriously doubt whether these three are working together to deceive themselves.

But then I thought about it, even if Taoist Qin had this idea, Achang and Ahuo would not dare to follow him and do something to deceive themselves!

“Fellow Taoist, are you interested in joining me in protecting An Palace?”

After a while, Master Jinlong suddenly came to his senses and asked kindly.

Qin Yao understood his sudden enthusiasm.

  Whether you are a good person or a bad person, it is normal in life to praise the superior and suppress the inferior.

 “What does joining mean?”

Master Jinlong said with a smile: "Just put your name in Hu'an Palace, and share all the income of Hu'an Palace with the three of us, master and disciple.

Of course, if there are any tasks, your participation cannot be missing. "

Qin Yao thought for a while and said: "If you can give me the right to refuse the task, even if I receive less money, I will be willing to put my name here. But if I don't have this right, even if I am given more money, I will Won’t stay here.”

 In order to do things conveniently in this world, he needs a clone that can be used.

 Mage Huan Gong is a good choice!

Hearing this, Master Jinlong said without hesitation: "No problem, the strong should be treated like the strong."

Hu'an Palace in various places has always been the place closest to death, and the Master of Hu'an Palace is also a person who steps at the gate of **** all the year round.

There is a master in the palace who can save lives at critical moments!

"From today on, I will take 60% of all the income in the Hu'an Palace, Taoist Qin will take 30%, and you two will take 10% together." Master Jinlong then said to the two apprentices.

“Yes, Master.” The two disciples said quickly.

As disciples, Jin Long confiscated their tuition fees and even gave them two 10% benefits, which was extremely benevolent and righteous. They could not raise any objections to this.

If you want to make a lot of money, you can only leave this Huan Palace and go to other places where there is no Huan Palace. Start from scratch and build a new Huan Palace bit by bit. In this way, as long as you have real skills, you can There will be no shortage of income.

"Master Qin, you once said that this clone is incomplete. Do you know where the remaining parts are?" After talking about the nominal matter, Master Jinlong turned his head and glanced at the two statues on the table, and asked in a deep voice.

Qin Yao pretended to count his fingers and said slowly: "If nothing else, it is in the hands of a poison master. Unfortunately, I can't calculate his name. I only know that he has a niece named Jiamin. This niece is also He is a person with destiny who is born with yin and yang eyes, but he cannot control his destiny. "

Master Jinlong nodded and said solemnly: "I have a few friends in the police station. I will go to them early tomorrow morning to inquire about the situation. If I can't get any information, please ask them to help keep an eye on it."

Qin Yao: "By the way, if nothing else happens, the girl named Jiamin should be thirteen or fourteen years old now."

In the original work, it has been peaceful for five years since the death of the Golden Dragon Master.

 Five years later, the ghost master came back, targeting Jia Min, who was eighteen or nineteen years old, and laid a huge chess game.

 This is the beginning of all tragedies…

 (End of this chapter)

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