I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 853: Send meat rice dumplings

Chapter 853 Giving Meat Zongzi

 At nightfall.

A-Chang and A-Huo each took a stack of white paper and glued it to the walls, big trees, telephone poles, and even all conspicuous places along the route.

 Sending meat dumplings brings evil spirits, which can hurt people, so the evil spirits team must post notices that state the sacrifices, avoidance of strangers, time and place, and precautions.

For example, if a person who goes out at night encounters a team that brings evil spirits away, he must follow the team to complete the journey, and then go to the temple to offer incense and worship the gods, and ask for talismans to be placed on his body, so that he will not be disturbed by the evil spirits, etc. wait.

 At ten o'clock in the evening, the farewell ceremony officially begins.

Jin Longshi dressed up as Zhong Kui and led the villagers who came from outside and dressed in warrior costumes to push the coffin on the road. The coffin contained not only the body of the deceased, but also the rope that strangled him.

Qin Yao followed the Golden Dragon Master, walking slowly and quietly, waiting for the changes to come.

 The dead poison master and the disappearing portrait all indicate that the ghost master has accumulated enough power in the past five years and is trying to come to the world.

 He is spying on the world in the darkness, and the evil spirit of flesh and rice dumplings is His minions.

 So, it will definitely be rough tonight.

"Stop, stop, hey..." Half an hour later, just halfway through the road leading to the sea, a fat man in a white suit suddenly came over with a group of policemen, blocked in front of the **** team, and said loudly : "I am Island Prosecutor Cai Maida. You are suspected of an illegal transaction. Please follow me back to the police station for investigation."

 “Sir, we are sending evil spirits away.” Achang said.

  "Aren't there many cases where people are actually transporting poison under the pretext of sending evil spirits? I don't believe in other people's weird things like you." Cai Maida said sternly.

Golden Dragon Master frowned, and a trace of panic emerged in his heart.

 Like South Korea, the prosecutor of the island has great power. In the face of this power, it is difficult for the town mayor to use it.

 This is trouble.

"Leave it to me." Qin Yao took out a heavenly book from his hands, held it in his palm, and walked to Cai Maida step by step.

 “What do you want to do?” Looking at the big man who was two feet taller than himself, Cai Maida subconsciously took a step back.

I'm just afraid that this kind of barbarian will be unreasonable and hit him with his fist, no matter how powerful he is, it will be useless.

Qin Yao gently stroked the cover of the Book of Heaven with his right hand, rubbed out a touch of silver light, and flicked it towards the opponent.

Cai Maida saw this silver light and subconsciously wanted to hide, but how could he avoid it? The silver light hit him squarely between his eyebrows, and his eyes suddenly became confused.

“Prosecutor Cai, please accompany us after delivering the rice dumplings and then go to the police station.” Qin Yao said with a smile.

Cai Maida looked at him blankly and nodded numbly: "Okay, okay."

The policemen who followed him were all dumbfounded, looking at Qin Yao with awe and horror in their eyes.

 This method...is too much like sorcery.

“Please tell the police officers behind you, please,” Qin Yao said again.

Cai Maida immediately turned around and shouted loudly: "Everyone spread out and follow us to send the evil spirits away."

 The police were restrained and subconsciously obeyed the order.

Qin Yao turned around and came to the side of the Golden Dragon Master and said calmly: "It's done, let's go."

 Golden Dragon Master: “…”

There is a saying that Taoist Master Qin’s method of controlling others is no less generous than Master Gui.

In the dark corner, a young man with a black aura between his brows watched this scene quietly, with red lights emerging from the eyes of a small evil **** head in his arms.

“There’s someone in front of me.” Zhong Yanhuo suddenly shouted while walking.

Everyone looked around and saw a skinny man kneeling in the middle of the road, which looked extremely strange.

 Achang stepped forward to check the situation, turned back with frightened eyes and said, "Master, it's meat dumplings."

The Golden Dragon Master's heart skipped a beat and he waved his hand: "Bring it here and send it away together." "Don't send it away anymore." The dead man suddenly raised his head and said grimly: "If you continue to move forward, more and more people will die. many."

 Golden Dragon Master; “…”

“Achang.” Qin Yao shouted in a deep voice, “Didn’t you hear your master’s order?”

A Chang woke up from his dream and quickly took out a yellow talisman from his arms and slapped it on Rou Zong's forehead.

When Huang Fu touched his body, the stiff meat dumpling immediately fell to the ground. Achang leaned over to pick up the body and placed it gently on the coffin cart.

 The team continued to move forward, but after walking about 800 meters, another corpse was kneeling in the middle of the road, blowing into everyone's heart like a cold wind.

 The Golden Dragon Master felt the pressure, and even sweat appeared on his face painted with Zhong Kui makeup.

 Others in the team were not much better, most of them were in a panic.

 Except Qin Yao.

"Ah Huo, go and carry the body over and throw it into the car." He said expressionlessly, as if what died in front of him was just an animal, or even an ant.

“Taoist Master Qin, Master Gui is really fierce.” Master Jinlong said softly.

“He killed all his followers, and his followers were either evil people or poison masters. Why are you feeling sorry for him?” Qin Yao asked calmly.

 Golden Dragon Master: “…”

 “I don’t want to follow you anymore, I want to go home.” An external wrestler suddenly said.

Qin Yao suddenly turned to look at him and said coldly: "Okay, Sha will go back with you, but I don't know if you can make it home."

The strong man seemed to be choked, and was speechless immediately.

“Continue on the road.” Qin Yao shouted loudly after Zhong Yanhuo brought the body and threw it on the cart.

 A few minutes later, two bright lights suddenly shot out from the front, causing everyone to subconsciously close their eyes.

 Qin Yao raised his hand and fired two lightsabers of faith. With two loud bangs, the lights suddenly dimmed, and everyone realized that there was a semi-trailer truck in front of them.

 Many people stopped subconsciously.

Because according to today's weird situation, if they go any further, the truck will hit them in an instant.

That's a semi.

What can the mortal body have to contend with?

 Qin Yao raised his eyes and looked into the semi-trailer car, and saw a driver with white eyes holding the steering wheel tightly, frozen in place as if his acupuncture points were tapped.

 “You can’t stop me!”

Qin Yao sneered, pulled out a three-pointed two-edged knife from his ear, and threw it forward in the air.

With a "bang" sound, the long knife turned into a flash of light, the bottom was deeply inserted into the ground, the tip of the knife was upward, and the blade was facing the front of the car.

 Everyone in the team that sent the evil spirits away didn't know why.

Although most people didn't see clearly where he took out such a big thing, how could a long knife stop a semi-attacker?

"Big, big, big, big..." Qin Yao pointed at the blade and said.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the blade of the three-pointed, two-edged sword continued to grow rapidly and became larger. In the blink of an eye, it was higher than the front of the car, and the blade was the same as a pillar.

At this time, Master Gui, who was controlling the driver of the semi, finally realized what he was doing. He quickly turned on the engine and started driving. The front of the car hit the blade, and the entire window shattered. The blade cut through the front of the car and chopped up countless lines. The semi was like an angry dragon. It suddenly became quiet.

 “Continue on the road.” Qin Yao took back his long knife and said coldly.

He has determined this evil, even when **** comes, he will not be able to keep it!

 (End of this chapter)

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