I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 858: System Upgrade

Chapter 858 System Upgrade

 Save the Golden Dragon Master and gain 188 points of Yin De.

Kill the evil **** and ghost master and gain 2,700 points of Yin De.

 Total: two thousand eight hundred and eighty points.

The current total Yin De balance is: one thousand, one thousand, three hundred and sixty-one points.

In the training room of Renjia Town, Qin Yao held the official seal in his palm and looked at the harvest of this reincarnation, his brows gradually furrowed.

 The harvest of more than 2,800 points of moral virtue was considered a good harvest more than 20 years ago, but now, it is somewhat unable to keep up with his pace.

 After deducting the reincarnation cost and time cost, it can only be said that there is a slight surplus.

“Horror films in the context of modern society have too many limitations.” After a while, Qin Yao silently put away his official seal and muttered to himself.

In the Zongxie world, the Ghost Master is only stronger than the Moon Worshiping Leader, but the Zongxie world as a whole is not as good as the Fairy Sword World.

 In the world of fairy swords, he soared from the seventh level of earth master to the ninth level of earth master. What about in the Zongxie world? Except for the ghost master, it is difficult to find other evil gods.

This is probably because as time goes by, the environment becomes closer to the Age of Ending Law. Most of the powerful ghosts and evil gods come from outside the domain. The ghosts and monsters in the domain are nightmare-like existences for mortals, but to him, they are just a ray of light. About the sword.

“System, can we focus on the ancient world in future choices?” After a moment, he asked tentatively.

  【The system does not accept the specified world. 】

Qin Yao shrugged, and just as he was about to stand up, a line of characters suddenly flashed in front of his eyes:

  【The system reserve energy has reached a critical value, triggering upgrade regulations. This upgrade requires 2000 filial piety points. Your current filial piety balance is 1348 points. The balance of filial piety points is insufficient. Please fulfill your filial piety as soon as possible. 】

 Chin Yao: “?”

After being stunned for a while, he gradually came back to his senses and pondered: "Which aspect of optimization is this upgrade mainly about?"

 From the time I got the system to now, the system has been upgraded three times.

The first upgrade was a long, long time ago, not long after he entered the Republic of China. After the upgrade, the fantasy house module appeared in the system.

 In the second upgrade, the system swallowed up the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth, and added a time and space travel module, but there are still restrictions on travel.

 The third upgrade is about the story that Uncle Jiu’s world has exhausted its potential and it is difficult for the Mysterious Gate of Heaven and Earth to attract better ones, thus starting the reincarnation module.

 This is the fourth upgrade, and he is curious about what surprises this upgrade will bring...

  【This upgrade will add a multiverse module. For details, please refer to Marvel's Multiverse. 】

An idea flashed in Qin Yao's mind, and he suddenly remembered the [Comprehensive Shu] world that the system had previously mentioned, that is, the Shushan Comprehensive World.

At that time, he had to pay for the integration of multiple feature films into one universe at his own expense. Now it seems that the world of Shu is just a world in the multiverse module.

This is a route that has already been planned, not the product of a hammer in the east and a stick in the west.

Fantasy House - Time Travel Module - Reincarnation Module - Multiverse Module.

These four upgrades are one level higher than the other, with clear hierarchies. They are obviously programmed under careful arrangements.

“Will the filial piety points be deducted from this upgrade?” Qin Yao asked seriously after a moment.

 Two thousand filial piety points, this is not a small amount of money!

【meeting! The deducted filial piety points will be used for the birth of the multiverse module. 】

Qin Yao's mouth twitched slightly, his illusions completely shattered.

 “Besides, what are the benefits of upgrading?”

If just adding a multiverse module costs 2,000 filial piety points, and there are no other visible benefits, then the upgrade is not an upgrade.

  After all, even if there is no multiverse, it is just a single expansion pack, has he grown up differently?

  【The upgraded system can control the flow rate of time. When using fetters to lead people to reincarnation, the flow rate of time between the two worlds will not be changed. 】

Qin Yao's heart moved: "This means that after upgrading, when I bring my master to reincarnation, it will be the same as my own reincarnation, a dream." [Yes. 】


 After receiving the exact reply from the system, Qin Yao immediately made up his mind.

Even if there is no multiverse module, he will not be stingy with these two thousand filial piety points if it can only solve the problem of time change caused by reincarnation.

 Because if this problem cannot be solved, it will be difficult for Uncle Jiu to help him in the world of reincarnation in the future, and he will basically only have a life of soy sauce.

 The next day.

 Hades, Banking Regulatory Bureau.

 Qin Yao, dressed in a green official robe, sat in front of the service window and asked, "I would like to know, what is Lin Fengjiao's current professional title?"

"Please wait."

The service ghost sitting at the computer desk tapped the keyboard, then raised his head and said: "Lin Fengjiao, Mr. Lin, currently has the title of Hei Wuchang."

Qin Yao flipped his hand and took out the white jade official seal and pushed it in front of the opponent: "Upgrade Bai Wuchang."


The service ghost took the official seal and said: "This transaction charges you 10,000 points of Yin De. Your current balance of Yin De is one thousand three hundred and sixty-one points. Our banking supervisory envoy will be here within three days..."

Qin Yao waited patiently for her to finish speaking, and then took the official seal from the other party: "Thank you very much."

“You’re welcome, is there anything else I can help you with?” the waiter asked politely.

Qin Yao waved his hand: "No more, goodbye."

“Please click on the five-star review here.” The service ghost pointed at a display screen in front of the counter and said.

 Chin Yao: “…”

Shaoqing, after coming out of the Banking Regulatory Bureau, Qin Yao was silent for a moment. After all, he did not return to the world immediately, but fled to Montenegro to avoid the limelight in the Palace of the Saint.

Ever since he started reincarnation with Uncle Jiu, although he didn't stay in the reincarnation for a long time, he has gained a lot with his help, and the accumulated moral virtue has also increased. Otherwise, he wouldn't be in the official position of Hei Wuchang now.

If the banking supervisory envoy arrives at Yizhuang and he is also in Yizhuang, the other party will definitely nag him...

 Three days later.

Qin Yao was reading a book with Xiao Zhuo in his arms in the Holy Maiden Palace, when a line of characters suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.

  【Filial piety moves heaven, and filial piety is commendable. Congratulations on helping Uncle Jiu to be promoted to the position of Bai Wuchang. You will be rewarded with 2,000 filial piety points. Your current filial piety balance is 3,348 points. 】

  【The balance of filial piety points has met the upgrade requirements. Do you want to proceed to the fourth round of upgrades? 】

Qin Yao secretly said: "Upgrade."

  【Upgrade begins...】

This promotion lasted a day and a night. During this process, Qin Yao and Xiao Zhuo worked non-stop and practiced frantically, gradually repairing the soul that had been severely damaged by the ghost master.

 Therefore, after meeting all Sister Zhuo’s needs, I still have the energy to escape into the fantasy house...

“System, let’s talk about the upgraded multiverse.”

  【The upgraded multiverse is not the splicing and fusion of many stories, but includes many story worlds within one universe.

Taking Doctor Strange as an example, if there is no time and space connection between the two worlds, there will be no intersection. However, when matter that can travel through time and space appears, the characters can travel between the two worlds, and even multiple worlds. And this matter-traveling thing is the Mysterious Gate of Heaven and Earth in the system. 】

Qin Yao's expression paused, and he sighed sincerely: "You have played such a big game of chess."

 (End of this chapter)

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