I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 864: Xiahou Swordsman

Chapter 864 Xiahou Swordsman

 In the bedroom.

  Qin Yao was lying on the rocking chair, with his feet placed together on a square stool covered with cotton towels. A pair of cold fingers gently pressed the soles of his feet. Regardless of the technique, the temperature was very comfortable.

Nie Xiaoqian was a young lady from an official family, an embroidery worker, and was proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. After her accidental death, her soul was controlled by her grandmother. She also learned skills such as seducing men and figuring out human nature, but she never pinched anyone's feet, so she always There was no way to start with time, so I had to rub gently and slowly, so the pinching of the feet became more and more like teasing.

Qin Yao's heart was like still water. He slowly closed his eyes and let the female ghost do what he did. His mind gradually relaxed.

 He just wants this feeling, and the skill level of the opponent is actually not that important. After all, no matter how advanced his skills were, it would still be the same if he didn't have any soreness or pain in his feet.

This pinch lasted for half an hour. Seeing that his eyes were still closed, Xiaoqian hesitated to speak, and finally forced herself to calm down and work.

  “That’s it.”

As if he saw her micro-expression, Qin Yao suddenly opened his eyes, took out a scroll from his hands, and handed it to the other party: "Thank you for your hard work today, this is your reward."

Xiaoqian's heart moved, she stood up, took the scroll, and slowly unfolded it.

As expected, this was the picture that stopped me on the street today.

“Does the Taoist Master know the origin of this painting?” Xiaoqian was so moved that the unpleasant feeling of being enslaved disappeared. She held the scroll with both hands and asked with a complex expression.

Qin Yao looked at her slightly cold figure and said, "I would like to hear the details."

"This painting was made by my father. Shortly after the painting was completed, I died of illness. My father buried my ashes under a big tree, and my soul lingered on the tombstone. Before I could say goodbye to him properly, the mountains A group of vicious mountain people jumped out, killed my parents, and took away their gold and silver. This painting was also looted at that time, but for some reason it fell into the hands of the art dealer." Nie Xiaoqian said quietly.

Qin Yao was silent for a moment and asked: "What happened later, did you take revenge?"

Nie Xiaoqian shook her head, with a hint of helplessness in her smile: "That area is the territory of the red-haired ghost Huahua Taisui. All the villagers in the village are followers of Huahua Taisui. There is even an old man who teaches the Dharma through Tai Sui. He is very powerful. I am not him opponent."

"There are such twists and turns." Qin Yao was delighted when he saw Hunter Xin, and said without hesitation: "Tomorrow night, you will take me with you. I will go to meet the pharaoh and Huahua Taisui in this village."

Nie Xiaoqian was stunned and looked at the other party dreamily.

 Ever since her parents left, no one has treated her so well...

"What's wrong with you? Don't you have any hidden secrets?" Seeing her stunned, Qin Yao asked proactively.

Nie Xiaoqian shook her head quickly. In her excitement, she was like a moth that saw the light and jumped towards the opponent. Even though she knew the heat of the flames, she was not afraid.

What she never expected was that Qin Yao dodged away from her embrace, causing her whole body to hit the rocking chair with a bang, breaking the rocking chair into pieces.

 “Do you want to repay kindness with evil?”

Qin Yao appeared in front of her with a three-pointed and two-edged knife in his hand, the tip of the knife pointed at her head.

  Nie Xiaoqian: “…”

The ambiguous and charming atmosphere was completely shattered under the cold blade, and Nie Xiaoqian felt aggrieved and funny at the same time.

“I don’t want to retaliate, but I am so excited and grateful that I want to hug you.”

"Let's find another way to release our emotions in the future." Qin Yao put away the long knife and said calmly.

Nie Xiaoqian twitched the corner of her mouth, lowered her head and responded with a shrug, "Yes."

"Okay, you can go out." Qin Yao waved his hand. "I'll clean up here first before I go out." Xiaoqian stood up straight from the ground and pointed to the fragments of the rocking chair on the ground.

“Ding, ding, ding, ding.”

After a while, a series of sounds of weapons clashing suddenly reached the room from far to near.

Qin Yao came to the window, raised his hand to push open the window, looked up, and saw two figures wielding swords at each other, kicking their legs, and slowly descending from the high altitude to the courtyard.


When approaching the ground, the bearded man among the two suddenly used an iron mountain support and leaned heavily on the opponent's chest. He pushed his body, which was a head higher than his own, into the air and staggered to the ground.

 “Brother Xiahou, I accept the concession.”

His feet landed firmly on the ground. The bearded man did not take advantage of the victory and pursue the victory. Instead, he put away his sword and saluted.

"I accept your mother's permission, you are attacking me sneakily." The Xiahou swordsman stood up with his sword and cursed with an angry expression.

"You are depressed, your anger is raging, your sword moves are chaotic and unorganized, and you rely on your strong internal strength to hold on. Against ordinary second- and third-rate swordsmen, with your profound skills, it is not difficult to defeat them, but in front of me, If you can't regain your composure, you will never be able to defeat me. Don't use sneak attacks as an excuse. If we have a normal confrontation, how can we get a sneak attack?" the bearded man said in a deep voice.

“You wait for me.” Xiahou Swordsman shouted: “Next time I find you, I will be stronger than you.”

“You always say this, but when is it better than me?” The bearded man shook his head.

Xiahou Swordsman snorted coldly and was about to fly away, but unexpectedly a big golden hand suddenly appeared above his head. Shocked, he hurriedly raised his sword and stabbed it. As a result, both the man and the sword were suppressed.

 “Buddhist magical powers…”

The bearded man followed the energy conveyor belt of the Buddha's palm and looked towards a room, only to see a tall, Yuan Ting-like figure standing in front of the window sill. He stretched his palm out of the window and pressed it down gently. He bent Xiahou Swordsman's sword and at the same time made his legs gradually sink into the ground.

 “Stop!” After his waist was bent along with the sword, the Xiahou swordsman shouted in pain.

Qin Yao raised his palm slightly, and the Buddha's hand suppressing the Xiahou swordsman instantly disappeared without a trace.

Xiahou Swordsman was severely framed, his steps staggered, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably.

 “Who are you and what do you want to do?”

 Raised his hand and glanced at the twisted sword, the Xiahou swordsman threw it to the ground and looked at the window sill in horror.

In the twenty years since his debut, he has seen countless martial arts masters, but he has never seen anyone who can express his true energy to such an extent. It is simply unbelievable.

"You two came to my dojo for a fight. You ask me what I want?" Qin Yao asked.

  Xiahou Swordsman: “…”

 “Sorry to bother you.” The bearded man was obviously an honest man. He held the long sword and saluted with cupped fists.

"May I ask to what level you have raised your cultivation level? Could it be that you are an immortal?" Before Qin Yao could reply, Xiahou Swordsman rushed to the window sill after waking up and asked with his head raised.

 As a martial artist, who doesn’t long for the immortal way?

If you can enter Taoism through martial arts, become an immortal and become an ancestor, then you can be comparable to mythology!

 (End of this chapter)

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