I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 88: Uncle Jiu, we support you! (Please subscribe)

Chapter 88 Uncle Jiu, we support you! (Please subscribe)

“Not now, let’s talk about it later.” Shi Jian shook his head and said.

Shi Shaojian looked stunned: "Why not now?"

"Let me ask you a question." Shi Jian said solemnly: "In my Maoshan, if a disciple violates the precepts of Maoshan, who will deal with it and how will it be dealt with?"

Shi Shaojian thought for a while and said: "His teacher is the first responsible person and should be handled by his teacher under normal circumstances. If the fault is not serious and his teacher has a greater say in the teacher's sect, it will naturally be trivial. But If the fault is too great and cannot be forgiven, the family will be cleared with thunderous means."

Shi Jian nodded and asked solemnly: "Shao Jian, do you know what you lack most?"

Shi Shaojian couldn't keep up with Shi Jian's brain circuit, and couldn't figure out why it came to him again: "Master, please give me some advice."

Shi Jian stood up, walked slowly down the lotus platform, and stopped in front of the other party, his loose Taoist robes swaying in the wind...

He pointed at Shi Shaojian's eyes: "Your vision is too narrow, so narrow that you can only fit the enemy into your eyes, but you cannot see the overall situation."

He poked Shi Shaojian's chest again: "You are too small-minded. When you are stimulated, you try to become stronger quickly. You want to regain your face in the shortest possible time."

Shi Shaojian was speechless.

“Back to the first question, the current method of cleaning up the family in Maoshan is too single and unsystematic. I am going to use this as an entry point to propose the establishment of a punishment hall in Waimaozhong to specialize in cleaning up the family.

Once the execution hall is established, it can be built openly and openly on the top of the mountain, swallowing up a plate of loose brothers.

If I were the elder of the execution hall, then what I would have in Waimao would no longer be pure prestige, but... military power! "

“Based on this question, let’s talk about the second question. When we have law enforcement and military power, will it become easier and more effective to trouble Yizhuang?

 Compare my ideas with yours and find the differences. Shi Jian said earnestly.

Shi Shaojian was silent for a long time, and finally let out a long breath, and his eyes gradually became firm: "I understand, Master. The most important thing for us now is to propose the establishment of the Maoshan Punishment Hall. If this matter falls short because of my practice of heretical techniques, , then the gain outweighs the loss.”

"A sharpening of a knife will never make you a chopping wood. Don't worry, after we sharpen the knife of Xingtang, the Yizhuang family will be nothing more than fish and meat on the chopping board, waiting for me to slaughter..." Shi Jian nodded, with a twinkle in his eye. There was a cold glow, full of murderous intent.

 Three days later.

 In Yizhuang.

Uncle Jiu was wearing a bright yellow Taoist robe, a square scarf of the same color on his head, and a peach wood sword on his back. He stood under the statue of the ancestor in the hall and in front of the wooden table covered with yellow cloth. He called his three disciples and all the brothers: " I just received a letter from the leader from Feihe, saying that he wants me to bring people back quickly to attend the Waimao leader meeting. Which of you wants to go with me? "

 In Waimao, the leader’s meeting is not the same as the division’s meeting.

Although both are convened by the head of Waimao, the former is for the highly respected people in Waimao, and Taoist priests without corresponding qualifications are not eligible to participate.

 The latter is facing all Waimao disciples. Unless they have not received the news or are unable to come, they must rush to Maoshan as soon as possible.

“Senior brother, this is not the New Year or a festival, so how come a meeting of leaders was suddenly held?” A Maoshan Taoist priest asked doubtfully.

The incident happened suddenly, and it was difficult for them to say whether to go or not without asking clearly.

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation..." Uncle Jiu frowned.

"I know a little bit about it." Mao Shanming, who was also wearing a formal Taoist robe, had obviously received the news a long time ago: "It is said that it was Shi Jian who suggested to the sect to establish a torture hall to maintain the sacred and inviolable status of Maoshan's precepts. , with the support of some Neimao Ancestors, the leader is convening this meeting to discuss this matter. "

As the grandson of Mao Santong, Nei Mao's senior leader, he received far more comprehensive and detailed information than Uncle Jiu did.

  "Execution Hall!"    All the Taoist priests were in an uproar.

Maoshan has not had this kind of thing since its establishment. To maintain the majesty of the commandments, it is up to the masters to personally clean up the door and give an explanation to themselves and the masters.

Having said that, setting up a punishment hall and clarifying the standard of punishment will inevitably lead to two factions. The supporters will hold high the banner of maintaining the precepts. They will understand it with emotion and move it with reason. The breakthrough point is to prevent relatives from being hurt and enemies to be quick. Win hearts and minds.

Opponents hold high the banner of inheritance from generation to generation, insisting that it is their own business to deal with their disciples' breach of precepts, and it is not the turn of others to dictate, or even to overstep their control.

Qin Yao frowned slightly as he watched his fellow disciples whispering and discussing among themselves.

He doesn't care if there is a torture hall in Maoshan, but if there is, Shi Jian must not be allowed to control this violent institution, otherwise the Yizhuang clan will never have peace!

“Master, I’ll go with you!” Thinking of this, Qin Yao said decisively.

Uncle Jiu raised his head and looked at him. He saw the determination in his eyes and heard the deep meaning in his words. He nodded silently: "Okay, who else?"

 In the crowd, Wen Cai's blood surged. Just as he was about to speak, a pair of hands suddenly covered his mouth and pulled him into his arms.

"Don't make a fuss, don't make any noise. This matter is of great importance and we are not allowed to participate. Doing it forcefully will only hinder the master and junior brother!"

Hearing clearly that it was Qiu Sheng's voice, Wen Cai immediately gave up the idea of ​​struggling and patted the opponent's palm to signal him to let go of him.

Beside Uncle Jiu, Qin Yao's ears twitched slightly, he raised his head and glanced at Qiu Sheng thoughtfully.

I can indeed see that he has grown and changed. The former Qiu Sheng would certainly not have thought this way, let alone do such a thing.

In fact, in the movie "Zombie Supreme", Shi Jian once used Shi Shaojian's words to openly call the two fools and stupid donkeys, and even openly ridiculed Jiu Shu for his incompetence as a disciple and for being a teacher in vain.

At that time, Uncle Jiu had no support and was weak. He could only smile, speak softly, and tactfully protect his two apprentices...

 Just judging from the movie, it’s quite sad!

“Count me in.” At this time, a Maoshan Taoist priest shouted loudly.

"I want to go too."

 “Add me one!”

 “Senior Brother Lin, we support you.”

There was no fool among the fellow disciples present. Even if they had not reacted just now, they all came to their senses at this time. Several uncle-level Taoist priests immediately spoke their minds.

 At the end of the Dharma era, people's hearts are not as old as before. There are thousands of formal disciples in Maoshan and outside Maoshan, and only a handful of people are really cultivating Taoism for the purpose of seeking immortality.

 If you don’t become an immortal, there is no ideal utopia. Being a human being is extremely realistic.

to be honest.

Taoist priests are also human beings, and they have seven emotions and six desires, and silver paper can relieve thousands of sorrows.

 In the Yizhuang system, they have a lot of money to make, and the most important thing is to collect the money in their arms. As long as Yizhuang's finances are not in ruins, whoever goes against Lin Jiu is going against them.

 Destroying someone’s financial path is like killing one’s parents!

 The hatred for killing my father is irreconcilable!

 (End of this chapter)

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