Chapter 891: Outmaneuvering

“Don’t be nervous, I have no ill intentions towards you.” Qin Yao said with a smile.

Zen Master Baiyun has a psychological shadow. How can he let down his guard just because of his words?

“Why do you want to see our master and apprentice?”

Qin Yao said calmly: "Conquer the demons and eliminate them."

Zen Master Baiyun’s face suddenly became strange: “Don’t you know that in our eyes, you are a monster?”

"I know."

Qin Yao looked directly into the other person's eyes: "But this is a misunderstanding. Has the Zen master ever sensed any trace of demonic energy from me?

As for the ghosts in Lanruo Temple, the Zen master was the one who killed the tree demon in the first place. I should know that they are all a group of pitiful ghosts. What I can do is guide them to be good and achieve positive results as soon as possible. "

Zen Master Baiyun: “…”

Having said that, he found that he really couldn't define it as an evil spirit.

"Now the seven demon kings have robbed Lanruo Temple, where the ghosts depend for their survival. I am no match for them. After much thought, I have to ask you for help." Seeing his silence, Qin Yao spoke again.

“Why should I help you?” Zen Master Baiyun asked in a solemn voice.

Qin Yao responded: "The Seven Demon Kings have been causing trouble for many years and have accumulated a lot of wealth. Your master and disciple lost the golden Buddha. If you want to atone for your sins, this resource is the best way to atone for your sins. In this way, I will avenge you. Qiu, you atone for your sins and Wutai Mountain is compensated, killing three birds with one stone."

Zen Master Baiyun: “?”

 Can it still be done like this?

 But if you think about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with this logic.

"Zen Master, this is the best solution if the Golden Buddha cannot be found. Otherwise, what should I do? Will you spend the rest of your life looking for the Golden Buddha, or will you sacrifice yourself to Mount Wutai and spend the rest of your life to atone for your sins? "

Zen Master Baiyun took a breath silently and said: "After the Golden Buddha was stolen, I went to Mount Wutai. Mount Wutai sent three monks to follow me back to investigate the whereabouts of the Golden Buddha. They are currently in the inn. If you can persuade them to follow you, Let’s go to Lanruo Temple to eliminate the demon, and I will bring my apprentice to help you.”

Qin Yao's eyes flashed: "That's even better. The three of us go together. The winning rate can be at most sixty-four compared to those demon kings. We are six and they are four. But if we add the three sacred monks from Wutai Mountain, the winning rate is at least sixty-four." It can also reach 80%.”

Zen Master Baiyun turned around and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to see the three divine monks."

Not long after, Qin Yao followed his master and apprentice to an inn, and saw three holy monks sitting on the floor in an inferior room...

 “Greetings to Master Wisdom, Zhijue, and Master Zhiming.” Zen Master Baiyun took the lead in saluting.

As the leader of the three monks, Wisdom sat among the other two monks. He raised his eyes and glanced at Master Baiyun and his disciples, and finally fixed his gaze on Qin Yao: "Are you looking for us?"

Qin Yao nodded: "I'm here to invite three demon exterminators."

 “Exterminate demons?” Like Zen Master Baiyun, the three monks were all stunned on the spot.

Qin Yao smiled silently and repeated what he had said to Zen Master Baiyun before.

The three divine monks looked at each other, their moods just like Baiyun at that time, or even more complicated.

Probably because unlike Baiyun, they still had the idea of ​​​​subduing the demon king and asking for the location of the Golden Buddha. But unexpectedly, when he turned around, the other party himself came to the door.

After thinking about it, the three monks found that there seemed to be nothing to refuse. After all, they were the ones harboring evil intentions, and they were the tiger seeking the skin of the tiger. The fisherman didn't get the benefit last time. This time they personally participated and tried to take a leading role in the situation. Maybe they could kill two birds with one stone.

With this in mind, they agreed to Qin Yao's proposal, so the six of them embarked on the journey that night, and arrived in front of the Mentou Temple of Lanruo Temple under the stars and the moon.

At the same time, Huahua Taisui led Xiaoqian, Xiaozhuo, Xiaodie, and nearly three hundred female ghosts, quietly drifted into the dense forest, and lurked deep into the dense forest...

 “It’s the Demon King of Qin!”

 “Go quickly, go quickly.”

 “Close the door quickly.”

In front of the temple gate, two rows of demon soldiers holding spears were shocked when they saw the whereabouts of the six people. They shouted loudly and quickly retreated into the temple.


The door that had obviously been renovated was shut tightly by them. Hearing the commotion, the Seven Demon Kings held weapons in their hands and led a group of demon soldiers to quickly crowd the courtyard and confront Qin Yao and others through the door.

Outside the temple gate, Qin Yao climbed up the steps, pushed open the sealed door with one palm, looked up at the seven demon kings among the demon soldiers in front of him: ox, sheep, raccoon, tiger, fox, tiger and turtle, and raised his head. The three-pointed, two-edged sword in his hand said: "Today's revenge will only kill the first culprit. Those who put down their weapons and leave will forget the past."

"Those who are afraid of war will die." The old monster with two horns slammed his stick on the ground and shouted.

Qin Yao chuckled: "Did you hear that? I want you to live, but he wants you to die.

Didn’t enough of your compatriots die in the battle a few days ago? So many comrades died, what did you gain?

 Honour, appreciation, or spiritual reward? "

 The demon soldiers looked at each other, and the atmosphere became increasingly bizarre.


The seven demon kings knew that they could not wait any longer. If they waited any longer, they would be unable to fight, so they took the lead in charging with their weapons in hand.

However, the result was that, except for some of the Fox King's fox descendants who followed suit and launched a charge, the other demon soldiers were all stuck in place like sculptures.

Finally raising the will to fight, the seven demon kings who were rushing forward gradually stopped. The two-legged old monster roared angrily: "What are you doing? Didn't you hear the charge order?"

The monsters all lowered their heads and responded silently.

Yōkai who can become monster soldiers may not be smart enough, but they are rarely mentally retarded.

Qin Yao’s words were said into their hearts.

Things hurt their own kind, and autumn calls are also sad. When they work hard but there is no reward, when their companions die in large numbers, but there is no meaning, they don't want to be wiped out like a piece of grass.

 “Traitor, traitor!”

The tiger-nosed demon king was so angry that he actually brandished the ghost-headed sword and charged into the demon soldiers, shouting: "Come on, get them all up."

As heads flew up one after another, all the demon soldiers dropped their weapons one after another, jumped up using their hands and feet, and ran towards the outside of the wall as hard as they could.

In the blink of an eye, there were only some broken limbs, seven demon kings, and more than a dozen fox demon guards left in the courtyard.


The Fox King sighed faintly: "This should be what is said in the book, those who have gained the right will have more help, and those who have lost the right will have less help. In the past few days, I have been telling you about rewarding monster soldiers, but you all said that there is no such tradition. Now the monsters We’ve all finished running, what do you say?”

"What are you talking about?" The two-horned demon king raised his iron rod and shouted: "The brave one wins when we meet on a narrow road. The demon soldiers can run away, but can we run away? Kill them and everything will be settled."

Qin Yao's body split into three, and the figure in the middle threw a three-pointed two-edged sword forward and shouted: "Xiang Liu!"

 “Xiangliu Yingshen.”

Black light flashed, and a huge monster with a hydra body turned into light. Its nine mouths opened at the same time, giving birth to a ball of light.

The clone on the left clasped his hands together and performed the method of Arhat's golden body. The golden body and the clone merged together, and the body suddenly turned white gold. Three heads had vertical eyes, and six arms held magical weapons.

 The clone on the right holds the Five Elements Luogeng, presses one palm on the shrapnel, and the Five Elements Domain is instantly displayed.

“Masters, come up together.” Qin Yao himself summoned the Qingsuo Sword and said loudly.

Zen Master Baiyun and Master Sanzhi stepped forward one after another, and a fierce fight began. Qin Yao himself held a green rope sword and entangled the old monster with two horns. The platinum clone crossed the void and blasted towards the demon with only one eye.

 The clone on the right mobilizes the power of the five elements to attack the Sheep-horned Demon King.

 The four great monks faced off against the other four demons one by one, and started a grand and fierce battle.

 At this moment, strength and life are linked, both superior and inferior, and life and death!

Qin Yao's one soul and three bodies brought the Yiqian Tianshi's fighting power to the extreme. Whether it was from moves or momentum, he suppressed the three demon kings of Ox, Hu and Sheep, making them gradually tired of defending. The situation More and more critical.



Not long after, Master Wisdom slapped the tiger demon's chest hard with a Buddha's palm. The clothes on the tiger demon's back exploded in an instant, and his body froze in place.


Master Wisdom retracted the Buddha's palm and chanted the Buddha's name softly. The tiger demon raised the ghost-headed sword and tried to slash at the opponent. As a result, before the blade came within three feet of the bald head, he fell on his back and his strong body hit the ground heavily.

“Brother, come and help.” Master Zhijue called out.

The Wisdom Mage's body suddenly split into two. He raised his hand and slapped the monster monster and the turtle monster, and helped his two junior brothers to knock over the two demon kings.

 Then the three brothers worked together in pairs and kicked the two demon kings who were lying on the ground to death.

In a blink of an eye, only Qin Yao and Bai Yun were left fighting **** the battlefield. Master Wisdom turned to the two junior brothers and said, "Go and help Bai Yun."

Hearing this, Qin Yao thought he was coming to help him, but as a result, the old guy stood not far away and looked at him, showing no signs of asking for help.

 “What does this mean, Master?”

“Demon King of Qin, where is the Golden Buddha?” Wisdom asked.

Qin Yao frowned: "Didn't we agree to use the materials of the Seven Demon Kings to offset the loss of the Golden Buddha? Why are you asking about the Golden Buddha now?"

Master Wisdom said calmly: "If nothing else, the material is on the body of the demon kings, or deep in the temple, and can be accessed at any time. But after the news about the Golden Buddha, there is no such store in this village."

Qin Yao estimated the time. If the seven demon kings had not put all their resources into the war until now, then Huahua Taisui and the others would probably have succeeded without any effort on their part to delay it.

Thinking of this, he prepared to use the air escape technique and asked the wisdom mage: "Monk, you are breaking the contract."

 “You have to do it as a last resort.” Wisdom said sternly.

Qin Yao sneered and suddenly shouted: "Xiang Liu!"


Xiang Liu, who had been accumulating energy from beginning to end, finally spit out nine black beams. Three of them penetrated the body of the three demons who were fighting Qin Yao. Blood and internal organs immediately flowed out from the wound as big as a bowl. It looked like he would not survive. .

The remaining six beams of light rushed towards the three great monks like lightsabers. The monks all formed seals with their hands and summoned a golden light shield in front of them. The beams of light hit the light shield and actually pushed the three monks to slide on the ground.


Qin Yao raised his right hand towards Xiang Liu, and the huge hydra body instantly turned into a three-pointed, two-edged sword and fell into his hand at high speed.

 “Betrayal of faith, shameful to be associated with.”

Qin Yao angrily scolded the three monks, bursts of light suddenly flashed around his body, and he disappeared instantly.

The three monks used defense to defeat Xiang Liu's attack, looking at the empty front, their expressions were not very good.

Zen Master Baiyun glanced at the three of them and sighed in his heart.

 He saw it.

People are most afraid of not being able to recognize themselves.

These three divine monks from Mount Wutai overestimated them and always felt that they could control everything. But what about reality?

Last time I missed the opportunity to take action and watched the whole show. This time I underestimated the Demon King of Qin and thought I could take advantage of him, but ended up getting slapped in the face.

It's like a giant baby living in an ivory tower. It's fine if he doesn't do anything. Once he does anything, it's all a joke!


Not long after, the Wisdom Mage exhaled a long breath and said: "In any case, our original goal has been achieved. The seven demon kings have been crowned, and all their resources belong to us."

Zhijue and Zhiming immediately opened their magic eyes and looked at the seven demon corpses, but found no space magic weapons on them: "The materials are not on them."

"That's deep in the jungle." Wisdom Mage walked quickly: "Go and have a look."

 Half an hour later.

Shifang stood with his master near the shrine, looking at the three holy monks digging three feet into the ground almost frantically, looking for supplies, and his expressions became increasingly weird.


"Shut up."

 “You know what I want to say?”

 “Whatever you want to say, just shut up.”

 Shifang: “…”

 Guobei County, at the boundary monument.

The bright moon is like a hook, illuminating the world.

Nie Xiaoqian flew to Qin Yao from a group of female ghosts gathering supplies, and said: "Taoist Priest, we have already counted them clearly. There are a total of 930 spiritual herbs and elixirs, including many rare and powerful medicines.

There are three hundred and sixty pieces of spirit crystal spirit cores, of varying quality. There are one hundred single weapons with seven handles, one hundred sets of armor, thirty-eight magic spells, thirty-three bottles of various elixirs, twelve kinds of poisons, two dragon beads, and one relic. "

Qin Yao knew it well and said, "All disciples of Lanruo Temple, please choose two spiritual herbs and elixirs each."


Nie Xiaoqian's face stiffened and she whispered: "Including Huahua, we have a total of 292 sect members, one ghost and two medicinal plants. That's 584 elixir plants, which is more than half less."

Qin Yao insisted: "You must not go without reward for your merits, and you must not go without punishment for your mistakes. The Seven Demon Kings are the most typical example. Just do as I say."

Seeing that he could not be persuaded, Nie Xiaoqian turned around and informed the ghosts of the matter, which instantly caused a burst of cheers.

After a while, the ghosts picked up the magical herbs and elixirs. Qin Yao put away the remaining supplies in a space bag and said in a solemn voice: "Although those three monks broke the contract first, they will probably hate me to their bones if we deal with them. .

There is no way to go back to Lanruo Temple here. I am going to send all the female ghosts to Lanruo Temple in your time and space to reestablish the sect there. How do you feel? "

"This is the best way." Xiaoqian thought for a while and said seriously.

Qin Yao nodded slightly, and a coldness gradually appeared in his eyes: "After placing them, we can safely make a big fuss..."

 (End of this chapter)

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