I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 913: What did I do with the truth back then?

Chapter 913 What happened to the truth back then?

The sword fairy in white stared at her and said word by word: "Blood, debt, blood, pay!"

 “I’ll pay you back for being such a big-headed devil!”

 Chen Yuwei's body surged, and the vast spiritual energy roared in the Five Elements Domain, shaking the void and causing countless ripples to tremble in the water below the two of them.


She raised the magical sword that had also grown countless times in size and struck hard at the sword fairy in white.

With this sword, she locked the opponent with great mental power, no longer giving him a chance to escape.

The figure of the sword fairy in white suddenly twisted, and the magic sword fell across his body, as if it was struck in the air.

Shen Yuwei's face was gloomy and her eyes were firm. The moment she sheathed her sword, the light and shadow of eight divine swords standing upright in the void flashed out of thin air around her body, guarding her body.

"I can't kill you, and you can't even try to hurt me. All your efforts are in vain."

 “It’s useless work?”

The sword fairy in white chuckled lightly, waved his sleeves, and a light screen appeared out of thin air between the two of them. Inside the light screen was the scene in Shen Yuwei's palace.

At this moment, Shen Yuwei was leaning on the desk, seemingly asleep.

Looking at this scene, Shen Yuwei's heart trembled, and a terrible thought suddenly came to her mind.

Perhaps the white-clothed swordsman in front of him is not a disciple of Hong Shentong who is playing tricks!

 “Do you understand what it means?” the sword fairy in white asked.

 Shen Yuwei remained silent.

The sword fairy in white said quietly: "You declared to the outside world that you are in a state of seclusion, so no one dares to disturb you. This is great, so no one will find that your consciousness is trapped here, and your body is sinking in reality.

 I wonder how long your physical body can last without the guidance of consciousness, a hundred years or a thousand years?

Perhaps, your palace will be pushed away only when the sect is in turmoil, but by then, your body may have already turned into bones.

 And your consciousness will be imprisoned here with me forever. "

A flash of fear flashed in Shen Yuwei's eyes, and she shouted: "Stop pretending, you have been exposed, inner demon!"

 After eliminating the option of disguise as a Hong Shentong disciple, this is the only possibility left.

  Do not do evil things, and don’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door.

 Inner demons are the ghosts in a monk's heart.

  Shen Yuwei was not surprised that she would have a demon inside her.

 After all, back then…

The sword immortal in white said indifferently: "I am not the inner demon, I am Hong Shentong. Back then we were together..."

"Shut up!" Shen Yuwei opened her mouth to stop him and said coldly: "I saw with my own eyes that Hong Shentong was strangled by the four ghosts of Corpse Mountain, and his soul was eaten. Where did the remaining soul come from?"

The sword fairy in white said calmly: "You are also a practitioner, haven't you heard of resentment taking form? Although my body died and my soul disappeared, my resentment stirred up between heaven and earth, thus taking the form of spirit."

"It's impossible, you are the inner demon." Shen Yuwei didn't believe what the other party said. She only believed in the truth she found out.

How could she be bound here by a mere incarnation of resentment?

The sword fairy in white sneered and said nothing.

 Shen Yuwei fell silent, thinking hard about how to solve her inner demons.

 Having tried it many times just now, force will not work.

 By deception?

 No, even if you can deceive yourself, can you deceive your inner demons?

The other person is afraid that he knows her better than she does, otherwise he wouldn't be able to transform into Hong Shentong. If this is the case, then we can only face the past and face the truth that we are unwilling to face.

 When you no longer care about the truth of the past, the truth will not be able to hurt you, and the inner demons will no longer have the power to maintain the illusion.

After thinking about this, Shen Yuwei raised her head and said, "Let's talk about your formation."

The white-clothed sword fairy's expression changed slightly: "What do you want to say?"

“Back then, in order to break through to the Heavenly Master realm, I stole the Corpse Release Pill from the four ghosts in the Corpse Mountain, thus ending their hope of becoming enlightened.

The bad guys are practicing the immortal way and acting like evil spirits. This is a very disgraceful thing, so I can’t tell the sect, let alone get the sect’s support. I can’t even let the four ghosts of Corpse Mountain find the Luofu Sect.

 So after I got it, I rushed to Maoshan as soon as possible and met Hong Shentong, who I had met several times before. I told him that I had a treasure map in my hand and invited him to explore the Minjiang Immortal Mansion with me.

Probably because of my status as a disciple of the Luofu Sect, Hong Shentong had no doubt that he was there, and he was even more interested in the Minjiang Immortal Mansion, so he happily agreed.

 But he doesn’t know that I have the intention of using him to destroy the four ghosts in the mountain of corpses.

 But what does it matter?

The four ghosts in the mountain of corpses were first-class evil spirits. Hong Shen Tong killed them and they were doing justice for heaven.

I am right!


The two of us rode the wind with our swords, from Maoshan to Minjiang River, entered the Immortal Mansion, and searched for the treasure according to the treasure map.

As I expected, the four ghosts of Corpse Mountain came to the door very quickly and blocked us.

 I thought that with Hong Shentong's reputation, killing four ghosts would be a piece of cake. I never thought that the real strength of the four ghosts far exceeded their own reputation, and it was very hard for the two of us to fight together.

 There was no other way. In order to survive, I had no choice but to abandon Hong Shentong and escape into the treasure room of the Immortal Mansion.

 At that time, I was thinking that it would be best if Hong Shentong died together with the four ghosts. Even if it fails, the four ghosts will be punished by Maoshan if they kill Hong Shentong.

 But no matter what, I was able to regain my life, so I stayed in the treasure room with peace of mind, used my heavenly eyes, and watched Hong Shentong being tortured and killed by the four ghosts with my own eyes.

After the four ghosts killed Hong Shentong, they kept looking for my location. However, they did not have a treasure map, did not know the path to the treasure room, and did not know the secret language of the treasure room. Therefore, they did not find me in the end. Instead, they waited for Maoshan Sword repair.

 Maoshan sword cultivators besieged the four ghosts, but the four ghosts actually wanted to drag me into the water, so I jumped out at the critical moment and cooperated with the sword cultivators to kill all four ghosts.

I still clearly remember how fast my heartbeat was back then. Whenever I came out late and the four ghosts said something to me, the Maoshan sword cultivators would become suspicious.

 Later, Maoshan investigated the matter, but found nothing.

 What can be found?

Hong Shentong is dead, the four ghosts are dead, and they are completely destroyed. There is no proof of death. The most important thing is that I successfully advanced to the Heavenly Master realm at that time. For every sect, Heavenly Master is extremely precious, so I expected Luofu Zong will not give up on me.

The facts were not as I expected. The Luofu Sect was delighted to have a Celestial Master, so they naturally strongly vouched for me. The Celestial Masters from the six retreats came out at the same time and held talks with Maoshan. From then on, the case was closed.

 They will never allow the Heavenly Master who has obtained it to perish!

Maoshan has lost a peerless genius who could become a heavenly master, and I have cut off his fate and become a heavenly master. This is what I owe him.

 Originally, I didn’t take it seriously. Once the general’s achievements are over, all the monks in the spiritual world are fighting to survive. If he dies, he will die. I am not familiar with him, so why should I think about it?

 However, it was because of this thought that I did not completely erase this cause and effect, which led to the fear in my heart, and thus you were born.

You come from my memory and my heart. When I look directly at this memory and there is no more fear in my heart, inner demon, what can you do to me? What can you do to me? ! "

 (PS: The author is working on the manuscript, the next chapter will be at noon~)

 (End of this chapter)

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