Chapter 930: Unruly

 The holy city.

 A cardinal's retreat room.

Amos, one of the twelve cardinals of Christ, was sitting on his knees on a couch, with a black Bible on the table in front of him and softly reciting the contents of the covenant.


Suddenly, a ray of skylight fell from the roof, and an angel with middle-parted blond hair and two huge wings loomed in the skylight, alarming the cardinal who was chanting.


  After seeing the other party’s appearance clearly, the cardinal was so frightened that he immediately stood up from his knees.

In today's heaven, there is only one angel who can be called an archangel, and that is Seraph-Gabriel.

 “Amos.” As time goes by, Gabriel becomes clearer and clearer, with fair skin and graceful figure, revealing the image of a female angel.

"I am here." Amos bowed deeply, his face full of reverence: "Is the archangel here to take me to heaven?"

Gabriel shook his head slightly and said in a solemn voice: "Amos, do you know about the Lord summoning the Pope?"

"Yes, I know."

Amos said: "According to His Majesty the Pope, the Lord poured divine power into the Holy Grail and was waiting for a man named Yao to take it."

 Gabriel: “Do you know who this Yao is?”

Amos was startled for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't know, the Lord only summoned the Pope."

Gabriel's palm-sized face was filled with solemnity, and he said in a deep voice: "I can tell you responsibly that this Yao is a heretic."


Amos' eyes widened with shock on his face: "How could the Lord give divine power to a pagan?"

 Although the influence of the Holy See is getting weaker and weaker, the members of the Holy See have never given up their pride, and it can even be said to be arrogant.

 They have a heartfelt rejection of pagans, and the Inquisition is imprinted on many people's hearts like a steel seal.

Gabriel nodded and said solemnly: "You and I have the same question. I even suspect that this is a trick of the devil."

Amos was puzzled: "How did the devil deceive God?"

Gabriel said: "God is not omnipotent, otherwise there would be no devils in this world. Amos, you have to shoulder your responsibilities as a cardinal."

 After saying that, she no longer gave the other party a chance to ask questions, and her body like light and shadow disappeared into the retreat room together with the holy light.

 “The duties of a cardinal...” Amos muttered to himself, and then stood up and walked out of the room as if he had some enlightenment.

  15:35 pm.

 The sun is shining brightly and the sky is clear and clear.

  Qin Yao and Dai Xiaole took a car together and arrived in front of the main church. After getting off the car, the latter deliberately took half a step slow, thus highlighting the former's dominant status.

 In fact, this half-step made him lose his timidity and lost his fearless spirit in front of the church.

 “Please stop.”

Two guards wearing silver helmets and silver armor stood in front of them. One of them asked in English: "What do you want?"

Qin Yao looked sideways at the guard who was speaking, and said solemnly: "My name is Yao, and I have an agreement with God."

Guard: "?"

"Please inform your Pope, he must know about this matter." Qin Yao said: "If this matter had not happened, I would be willing to pay the due price for my words and deeds."

These last words succeeded in impressing the guard. He nodded slightly, turned around and said, "Please wait a moment, I will go and ask His Majesty the Pope for instructions."

 At the same time, inside the temple.

The Pope, dressed in gold and white attire, sat at the head of the long table with an upright posture. He glanced at the twelve cardinals on both sides of the long table and said slowly: "Bishop Amos, tell me why you applied for the Council of Cardinals. ”

Amos, who was named, stood up from his chair and said seriously: "His Majesty the Pope, and colleagues, I would like to talk to you about the power of the Holy Grail."

The pope, who had silver hair and blue eyes, frowned slightly and asked in a serious voice: "What do you think?"

Amos bowed slightly: "May I ask, Your Majesty, are the people who come to receive the inheritance of divine power believers of the Lord?"

The Pope said calmly: "The Holy Grail is the Lord's thing, and the divine power is also the Lord's. Giving it to Yao is the Lord's command. I don't understand what is there to question. Amos, are you questioning the Lord, or are you questioning the Lord?" Question me?"

Had he not met the Archangel Gabriel in person and received her instructions, Amos would never have applied for the Red Council and raised this issue.

But at this moment, he was emboldened by the archangel and was not afraid of the authority of the Pope: "I dare not question the Lord, nor do I dare to question you. What I question is Yao. The power of the Holy Grail is a gift from the Lord. If a pagan can receive divine blessing, why can’t our regular believers?”

The pope shouted softly: "You worry too much."

Amos said with a firm look: "This is my responsibility, I must be worthy of the red suit on my body."

 Pope: “…”

If this was not a holy city, a place where demons could never invade, he would have doubted whether Amos was possessed by a demon.

How dare this guy say these words?

Amos knew that he could not influence the Pope's will, so he turned to look at the other cardinals: "Everyone, I am not saying that I will resolutely obstruct this matter, but I feel that we need to conduct a test on that Yao. After all, We don’t know who he is, where he comes from, or what he went through on the way here…”

“Dong dong dong.” At this time, someone suddenly knocked on the door of the room.

 At the pope's signal, a recorder trotted over and opened the door.

"Your Majesty, a man named Yao came outside the main church and said he had an appointment with the Lord." The guard bowed and said.

 “It came so quickly,” the Pope said subconsciously.

Amos was moved in his heart and asked the guard: "What kind of person is he?"

“Asian, looks a bit like Chinese or Korean,” the guard said.

The corners of Amos's mouth raised slightly: "I understand."

The Pope glanced at him with an inquiring look, and then said: "Take them to St. Peter's Basilica first. I will take them there after the meeting is over."

“Yes, Your Majesty,” the guard said piously and respectfully.

After he left, Amos' face quickly became serious and he said solemnly: "This Yao is not only a pagan, but also an Asian. Do you understand my concerns now?"

 The bishops looked at each other and communicated with each other with their eyes.

 “I am in favor of a test.” After a moment, a cardinal stood up and said.

 “I agree too.”

"Me too."

In the blink of an eye, seven cardinals stood up at the long table and agreed to Amos' proposal. It's like the patriarch of the Eastern Sect gave an elixir to the sect master and said he would keep it until he was destined. However, after waiting for a long time, the sect master and the elders found out that the person who came was a foreign devil...

The cardinals have never heard of the saying that people who are not of my race must have different minds, but they certainly understand this truth.

Looking at this cardinal, the Pope narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had forgotten that he had the power to enforce this matter, and said indifferently: "The minority obeys the majority. Since most people think it is necessary to test it, then Let’s discuss the content of the assessment..."

St. Peter's Basilica.

 Guest rest area.

Dai Xiaole stood on the red carpet, scanning the famous paintings hanging on the wall, and said with emotion: "It's magnificent, the wealth is overwhelming."

Qin Yao sat on the seat in a comfortable posture, crossed his legs, and stared at the entrance of the cathedral: "We have been waiting for a full thirty-one minutes. What do you think the Pope is doing now?"

 Dai Xiaole: "Should he be dealing with official business? After all, he is equivalent to the king of this country. It is normal for him to be preoccupied with various things."

Qin Yao shook his head and smiled: "No, it's not normal. I am God's guest, and he is God's servant. Under normal circumstances, unless he is staying with God, there should be nothing more important than me on his hands. That’s the right thing.”

 Dai Xiaole: “…”

 After careful consideration, there is no problem with this conclusion at all.

 “What do you think he is doing at the moment?” Dai Xiaole asked shortly.

Qin Yao smiled and said: "Is it possible that they are plotting against us?"

 Dai Xiaole was silent.

 Didn’t you say you took the divine power and left?

 Why does it feel like this pool of water is also very deep?

In a blink of an eye, it was evening. The Pope, carrying a cross scepter, wearing a white and gold tiara, and a white gold robe, led twelve cardinals into the cathedral. The thirteen people walked out with an inexplicable power, which instantly attracted everyone. caught the eyes of the two people in the rest area.

Dai Xiaole, who was sitting on the carved wooden chair, glanced at Qin Yao secretly and saw that he had no intention of getting up to greet him, so he sat there steadily.

“How can you sit still when the Pope is here?”

When the thirteen people came to this rest area and saw the two of them still sitting here, their expressions changed. Amos, who was following the Pope, stepped forward and shouted loudly.

Qin Yao raised his head slightly and frowned: "Are you a dog? You can bark so well."

Amos never expected that the other party would be so bold and insult a cardinal in front of the Pope in this sacred cathedral, so he was stunned for a moment.


He was stunned, but others were not stunned. Another cardinal immediately scolded: "Who gave you the courage to humiliate a cardinal here?"

Qin Yao said quietly: "Is this the way your Holy See treats guests?"

“Okay, Nemo,” the Pope said calmly.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” the cardinal who scolded Qin Yao said respectfully.

After waiting for half an afternoon, what awaited him was this scene. Qin Yao was already very impatient and said expressionlessly: "Where is the Holy Grail? I'll take the divine power and leave, so that we don't both get bored."

The Pope didn’t want to confront him, so he turned to look at Amos.

Amos understood the meaning of this glance and responded: "The Holy Grail is in the chapel, but there is a problem."

Qin Yao said coldly: "What's the problem?"

"Only devout believers who have entered the religion can enter the chapel." Amos said expressionlessly: "Even if it is difficult to tell whether one is pious or not, the minimum is to be a registered believer."

Qin Yao sneered, turned to Dai Xiaole and said, "Dean Dai, let's go."

Amos: "?"

 No, are you leaving now?

The Pope discussed with the twelve cardinals for more than an hour and finally determined three tests. Enrolling in the church was just a temptation for him, not even a test. As a result, the other party chickened out when he heard the temptation?

Amos was stunned, but the Pope was not.

He almost instinctively sensed something bad, and subconsciously said, "Don't you want the divine power in the Holy Grail?"

However, being accustomed to being aloof, he couldn't notice at all. This appeal was filled with the arrogance of His Majesty the Pope.

Qin Yao smiled and said, "All of you have made a mistake."

 “What is it?” asked the Pope.

Qin Yao waved his hand to them, led Dai Xiaole away, and said loudly: "Ask God."

“Rude, barbaric, and arrogant.” Amos’ eyes flashed with fierceness, and he suddenly turned to look at the Pope: “Your Majesty, I suggest…”

"you shut up."

The Pope suddenly interrupted him and shouted to Qin Yao, who was about to walk out of the long palace: "Yao, don't be so impulsive, I'll take you to the chapel."

But Qin Yao acted as if he hadn't heard anything and led Dai Xiaole out of the church without hesitation.

 “Do I need someone to stop them?” a cardinal asked softly.

The Pope shook his head and turned to look at Amos: "Bishop Amos, when the Lord asks about this matter, you will explain the whole story."

Amos: “…”

 Until now he was aware of the danger.

Whether it was Gabriel’s signal or not, he was the one who disrupted the Lord’s arrangement.

When it was actually investigated, Gabriel did not let him do this, he just asked him to fulfill his responsibilities as a cardinal...

Thinking of this, Amos was stunned instantly, his face alternated between green and red, and his expression was complicated.

 At this moment, he had the same idea as Dai Xiaole, this pool of water is too deep...

"Prince Qin, where are we going now?" Dai Xiaole said excitedly after walking out of the Holy See with Qin Yao.

 When he traveled in the West, he was called a heretic by countless people. Now seeing Qin Yao's Budiao Holy See up close and personal, the strong sense of immersion and excitement made him slightly excited.

People are born with a strong desire to break through certain taboos. In his heart, the Holy See is a tower of taboos like a mountain, and now a crack has been revealed.

It is indeed refreshing and joyful. Just watching this scene makes me feel that my trip is worthwhile.

Qin Yao looked up at the **** sunset in front of him and said with a smile: "The City of Angels—Los Angeles!"

That night…

 The pope sat in the chapel with twelve cardinals, facing the statue of the Holy Father, and silently recited Bible verses.

At a certain moment, the white candle flame in the room jumped suddenly, and the light in the hall became three-thirds brighter, as if to welcome the arrival of something.

On the statue of the Holy Father, the two eyes gradually lit up with golden light, and then the voice of Jehovah came from inside the statue: "Auro, why is my power still in the Holy Grail?"

 (End of this chapter)

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