I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 936: midnight daddy

 “What’s the name of that heretic?” After Wu Ming roared for a while, Mammon asked after calming down.

 “Qin Yao.” Gabriel responded.

Mammon turned to look at Amos: "Can he kill the other party?"

 Gabriel hesitated and said, "Maybe."

After all, he is a person favored by God, and he must be extraordinary.

"Maybe?" Mammon became angry again and roared: "In that case, what if he can't kill the other party?"

 “I will kill him,” cried Amos.

 “Shut up, you have no place to interrupt here.” Mammon scolded.

Gabriel said indifferently: "Mammon, calm down, anger will only make you lose your mind and will not bring any benefits."

Mamen was silent for a moment and said: "I will arrange for the person I choose to get close to Qin Yao. If this guy fails, I will find a way to use the Spear of God to open the door of time and space and summon my true body to come. Then I will do it myself. Kill the opponent without giving him a chance to tell God."

 Gabriel thought for a while and said, "Okay..."

 The next morning.

 Angela, who had lost her loved one, sat blankly at home, with a laptop in front of her, and a scene of a woman jumping from the top floor of the hospital was played on a loop.

 “Ding ding ding.”

The piercing ringtone suddenly rang in the room, startling him.

Angela took a deep breath and picked up the phone on the table: "hello."

“Angela, the police station received an anonymous letter related to you.” The detective’s voice came from the mobile phone.

 “Is someone still reporting me?” Angela said lightly.

 Obviously, she is used to being reported.

 “No, it’s related to Isabel’s death.” said the detective.

Angela sat upright suddenly: "What did the letter say?"

“There are only two names in the letter, one is Isabel and the other is Qin Yao.”

“Qin Yao?” Angela muttered this somewhat convoluted name, and then said: “I will go back to the police station now!”

At the same time, Qin Yao and Dai Xiaole came to Constantine's apartment together and knocked on the door.

 “Who is it?” Following a voice of inquiry, Constantine came to the entrance and reached out to open the door.

“It’s us, John.” Qin Yao said with a smile.

“Finally I’ve waited for you, please come in.” Constantine quickly stepped aside and said to his two long-awaited friends.

The two of them walked into this elegantly decorated house side by side, and sat on the expensive sofa under Constantine's warm greeting.

 “What would you like to drink, soda or coffee?” Constantine asked.

 “Just boiled water is fine.” Dai Xiaole said.

 “I want coffee.” Qin Yao said immediately.

Constantine nodded, and soon came over with a glass of water and a cup of coffee, and gently placed them in front of the two of them.

"Have you investigated? John." Qin Yao picked up the cup of fragrant coffee and asked softly.

Constantine twitched the corner of his mouth and slowly sat across from them: "I not only investigated, but also contacted Gabriel through the church. But..."

 “She doesn’t believe you.” Qin Yao interrupted.

“Did you analyze it through my expression?” Constantine asked curiously.

Qin Yao was noncommittal and said: "I told you a few days ago that the agreement between me and God was destroyed by the Vatican personnel. Now it seems that this may have something to do with the archangel. Otherwise, how could the Vatican have no backing support?" Dare to go against God's will?" Constantine opened his mouth wide: "You mean..."

Qin Yao nodded: "That's what I mean."

Constantine's heart seemed to have slipped into the abyss, and he murmured: "Impossible, this is impossible."

Qin Yao said calmly: "I still say the same thing, I am not going to convince you, because with our investigation, all the truth will slowly be revealed in front of your eyes."

Constantine was a little desperate now: "If this is really the case, what chance do we have of winning? Compared with them, we..."

 “John!” Qin Yao shouted.

Constantine shuddered and looked away.

“Today is no longer an era when gods and humans coexist. The agreement between the gods is our guarantee.”

Qin Yao said: "Limited by the agreement and the barriers of the three realms, neither gods nor demons can come in their true bodies so easily. If we can't defeat their true bodies, can we also defeat their clones? "

The despair in Constantine's eyes gradually faded, and suddenly he remembered something and said quickly: "We are not fighting alone!"

 “What?” Qin Yao said in surprise.

"There are hybrids!" Constantine said: "They definitely don't want the Hell Demon to come to the world and harm the world. We can get their support."

 The so-called hybrids are psychics who are parasitized by angels or demons in the current world view.

Once the parasitism is completed, angels or demons can no longer return to heaven or hell, and can only live in the human world.

 The eyes of angel hybrids are golden, and the eyes of demon hybrids are red.

And because they have separated from their original identities, the two hybrids are not as hostile as in their previous lives, and may even develop a love relationship...

Hearing him talk about hybrids, Qin Yao suddenly fell into deep thought.

 He didn't think hybrids would help them fight mammon.

 The two sides are not on the same scale.

 But if you take one step at a time, using hybrids to deal with the vampire kingdom seems to be a good choice.

 The gap between them is not that big.

“Do you know where the hybrids gather?” Qin Yao asked knowingly.

Constantine nodded: "In this city, there is a bar named Midnight Daddy. This bar only accepts psychics and hybrids."

Qin Yao: "Let's go and have a look."

Constantine stood up: "Have you thought of any way to gain their support? To be honest, they may have some feelings towards Asians..."

“Don’t you even think about it?” Qin Yao chuckled and said, “They are just a bunch of bastards, just tame them. Those who don’t want to be tamed, then kill them.”

Constantine paused.

 He regretted mentioning this bar.

"Yao, I think you should be more gentle." Constantine, who didn't want to see the river of blood, said sincerely: "Let's talk to them carefully first. For example, although Midnight Dad's operator Mina is a neutral, But when the three realms are out of balance, he will be more inclined to us. With his support, we may be able to conquer all the hybrids in the bar instead of directly attacking them and forcing them to cooperate with violence. "

“Look, I don’t need to think about it, don’t you just propose a solution?” Qin Yao spread his hands.

Constantine: “…”

 I just don’t want you to become a killer!

  11:38 noon.

Constantine took the two of them into a bar. A sturdy security guard who seemed to be at least two meters tall stood at the entrance and blocked them. He said expressionlessly: "Gentlemen, please line up for review. The review is passed." Only then can we enter.”

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