I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 942: Xiao Maojun fights Gabriel

Mammon broke her promise and did not hand over Isabel's soul.

However, Qin Yao had already expected this. The only thing he didn't expect was that the insect-faced monster could interrupt his spell casting, which caused him to be a step slower.

Because of his slow pace, when he escaped and returned to the villa, he only saw Dai Xiaole sitting on the sofa, but not Angela.

 “Angela disappeared out of thin air.” Dai Xiaole stood up and said.

Without saying a word, Qin Yao stepped forward, grabbed his wrist, and took him away with him.


In an apartment on Alvarado Street, Constantine, who was naked to the upper body, froze on the spot, staring blankly at the two people who emerged from the light.

“John, take us to the church where Gabriel is stationed.” Qin Yao said bluntly.

Constantine quickly put on his shirt and buttoned it: "What happened?"

"Mammon has come to the world and is about to be reborn in a womb." Qin Yao explained concisely and concisely: "If nothing else happens, Gabriel will become the midwife."

Constantine buttoned up, put on his coat, violently kicked open a cupboard, and took out a firearm with a caliber as thick as a baby's arm: "It takes at least forty-five minutes to get to St. Vibiana Cathedral from here." Minutes, if we rush there now, is it still too late?”

"It's too late." Qin Yao said: "Even if we rush over three days later, it's still too late, because the Spear of God is in my hand, and they have to wait for me."

 “That’s no problem.” Constantine said.

More than forty minutes later, he drove the two of them to the church at a high speed, only to find that the church was closed and two men in suits were guarding the door like sculptures.

 Qin Yao opened the door and got out of the car, taking Constantine and Dai Xiaole to the outside of the church. A man in a suit quickly stretched out his arm to stop them: "Sorry, gentlemen, the church is closed today."

Qin Yao said calmly: "I am Qin Yao."

 The two men in suits looked at each other, and after a moment, turned around and opened the church door.

Qin Yao walked into the church with two fighting partners, only to see a famous hybrid standing quietly in the church hall, and behind them, Angela was tied to a cross, and she didn't know whether she was alive or dead.

"You are finally here." Gabriel, wearing a black suit, appeared from behind the cross and said calmly.

 “Gabriel, you are the archangel of heaven!” Constantine shouted.

 He was really unwilling to accept this fact, and he couldn't even figure out what exactly Gabriel wanted.

Why take such a big risk? !

 “Yes, I am an archangel.”

Gabriel sat on a sofa in front of the cross, crossed his legs, and looked at them calmly: "So I must do something beneficial to heaven. Over the years, there have been too many people who do not deserve to go to heaven, simply because I can’t control those people who have gone to heaven and continue to do those disgusting things, but I can still do a purification in the human world.”

Constantine: “…”

 This woman is crazy!

“Aren’t you afraid of being liquidated in the future for doing such evil things in the Church of God?” Qin Yao asked.

Gabriel smiled slightly: "Only losers will be liquidated, and winners will only be rewarded."

Qin Yao said lightly: "Are you so sure that you will succeed?"

 Two wings suddenly extended from behind Gabriel, and runes shone on the white wings: "Unless God or Satan comes in person, who can stop me?"

Qin Yao said: "There is still me."

"Only you?" Gabriel chuckled, his face full of sarcasm: "Are you worthy?"

"Try it." Qin Yao took out the life-saving talisman of the three officials and Xiao Maojun from his pocket. With a flick of his wrist, the talisman suddenly burned.

Gabriel suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and his body suddenly turned into residual light, and appeared in front of Qin Yao in an instant.

However, at this moment, a golden beam of light fell from the sky and poured into Qin Yao's head...

 Gabriel's face hardened, he took out the holy sword in his hand and slashed at the light beam.


The Holy Sword struck the light pillar, and a deafening explosion sounded instantly. The church glass shattered under the sound wave.


Suddenly, Qin Yao, who was bathed in the golden light, moved, and the three-pointed two-edged sword flew out of his ear automatically. He was holding it in his hand and struck the holy sword with one strike, forcing Gabriel to fly up.

Gabriel circled in the air, his suit suddenly turned into a white robe, and he rushed towards Qin Yao with his sword in hand.

Golden Light Qin Yao started a sword duel with him, and both of them turned into light and shadow as fast as they could.

At the same time, within the sea of ​​consciousness, a big screen seemed to appear in front of Qin Yao's soul, and on the screen was the scene of his body fighting Gabriel.

Perhaps because of the special care of the Patriarch, this time he did not faint directly like he did when the talisman summoned the gods in the past...

 “Kill!” During the fierce battle, Gabriel gave the order to the hybrids below.

  The hybrids spread their wings and charged towards Dai Xiaole and Constantine with weapons in hand.

 “Bang, bang, bang…”

Constantine raised the big gun in his hand and kept pulling the trigger at the charging hybrids. Each bullet could explode a hybrid.

 Dai Xiaole held a scalpel in his hand, like a dancer under the rain curtain, taking gorgeous steps and performing a dance of death among the crowd.

 The sound of Constantine's gun and the clash of swords above formed the accompaniment of this dance.

 The sacred and clean church was eventually stained red with blood on the ground.

 “This is the church, my kingdom of God.”

Gabriel struck Qin Yao's long sword hard with his sword, and the violent force instantly overturned his body: "In my kingdom of God, no matter whether you are a true **** or a true king, you can't beat me!"

Xiao Maojun controlled Qin Yao's physical body to flip several times in the air, relieved the momentum, turned around and rushed towards Gabriel: "But it's not that easy for you to win against me!"

From within the sea of ​​knowledge, Qin Yao could see clearly: Patriarch Xiaomao had not come in his true form after all, and was indeed powerless against Gabriel.

 Perhaps, this is the upper limit of the magic of inviting gods.

Below, Constantine and Dai Xiaole worked together to kill all the hybrids, looking up at the aerial battlefield in a pool of blood with a worried look on his face.

They can also see that Gabriel is almost suppressing Qin Yao to fight. If Qin Yao loses, all three of them will die!

“Qin Yao, what can we do for you?” Dai Xiaole shouted loudly.

Before he finished speaking and Qin Yao gave them instructions, the two wings behind Gabriel suddenly separated from his body and turned into two female soldiers wearing white skirts and armors, and forcibly held Dai Xiaole and Constantine in his arms. inside.

"Hand over the Spear of God immediately, or I will kill them!" Seeing this, Gabriel immediately distanced himself from Qin Yao and shouted in a deep voice.

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