I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 955: Enlighten the Tao, see all sentient beings, see yourself, become an immortal

"How much money do you have at this level?" After bringing the master and apprentice to Yuanfu Palace, the old master asked Qin Yao.

 Under normal circumstances, three chapters of the Great Cave Sutra are definitely enough before ascending to immortality.

  To say that Qin Yao is now facing the problem of being promoted to immortality, the old head cannot believe it.

 There is no shortage of geniuses in the world, but the growth of geniuses can also be traced. A person like the Monkey King who became an immortal within ten years of practicing Taoism is not called a genius, but a freak.

 Are there many freaks in the legend?

 Actually not a lot.

Yang Jian, Lei Zhenzi, Sun Wukong, Nezha... are everywhere.

 Is there such a freak in modern times?

 The old master had never heard of it and could not believe that Qin Yao could be so outrageous.

 This is caused by inherent cognition, and experience affects judgment.

 “Three coins.” Qin Yao said firmly.

Uncle Jiu: “…”

Your answer is a bit outrageous.

“That’s not right.” The old master shook his head and said, “If you only have three coins, how could I not see through your cultivation level?”

Qin Yao said calmly: "The Immortal Ancestor has covered a few things for me to prevent others from finding out what I am and what I am."

 The old master was speechless.

There is no room for verification in this answer.

"You only have three coins. Three chapters of scripture should be enough for you." After pondering for a moment, the old leader said slowly.

 Qin Yao’s cheeks twitched.

Where are you squeezing the toothpaste? Squeeze it out bit by bit?

 “Master, I need the complete version of this book!”

The old master said: "Practice should be done step by step. Don't aim too high."

Looking at his serious words, Qin Yao asked seriously: "Does the master want to hang me with the Great Cave Sutra?"

The old boss waved his hands repeatedly: "Don't get me wrong, I'm really afraid that you are greedy for more and quick things."

Qin Yao smiled slightly: "Don't worry, since I dare to say this, it means I know it well. You might as well think about it, from the time you met me until now, have I been unreliable?"

 Old leader: “…”

This doesn't seem to exist.

 “That’s it, that’s it.”

  After pondering for a long time, the old master finally made up his mind. He summoned a golden book from his hands and pushed it to Qin Yao: "Sooner or later, it will be given to you, as long as you don't be greedy for more and get faster."

"Thank you, Master." Qin Yao took the ancient scripture with both hands and bowed deeply.

He refused to be the head of Maoshan, but the old head still taught him the Great Cave Sutra. This great love is worthy of this bow.

"Practice well." The old master encouraged: "If you can become an immortal during my tenure, then I will die without regrets."

Qin Yao's expression changed and he said quickly: "Master, I don't want to talk about this."

The old headmaster laughed and said: "You are so nervous, as if you will become an immortal in the next few days."

 Chin Yao: “…”

"Hey, I tend to be verbose as I get older. I'm not immune to this." Seeing that he was speechless, the old boss laughed at himself and waved his hand: "Okay, you can go and do your work. Come back and see more when you have time." ”

 The master and apprentice hurriedly responded and left Yuanfu Palace together, riding on Yufeng and rushing to the direction of Renjia Town.

 Halfway through, Uncle Jiu suddenly remembered something. He took out Zhang Daoxian's space bag from his arms and handed it to Qin Yao: "This is for you."

"What is this?" Qin Yao did not reach out to pick it up, but asked first.

 “Zhang Daoxian’s storage bag.”

Qin Yao was puzzled: "Why do you give me this?"

“This is a trophy.” Uncle Jiu said matter-of-factly.

Qin Yao chuckled and said: "You killed Zhang Daoxian. This is your trophy. What should I do with it? Not to mention my friendship with you in reincarnation. If it weren't for you, this victory would never have been so easy. . In other words, you deserve this trophy.”

 Uncle Jiu was silent for a moment, and then stopped insisting.

Up to now, their master and apprentice are like father and son, and their relationship is even better than that of an ordinary father and son. There is really no need to care too much about each other...

Not long after, the two came to Yi Zhuang and separated in the courtyard.

Uncle Jiu went to find Gu Gu, while Qin Yao found Ah Li Nianying and the others, and did not mention them.

 Many days later.

 Practice room.

Qin Yao sat cross-legged on the futon cushion alone, holding the white jade official seal in his left hand, silently injecting a trace of mana into it.

However, a white light flashed on the official seal, and lines of characters quickly appeared, which were details of the evil virtues that had not been consulted.

 Expel the devil and gain 1,800 points of Yin Virtue.

 Kill Balthazar and gain 580 points of moral virtue.

 Work together to prevent Mammon from coming to the world and gain 3,000 Yin Virtue points.

 Save Isabel and gain 180 points of moral virtue.

  Coordinated to kill sixteen vampires and gained 2,400 points of moral virtue.

 Total: seven thousand nine hundred and sixty points.

 The total balance of Yin De is: one thousand, two thousand, one hundred, eleven and two points.

Looking at the characters in front of him in ecstasy, Qin Yao suddenly realized something.

 That is: as the level of the reincarnation world increases, his demand for moral values ​​shows a downward trend.

Because the benefits in the world of reincarnation are enough to satisfy his appetite, he has not opened the details of Yin Virtue for a long time. This first Yin Virtue harvest was from the period of "Modern Celestial Master".

Thinking of this, his thoughts of reviewing the situation later faded away. After confirming the final balance of Yin De, he directly put away his official seal and prepared to upgrade his official rank the next time he went to see Xiao Zhuo.

 Now, the most important thing is to ascend to immortality!

At this moment, the sun shines into the room from the window. Qin Yao's body is bathed in the light. He lowers his head and reads the golden ancient books on the ground, and lines of golden characters flash in his eyes.

 One by one, pages of text were imprinted in his eyes, continuing the path to immortality.

After a long time, the ancient book was turned to the last page. Qin Yao slowly closed his eyes, and the magic power around his body began to circulate along a fixed route. Wisps of white divine light penetrated the pores and turned into rays of light that shone in the room.


Gradually, a sound like waves came out of his body. This was a vision, or abnormal sound, produced when the magic power was operating.

The divine power stored in his soul poured out and spread throughout his body. On the spot, he felt like he had turned into a piece of meteorite, and these divine powers turned into countless hammers, hitting him hard.

The pain was accompanied by an inexplicable sourness.

Skin, bones, five internal organs, eight extraordinary meridians...all are constantly getting stronger under this tempering, gradually revealing the brilliant divine light, and in the blink of an eye, they form a cocoon of light, covering his entire body.     One day, two days, three days.

In the blink of an eye, seventy-seventy-nine days passed by.

On this day, the autumn air is crisp and clear, and the cicadas on the trees are singing their last glory.

In the practice room, with a soft click, like the sound of a stick being broken by a child, or like the sound of a branch being crushed by the sole of a foot, a gap opened in the light cocoon in the center of the room, and then there were more and more gaps, and finally With a snap, the cocoon of light burst completely, and endless divine light suddenly burst out, filling the entire practice room.


Under the impact of this divine light, the charms attached to the interior of the practice room exploded one after another, and the divine light rushed out of the practice room uncontrollably and straight into the sky.

 In Yizhuang.

Uncle Jiu, Gu Gu, Nianying, Ah Li and others all walked out of the room and gathered around to watch this spectacular scene.

Many Taoist priests wearing yellow robes looked straight in their eyes and felt inexplicably horrified.

Half an hour later, as the sun set, the divine light that soared into the sky finally gradually faded away. However, as the divine light disappeared, a terrifying aura was released from the practice room and filled the courtyard.

The Taoist priests in yellow knelt on the ground uncontrollably. Uncle Jiu quickly took action to protect Gu Gu and others before stabilizing their bodies.

“What a terrible momentum, what happened?” Aunt Sue asked Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu paused for a moment and said in a low voice: "Qin Yao, you are going to become an immortal!"

 Ze Gu: “…”

 Inside the room.

All the rays of light converged into Qin Yao's body, causing him to produce a trace of Taoism, allowing people to become enlightened and understand the principles of practice at a glance.

"The sky is bright and clear, the three rays of light are bright, the golden house and the jade chamber, the five treasures are born, the black clouds and the purple cover come to reflect my body, the fairy boy and the jade girl come to my soul, the nine qi are in the same scene, the three lights are the same, the superior purple Gai, ascend to the imperial court..."

"The jade flowers are scattered in the background, the smoke is contained in the nine qi, the fragrant clouds are dense, and they reach the nine heavens. The golden boy serves the incense, and the jade girl is rumored to go before the emperor to make the ministers live forever. The world is immortal and true. You can follow your heart's wish, everything is worse than that... "

Qin Yao has a majestic appearance and red gold eyes. He lies down like a god. His lips are obviously tightly closed, but bursts of chanting can be heard from his body.

The Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing is the first of the three wonders of Taoism. It is said that one can become an immortal by reading it thousands of times without the need for the golden elixir.

 Qin Yao studied it with his soul, which was the true recitation of the gods.

 It’s just that the spiritual energy in today’s world has declined too much, otherwise heaven and earth would have united to produce the ultimate vision.

 Once...twice...three times...

Qin Yao's soul recited the sutra nine thousand nine hundred and ninety times. At the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-first time, the magic power in his body suddenly reversed. In an instant, his whole body seemed to be torn apart. He opened his mouth and spat out a stream of divine blood. Spirit flowers bloomed on the floor.

He knows that this practice has reached its most dangerous moment. If he takes a step back, he will be safe and happy, but he will lose the opportunity to become an immortal.

 The path to immortality is not just about having enough resources. Not to mention that he practiced the extremely high-quality Shangqing sect's scriptures, and it was much more difficult to become an immortal than Uncle Jiu.

“The Xuanzong Gate is slightly bright and bright, and the sky is the same. The road leads to silence. When you see the Sansu Palace, the road is completed here, and the scenery is full of clouds and dragons..."

Qin Yao's heart was like magical iron, indestructible. At the most dangerous moment, his body actually opened his mouth to recite, gradually forgetting about heaven and earth, and the only thing in his mind was this scripture.

I don't know if it was an illusion or reality, but at the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-ninth time, golden characters flew out of his mouth and kept spinning around him, condensing his energy and spirit over and over again, and his soul became more and more intense. It was like being cleansed countless times and suddenly enlightening to countless truths.

 This is—enlightenment.

Half asleep and half awake, Qin Yao felt that his soul had left his body and was floating in the wind among the mountains and rivers. He saw the Great Wall winding like a giant dragon among the green mountains, saw thousands of flowers and trees covering the hillside, and saw the mysterious The ancient temple stands on the bank of the river, and I can see the long wind blowing on the top of the snow-capped mountains...

 I saw all the living beings, and finally returned to the room and saw myself again.

The soul looked at the physical body, with a satisfied smile, and fell into the body. In an instant, thousands of pores projected sacred light, causing his body to fly up uncontrollably. It was obviously an entity, but it penetrated the roof and flew Toward the sky.

This scene is very much like the legendary ascension.

 “Qin Yao!” Seeing him flying higher and higher, Uncle Jiu shouted softly.

This sound was like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, causing Qin Yao to open his eyes in an instant, and his body was fixed in the sky above Yizhuang.


He took a long breath, and the breath turned into a hurricane, blowing over the eaves of the yizhuang and blowing up a cloud of dust.

Qin Yao was startled for a moment, and then he felt how powerful he was at this moment, as if he could level the city with a single thought.

 This is Wonderland!

 “Brother Yao,” Nianying called.

Qin Yao woke up from a dream, stretched his body, and slowly fell from the air. Just as he was about to speak, a majestic and loud voice suddenly came from the lobby.

"Qin Yao, Lin Jiu, come in and see me..."

 “It’s the ancestor.” Uncle Jiu said.

Qin Yao reached out and touched Nianying's head and patted A'li on the back: "Wait for me for a while..."

 The two women nodded repeatedly.

"Meet the Patriarch." The master and the disciple stepped into the main hall and bowed at the same time.

Xiao Maojun's statue was glowing and he said, "Lin Jiu, when did you become an immortal?"

“Just two days ago.” Uncle Jiu’s heart skipped a beat and he said quickly.

“Strange, why didn’t I feel it?” Xiao Maojun murmured to himself.

Uncle Jiu was silent.

 It's a world away, it's strange that you can feel it.

“Probably it’s because there is no statue of you in the place where Master became an immortal.” Qin Yao quickly gave an explanation.

Xiao Maojun nodded and said: "Maybe so, after all, I don't stare at the world all the time."

Qin Yao laughed naively and turned to ask: "I heard you said before that when I become an immortal, you will recommend me to the Queen Mother. Is it the right time now?"

"It's appropriate, there's nothing inappropriate." Xiao Maojun said: "After you ascend, come directly to Liangchang Mountain Cave to find me, and I will take you to see the Queen Mother."

Qin Yao bowed and said, "Thank you very much, Master Patriarch."

"When are you going to ascend?" Xiao Maojun asked immediately.

Qin Yao thought for a while and asked, "Can I take my family with me when I ascend?"

Xiao Maojun smiled and said: "Of course you can, why don't you hear the chickens and dogs ascending to heaven?"

Qin Yao was slightly startled, and his expression suddenly became strange: "Is it true that chickens and dogs ascend to heaven?"

 He has been cheating all the way and has gone through countless calamities before he transformed into a mortal and became an immortal.

But in the story about chickens and dogs becoming immortals, Liu An’s chickens and dogs became immortals after eating the elixir, which is so outrageous.

"Of course it is true." Xiao Maojun said with a smile: "Since ancient times, those who have ascended to immortality can bring their family members and even servants with them. After countless years of accumulation, the immortal world is not only composed of immortals, but also many mortals who have not yet reached the immortal realm. Of course, There is a corresponding limit on this quantity.”

 Qin Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If he can only ascend alone, he will definitely try his best to smuggle Nianying and others to the fairy world after ascending, and the price will be high.

Since you can bring your family members with you, you don’t have to worry about this anymore.

 “I need to ask my Taoist companion for his opinion.” Later, Qin Yao gave a reply.

Xiao Maojun smiled and said: "Okay! I will wait for your master and disciple to arrive in Liangchang Mountain Cave Heaven..."

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