I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 971: It's just a small land

 Chapter 971 He is just a small land

 Jiu Shu world.

 Xianyu, Taoshan Earth Temple.

Under the light of the morning sun, Qin Yao's eyelids moved slightly, he slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath.

At that time, in the world of Journey to the West, after leaving the Ax Gang, he went to Jiangnan in the human world and stayed in the Jiangnan water town for a full forty-seven days before finally receiving the system's plot end notification.

 He has no interest in caring about the fate of Supreme Treasure, Chun Sansanniang, Bai Jingjing and others, let alone knowing their final outcome.

Having experienced countless reincarnations, he has a profound understanding of the truth: most setbacks actually come from looking for trouble, or from that **** curiosity.

 For him, after getting the Moonlight Treasure Box, the journey has been complete.

 He doesn’t owe anyone and has no emotional ties. For safety reasons, leaving is the best choice.

 Therefore, he chose to return without hesitation at that time, abandoning the Moonlight Box world without the Moonlight Box.

 “Qin Yao.”

Not long after, when he pushed open the wooden door of his bedroom, Xiao Wenjun, dressed in black and with long hair hanging over his shoulders, suddenly came over and called out softly.

 “Is something wrong?”

  “I discovered something.”

Qin Yao blinked and asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Wenjun pointed at his feet: "There should be something else inside this mountain."

 “I know.” Qin Yao smiled.

Xiao Wenjun was stunned for a moment and said, "When did you find out?"

Qin Yao explained: "I knew it from the beginning. This mountain used to be Princess Yunhua's dojo. It's normal for there to be a universe inside the mountain.

By the way, don’t try to enter the world of Qiankun. We can’t afford to offend Princess Yunhua’s family now. "

 Xiao Wenjun nodded silently: "I understand."

 Three hours later, the sun set in the west.

A fairy in colorful clothes fell from the sky and landed in front of a cave. The scene she had just glimpsed suddenly flashed through her mind. Then she flew up again, stood high in the sky, and looked at the temple among thousands of peach trees. temple.

"Who is so bold as to build an ancestral temple on Peach Mountain?" The little fairy murmured to herself, stepping on the void and walking step by step to the temple.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Before she entered the temple, she heard bursts of laughter and laughter coming from inside. She opened her eyes and looked through the wide open wooden door into the courtyard. She saw several humans and demons sitting under a big tree, playing. There was a type of playing card she had never seen before.

"Monster..." The little fairy's eyes flashed, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she left here directly.

 That night.

Autumn is high and the air is crisp, and the moon is bright and bright.

Qin Yao accompanied the girls to have dinner in the courtyard, and then looked up at the stars with them.

As they watched, a large cloud suddenly appeared in their eyes, getting closer and closer.

With the clouds covering the sky, Qin Yao secretly thought that something was not right. He put down the teapot in his hand, stood up from the wicker chair, and asked in a deep voice: "Who is the Holy One? What advice do you have from coming to my Tutu Temple?"

The clouds suddenly stopped in mid-air, and seven figures came to the clouds. One of them, a black-bearded man with a knot on his head and a crescent shovel in his hand, stepped out from the crowd and said loudly: "This **** is Erlang Xiansheng, the Taiwei Kang Anyu, you." Who is this person who dares to build a temple here if he knows where this is?”

Qin Yao narrowed his eyes, cupped his hands and said: "The little **** Qin Yao, on the order of the Queen Mother, came to Taoshan to be the guardian of the earth. This earth temple was built under the supervision of the Queen Mother Cai Que female officer. If the **** has any questions about this , you can go to heaven and ask."

 “How dare you!” A man with a flat mustache and gold rings hanging from his ears shouted: “You little land boy, how dare you talk to my brother like that?”

"Why did I speak?" Qin Yao was puzzled: "Is it possible that as a landowner, I can only kneel down and answer what you want?"

The man with the golden ring was furious. He pulled out his hands and pulled out a mace out of thin air. He said coldly: "What a proud earth lord. Today I will let you know what dignity and inferiority are."

 “Old Zhang.” Kang Anyu said in a solemn voice, “Don’t cause trouble to the second master.”

Although this earthly prince has a low status, he is a landkeeper appointed by the Queen Mother. He was deliberately placed on Taoshan, perhaps to lure their Guanjiangkou forces to violate the rules of heaven, and then carry out a substantial blow to the second master.

After fighting for so many years, doesn’t he still know how vicious the old witch is?

Zhang Boshi was impulsive and irritable, but he was not a fool. He quickly realized this and snorted coldly, remaining silent.

Qin Yao looked at Kang Anyu and said calmly: "Does God have any other advice?"

Kang Anyu said to the little fairy who followed them: "Xueli, tell me."

 The little fairy nodded and asked seriously: "Lord Lord, let me ask you, have you seen anyone wandering around Peach Mountain recently?"

Qin Yao said: "There is no one else except us."

“Did you take the things from the Princess’s Fairy Mansion?” Xue Li asked in a solemn voice.

Qin Yao frowned: "What are you talking about?"

"Stop pretending." Zhang Boshi sneered: "If you didn't come, there would be no problem with Meishan Immortal Mansion. As soon as you came, the Immortal Mansion would be stolen. If it wasn't you, who would it be?"

Qin Yao roughly understood, and said in a deep voice: "There is no evidence, your Excellency, please don't make irresponsible remarks."

"Evidence?" Zhang Boshi sneered again and again: "What evidence do you want? Even if you didn't take it, it is still a serious crime for you to not guard Taoshan Immortal Mansion. How dare you talk to me like this?"

Qin Yao was secretly angry.

 This guy has a very proud temperament.

“I am guarding Taoshan, not Taoshan Immortal Mansion, and I am not the security guard of your home. I hope you can recognize this matter clearly and don’t talk nonsense.”

Zhang Boshi turned around and said, "Brother, let me capture this guy and torture him to extract a confession."

 Kang Anyu shook his head and said in a soft tone: "Lord Tudong, we are not targeting you, but the Immortal Mansion was stolen and the losses were heavy. We must have an explanation."

Looking at them, one with a red face and one with a white face, uniting to force themselves, Qin Yao turned blue: "I told you, I'm not your security guard. If you want to explain, you have found the wrong person."

Seeing that he refused to accept his offer, Kang Anyu sighed and waved his hand: "I'm sorry."

As soon as he finished speaking, several rays of fairy light flew out of his hand and **** Qin Yao and others.

Qin Yao did not struggle, because he knew that based on his own strength, he had no chance of winning against the Six Sages of Meishan.

But he kept this account deeply in his heart. In the future, when he succeeds in becoming an immortal, he will definitely go to Guanjiangkou to find Yang Jian for an explanation!

After tying up everyone, Kang Anyu waved his hand, and the five brothers immediately rushed into the Tu Tu Temple and started rummaging through the carpet. After finding nothing, they found the stored magic weapons on Qin Yao and others. In front of them, a Check it out clearly.

  "Brother, no."    In the end, they did not find the treasure house treasures from these stored magic weapons, and their faces could not help but be full of disappointment.

Kang Anyu wanted to leave it at that, but the fairy named Xue Li suddenly said: "I don’t know how long it has been since the theft. Maybe there is a situation where the collection has been transferred?"

Qin Yao suddenly raised his eyes and looked at her with sharp eyes: "Rather than saying that we move the treasure, it is more likely that you will keep it and steal it."

Xue Li's face changed: "What are you talking about? I am the princess's personal maid, how can I do something like guarding and stealing?"

Qin Yao sneered: "Kang Taiwei, why don't you check this little fairy?"

Seeing that Taiwei Kang was really looking at her, Xue Li looked sternly and said in a serious voice, "Do you want to listen to his nonsense?"

  Kang Taiwei felt a slight headache and waved his hand: "Let's end this matter here. I will report it to the second master before we discuss it."

Xue Li stared at Qin Yao and the others and said, "Lieutenant, should we control them first so that the second master will not find them again in the future?"

Qin Yao looked at them with cold eyes and remembered all the faces of these people in his heart.

They may really think that it is just a small piece of land, and if they offend it, they will be offended. Even if it is granted by the Queen Mother, land is just land, so what does it mean?

But Qin Yao would not look down upon himself, let alone how noble and sacred Guanjiangkou was.

"Forget it, even if he escapes, the second master will have his own way to track them down. What's more, if they really escape, it will prove that they were responsible for the theft, and the matter will be simple." Kang Anyu spoke softly, then That is to say, he cast a spell to release the imprisonment of Qin Yao and others, waved his hand and said: "Brothers, come back with me."

“Yes, brother.” The five Meishan brothers said in unison.

Xue Li took a deep look at Qin Yao, but she could only leave with the six brothers.

“That’s too much!” As he watched the group of them disappear into the night sky, Ah Li became more and more angry as he thought about it, and said, “I’m going to find my brother right now, we can’t just let this matter go!”

They clearly did nothing, but they were blamed for nothing, which made her extremely angry.

Qin Yao's heart was undulating, but his face was calm: "Of course I won't just let it go. No matter what the circumstances of this theft case are, today's humiliation will be recovered from Guanjiangkou in the future. But, you also Don’t go to Big Brother, he can’t handle this.”

He knew very well that not only Zhong Kui could not control this matter, but also Xiao Maojun could not control it.

 This is also the main reason why he did not ask God immediately.

 Compared to the backstage, his backstage is simply not comparable to Yang Jian. The only consequence of calling the elders to support the scene is that Erlang Shen scolds or punishes the Six Saints in front of the elders, and then... what else?

 He would never kill his six brothers because of this.

Only by improving your own strength and going to the door to speak out in person, without fighting for each other's backstage, can you avenge the past!

Shortly after.

The Six Monsters of Meishan took Xue Li back to Guanjiangkou and stopped in front of a black attic.

 “Second Master.” Kang Anyu called softly.

 In the attic, a handsome man in silver armor with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes slowly opened his eyes and asked calmly: "What's wrong?"

"The Taoshan Fairy Mansion was stolen. Xueli suspected that it was the newly moved Land Office, but we searched and found nothing." Kang Anyu said.

Erlangshen stood up slowly and walked out of the attic. The vertical eyes on his forehead were shining with divine light, showing his majesty: "Xueli, what exactly is going on?"

Xue Li's heart trembled, and she didn't dare to look directly at the other person's face: "Today, I was ordered by the princess to go to Taoshan Immortal Mansion to pick up things. When I opened the Immortal Mansion, I saw that the Immortal Mansion was empty, and all the treasures in it had been looted. . I suspected that the matter was related to the newly moved Tudong from Taoshan, so I came to see my six brothers and asked them to inquire about the situation. "

Erlangshen stared at her face carefully and suddenly said: "Raise your head and look at me."

Xue Li took a deep breath, slowly raised her head, and her eyes were firm.

 “Why lie?” Erlang Shen asked.

 “This slave didn’t lie.” Xue Li said seriously.

Erlang Shen raised his right hand, suddenly pulled her from the spot, strangled her neck, and said coldly: "You underestimate me too much. If you don't have the ability to see through people's hearts, do you think I can listen to the instructions but not the propaganda?" Under such circumstances, can you hold on to your position as the God of Justice? "

  Xue Li: “…”

“One last time, tell me the truth, otherwise I will throw you into the sky prison to search for your soul, and you will eventually get the answer.” Erlang Shen said coldly.

Xue Li's face changed drastically, and she immediately begged for mercy: "Second Master, please have mercy on me, Second Master, please have mercy on me, this servant is obsessed with ghosts. When he saw that there were demons and ghosts in the earth temple, he had a wrong idea."

Erlangshen pushed her to the ground and said indifferently: "Did the princess treat you wrong?"

Xue Li knelt on the ground and kowtowed, and said with a cry: "Princess, you have never treated me badly. It's because I don't want to be a slave anymore. I originally thought about leaving with the treasure, but then I thought wrong. This means that I stole it from myself. For the rest of my life, , will definitely be wanted by heaven..."

Erlang Shen sighed: "Where did you hide the treasures of the Immortal Mansion?"

Xue Li kowtowed: "In Huashan! Please spare my life for the sake of my honesty. This slave is really just a thought, a thought!"

“Kang Anyu, take her to Mount Huashan to get the treasure.” Erlang Shen said calmly.

 Kang Anyu's old face turned red.

Erlangshen asked the truth in a few words, but the six brothers were deceived by a woman. In comparison, they were really stupid.

“Yes, Second Master.” Kang Anyu bowed and said.

Shaoqing, the six brothers escorted Xue Li out of the True Lord's Mansion. They had black hair on their heads, wore red gowns, and gold-patterned short coats. The man with a square face called softly: "Brother, over there at Taoshan Land..."

Kang Anyu paused for a moment, waved his hand and said: "Leave him alone, there may not be a chance to see him again in the future."

 “But…” the man hesitated.

"Lao Wu, forget it. He is just a landowner. If he is insulted, he will be insulted. What can he do?" Zhang Boshi smiled and said, "Even if he goes to complain to the Queen Mother, will the Second Master punish us heavily for this? After all, we This is also considered faithful to one’s duty.”

Guo Shen nodded slightly.


 Just a landowner.

Over the years, they have offended countless righteous gods, and a landowner cannot be ranked among them.


 Why is he inexplicably having palpitations?

At this moment, Erlangshen also didn’t take what happened on Taoshan to heart.

 Compared to the Six Sages of Meishan, as the God of Justice, he offended more righteous gods.

If every offended righteous **** could be trusted by him, his heart would have been filled long ago.

 (End of this chapter)

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