Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Four Tails Escape

I don’t know how long it took, the battle between Uchiha Nayu and Hoshigaki Kisame is over!

Seeing Hoshigaki Kisame’s finger with the unique ring of the organization, I know that Uchiha Naiyu has won the battle!

“Chief, where are we going now?”

“Now that Li Zhiguo is looking for our absolute organization like a mad dog, don’t you have any ideas?”

Hoshigaki Kisame quickly adapted to his new identity, and said to Uchiha Nayu.

“Humph! Let Li’s national artifacts be opened for a while now, they will be destroyed by us in a short time!”

“In order to deal with them, I have prepared many plans!”

“As for where we are going now, just follow me.”

Uchiha Nayu said in a low tone.

Seeing Uchiha Nayu’s reluctance to speak more, Hoshigaki Kisame did not speak much, and silently followed.

Soon, they came to a very hidden cave.

Seeing this cave, Hoshigaki Kisame said that he was very surprised.If it weren’t for Uchiha Nayu to lead the way, even if he carefully searched for three days and three nights, he would never find this place!

After Hoshigaki Kisame followed Uchiha Nayu’s steps, he found that there was a very huge golem inside!

This golem is the Gedo Statue. At this time, its nine eyes are closed, its hands are open, and its ten fingers are like wooden stakes, allowing people to stand on it.

Suddenly, on the fingers of this Gedo Statue, a phantom of Six Paths suddenly appeared!

This Six Paths phantom is in phantom color, like a mirage!

“This time I asked everyone to come forward to welcome new members and release some new tasks.”

Uchiha Nayou looked at these phantoms and said flatly.

“Huh? This shark face is a new member?”

One of the phantoms said in a very exaggerated tone.

“Hey! Newcomers, do you want to join the Cthulhu? Just join the Cthulhu, the Lord Cthulhu will give you the gift of immortality!”

The phantom continued to say, with a trace of worship for the evil god in his tone!

“Sorry, I don’t want to join any religious thoughts, and I don’t call Shark Face, my name is Hoshigaki Kisame, “!”

Hoshigaki Kisame’s face suddenly became ugly when he heard the words of the ghost!

He hates that someone calls him a shark face. If it wasn’t for the other party to be a phantom, he would have given him a shark long ago!

“Humph! You want readers! Lord Cthulhu will definitely punish you and curse you!

When the phantom heard Hoshigaki Kisame’s refusal to enroll, his tone became excited and vicious.

Hearing this, Hoshigaki Kisame suddenly had a killing intent and wanted to kill the opponent!

This tone is too arrogant!

“Hidan, you shut up!”

Uchiha Nayu couldn’t help but speak out.

This Hidan will attract hatred too much. If it is not for the fact that the other party has an immortal body, it is impossible for Uchiha Naru to let him join the gang!

“Everyone introduce yourself.

After Uchiha Nayu saw Hidan calm down, his tone returned to calmness.

“Cthulhu, Hidan!

“Iwagakure betrayal, Deidara!

Konoha “Mura Shinobu, Orochimaru!

“Takigakura Rebel Shinobu, Kakuzu!”

“Sunagakure Rebel Shinobu, Sasori of Akasha!

“A member of the Absolute Organization, Black White Zetsu!”

The Six Paths phantom all introduced themselves.

“Kirigakure betrayal, Hoshigaki Kisame!”

When Hoshigaki Kisame heard these names, he was suddenly a little excited!

He didn’t expect Konoha’s S-rank rebel, Orochimaru would even join this organization!

In addition to Orochimaru, Kakuzu and Sasori are also famous in the Ninja World!

With the existence of these three, it is enough to prove how powerful this organization is!

Dashe “Maru, are you ready?”

When Uchiha Nayu saw that everyone had finished introducing, he asked Orochimaru’s phantom.

“Almost, give me three more months!”

Orochimaru’s phantom said hoarsely.

“Okay, during this period you will concentrate on perfecting that technique, and when your side is done, we will start our plan!”

“However, during this period of time, we need to find some powerful allies to help us deal with the five powers and the country of Lebanon!”

Uchiha Nayu continued.

“Is there any ally strong enough to stop the five powers and the country of Lebanon?”

Orochimaru said with some doubts.

The five great nations and the kingdom of Li can be said to be the strongest representatives of the entire Ninja Realm!

In addition to the legendary Ninja Shura and the Ninja God, who else can stop them?

For Orochimaru’s doubts, Uchiha Nayu has no surprises.

He said that the pressure was very low, and said:

“I don’t know if you have heard of…

“The Box of Bliss and Undead Monsters, I want to hear it!”

Land of the earth, Iwagakure!

On a very large flat ground, there was an extremely huge figure motionless.

That huge figure is the Four Tails frozen in ice!

However, the ice layer on Four Tails has become very small, and only a very thin layer of frost is left!

But it is this layer of frost that makes Four Tails still frozen!

“This is the last time!

Onoki floated in mid-air, staring at Four Tails with solemn eyes.

Then in front of his hands, a square dust barrier suddenly appeared!

“Dust Escape·Boundary Stripping Technique!

With Oh Yemu’s roar, the barrier in front of his hands instantly enlarged, covering the Four Tails completely!

A metal piercing sound suddenly sounded, and then the light in the enchantment continued to increase, and the ice layer on Four Tails also slowly disappeared, being decomposed into atomization!


A strong wind blows the smoke away from the scene, revealing the scene of Four Tails breaking!

“Huh, after all these years, this ice layer has finally been eliminated!”

“I really don’t know what kind of monster Li Zhiguo’s name is, there is such a powerful Frozen Technique!”

“It’s almost on par with that person!”

Ohnogi gritted his teeth and said.

At the same time, he (Qian Lihao) recalled that unforgettable horrible memory in his mind!

After Four Tails was released from the ice, its huge body continued to shrink, as if there was a black hole on its body to absorb it!

Subsequently, the appearance of Four Tails ceased to exist and turned into a person.

That is Four Tails Jinchūriki, old Zijie!

Lao Zi fell to the ground very quickly. If Oh Yemu hadn’t turned the ground into soft soil, he would have been seriously injured!

“It looks okay.

Da Yemu flew up to Lao Zi, feeling the traces of life on Lao Zi’s body slowly recovering, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief!

In the past few years, Onoki has continuously released Dust Escape Ninjutsu to eliminate the ice on Four Tails, in order to let Lao Zi release the ice and survive.

After all, in a big ninja village, apart from the existence of the shadow, the most important thing is Jinchūriki!

That’s why Oh Yemu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there were traces of life on Lao Zi’s body.

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