Chapter 198 Occupying the Water Country

“These things are really weird!”

After Whitebeard used the air shock to sweep the immortal soldiers on the left, the immortal soldiers on the right emerged again.

Even though Whitebeard has invincible power, facing this group of immortal soldiers who will always Immune to Death, he can’t help but become disgusted in his heart.

“Perhaps, after defeating that kid, we can solve these weird soldiers!”

Thinking of this, Whitebeard’s electric naginata, all the surrounding indestructible soldiers were defeated and flew out under a circular cut.

Then Whitebeard suddenly stood up, like a human-shaped cannonball, leaping to the sprite’s side at extreme speed!

“I have to admit, your combat power is above me!”

“But if you want to kill me, you can’t seem to do it!”

Sprite smiled, and then countless dark purple Chakras emerged from behind again, transforming into dragon-shaped, wolf-shaped, and tentacle-shaped attacks, and they attacked Whitebeard directly!

“This kind of thing, how can I know if I don’t try it?”

Whitebeard was noncommittal about Sprite’s words.

He attached Shock Fruit and armed power to the big naginata, and he just passed the attack on the sprite!


The Dai Naginata cleanly broke all the attacks in front of the 03, and then a half-moon-shaped shock wave suddenly slammed from the Dai Naginata, and it struck at the spooky speed!


There is no doubt that the sprite was hit by this shock wave again and collapsed, blood sprayed, and fell into the ground again!

But soon, he returned to his original state!

Although Sprite was back to its original state again, his face was not very good.

After all, Whitebeard can’t kill him, but it can make him feel endless pain!

And Whitebeard also saw this, so his catastrophic knife was swung frantically, and there were dozens of shock waves in an instant, and it attacked at the spooky speed!

“I TM…”

Seeing such a dense shock wave, Sprite’s complexion instantly turned blue. Before he could finish his words, his body collapsed once again!


When Whitebeard watched the ghost fall again and wanted to continue to attack, he suddenly sensed that someone was slowly approaching behind him, and he turned around and looked around.

“His Royal Highness, why are you here?”

Whitebeard couldn’t help but wondered when he saw that it was Ye Shi.

“My purpose is to solve sprites, and now I am just a clone.”

The Bing Clone smiled at Whitebeard.

Then he turned his gaze to the subject and found that it had been restored to its original state.

“Is there another one? It’s a pity that you still can’t kill me!”

Sprite also noticed the existence of the ice clone at this time.

“I didn’t say I wanted to kill you, but I can freeze you!”

The extremely cold spiritual power in Bingfen’s body suddenly exploded, and five icy pillars suddenly fell above the sky, surrounding the super face in a five-pointed line!

“What is this?!”

Sprite suddenly found that he had lost contact with the outside world, and suddenly panicked!

The ability of the ice pillar is to suppress all the abilities of the attacking target, so all the external abilities of the sprites will be eliminated!

In addition, the immortal legion that was constantly fighting against the Dark Chief Rem in the outside world suddenly stopped at this time!

Without the manipulation of sprites and the giving of Chakra, they are like machines without electricity, unable to operate again.

“Ding Ding Ding…

Five icy blue chains of the Ice God suddenly appeared from the top of the icicle. They kept moving downward, and stopped suddenly when they reached a suitable position.

Then they leaped towards the sprite with great speed, wrapped around the sprite’s body, and bound him!

“Asshole! What the hell is this!”

After being bound by Ice God’s chains, Sprite became even more panicked!

Because he found that the Chakra in his body could no longer work!

“Enjoy, the feeling of being frozen forever!”

The extremely cold spiritual power in Bingfen’s body exploded again, and the Bingtian Pillar and the Ice God’s chain immediately ejected a mysterious force.

This mysterious power emerged directly into the sprite’s body, and then turned into a huge block of ice, sealing the sprite’s ice!

This is the eternal ice seal ability that is triggered when the ice pillar and the ice god chain are used together!

Because this is a higher level of ice-sealing ability, which is more powerful than the extreme cold ice-sealing that Ye controls, so Ye Lan will use this ability to freeze the gall!

After all, once this guy is rescued, it will be difficult to find him, so Ye Lan doesn’t plan to give him any chance of being rescued, and directly seal him forever!

As for why not directly obliterate his soul…

Even Sage of Six Paths, who controls Yin and Yang, couldn’t kill him, and Ye Lan naturally couldn’t kill him!

After all, Ye Lan’s truly powerful cultivation ability is the Drifting Cold Technique, not the spirit.

If Ye Lan’s Reiatsu also reached a five-star existence, then the question would have been obliterated by him long ago!

That’s why Ye Yuan will freeze the raw sugar.

After simply handling the battlefield, Ye Lan, Whitebeard, and Chief Rem all returned to Dawn City.

Among them, Whitebeard went to a training ground and instructed Uchiha Obito to practice with some high-potential rookies Wang Bing.

In the three days when Ye Lan entered the spiritual time house, after Whitebeard met the senior figures of Li Zhiguo, his son-recognizing nature was suddenly exposed!

Don’t know why, he stared at Uchiha120 Obito, wanting to make him his son.

And Uchiha Obito and Whitebeard have not known each other for less than a month, so they will naturally refuse Whitebeard’s strange request.

Although rejected, Whitebeard just smiled, and then stopped talking about it.

Because Whitebeard’s strength has already encountered a bottleneck, he has nothing to do except for drinking.

After all, ordinary cultivation couldn’t improve his strength at all.

So he ran to the training ground and appointed Uchiha Obito and Wang Bing to practice.

Whitebeard went to the training ground, and Chief Rem went to a wasteland.

It uses the profound skill of Frozen World to build a tall ice tower, and then it stays inside the ice tower. Only if something happens to the kingdom of Li, it will show up.

Because Ye Lan didn’t interfere too much with the freedom of these Pokémon, Chief Rem would go outside to build an ice tower!

When the ice clone entered Dawn City, it was automatically solved.

So Ye Lan in the main hall acquired these memories in an instant.

But he has been running the live broadcast function, so it doesn’t matter if these memories are not seen.

Then he shifted his gaze to the battlefield of Water Country.

Lu Qi and the others have now occupied most of the area of ​​the Water Country!,

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