I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 44: Help stop service

"Forget it, Ma Dong can still afford this appetite."

When everyone heard what Ma Dong said, they couldn't help laughing.

Dong Wan'er saw all this in his eyes. After all, Shen Fei didn't say that he wanted to come together at the time. He had forcibly brought Shen Fei over. Now seeing that Shen Fei was embarrassed by this group of people, she was also very upset.

Ma Dong saw Tong Wan'er staring at the cup in front of him without saying a word, his face turned a little ugly.

Naturally, I quickly understood the reasons for this, and it is not good to continue to make things difficult for Shen Fei. If Tong Wan'er turns his face with herself because of this incident, then how can Tong Wan'er, a little beauty, succeed.

Ma Dong is not an ignorant person. Seeing the food came, he immediately helped Tong Wan'er with a piece of crispy meat, and said flatly.

"Zhang Lan's friend is my Ma Dong's friend. Come, don't be restrained, and try this dish."

In a short while, the meals have been gradually completed.

The big guy ate and drank for a while, Yu Ziming and Ma Dong talked a few words from time to time, which caused everyone to laugh.

Shen Fei looked at the group of people, silently eating from the side.

Seeing what was in front of him, he picked up his chopsticks and stretched out to pick it up, but as soon as Shen Fei's chopsticks stretched over, the glass table turned before touching the edge of the plate.

The small crispy pork in front of me was turned away and turned into a plate of beef stew vermicelli.

Shen Fei stretched towards the beef vermicelli, and just wanted to sandwich a piece of beef.

The desktop turned again,

Beef stewed vermicelli turned into a plate of peanuts.

Shen Fei was a little confused, what was going on, who had trouble with him, was going around here.

Looking up at the crowd, Zhang Lan placed her hand on the round glass table, looking at herself angrily, as if she was very dissatisfied with herself.

Zhang Lan deliberately rectified Shen Fei, not wanting Shen Fei to eat here.

Zhang Lan now admires Yu Ziming very much and thinks that Yu Ziming is a big business. Now Yu Ziming's good friend Ma Dong is in love with Tong Wan'er again, of course she has to help.

If Ma Dong were really with Tong Wan'er, Ma Dong would be very happy, and he would indirectly help Yu Ziming. Yu Ziming would definitely appreciate him at that time, and the relationship between the two people would not be successful.

Now everyone has acquiesced to their relationship with Yu Ziming. Maybe Ma Dong really caught up with Tong Wan'er. Through this incident, maybe Yu Ziming will confess to himself and say the phrase "Be my girlfriend!"

As a result, now a Shen Fei came out of the sword and intervened between Ma Dong and Tong Wan'er, causing Tong Wan'er not to pay attention to Ma Dong at all, and he was quite indifferent to Ma Dong.

Although Zhang Lan had a hundred people who didn't understand why Tong Wan'er would take care of people like Shen Fei, she would never let Shen Fei be with Tong Wan'er.

Besides, Shen Fei is still pretending to be his cousin's boyfriend. Even though he is still pretending to be his cousin, Shen Fei might already have fallen in love with her cousin because of her cousin's charm, and sooner or later she will be fascinated by her cousin.

Now it seems that Shen Fei seems to have some interest in Tong Wan'er, always pestering Tong Wan'er, this is not okay!

With such a poor **** like Shen Fei, and thinking of stepping on two boats, he is simply talking about dreams!

Zhang Lan was angry about this, so she used this inability to get on the table at the dinner table to vent her dissatisfaction with Shen Fei.

There was a wry smile in Shen Fei's heart, and this Zhang Lan was really...such a playing behavior to retaliate against herself.

"Ma Dong, I called you a long time ago to tell me, I really didn't expect you to arrive so slowly?"

Yu Ziming asked suddenly.

Although they were sitting at a table, it was Ma Dong and Yu Ziming who were talking and chatting.

Most of the other people just listened, echoed two sentences at the right time, and just smiled. After all, Ma Dong and Yu Ziming are the owners of this table, and their status and status are higher than the others.

"My Mercedes-Benz GCC was loaned to a friend for two days. I went camping in the wild, and the car was almost out of color. I stopped by to wash the car."

Ma Dong specially emphasized the Mercedes-Benz GCC, while the one behind it was taken lightly.

"I'll go, Mercedes-Benz GCC is a luxury car, five to six hundred thousand yuan!"

"Sure enough, it's the configuration of Gao Fushuai! It's amazing!"

The people on the table immediately complimented, and each showed an expression of envy.

"Wan'er, I'll let Ma Dong take you out for a drive. This Mercedes-Benz is very comfortable to sit on!"

Zhang Lan quietly touched Tong Wan'er with her arm in private, and she kept winking at Tong Wan'er.

Then he said to Ma Dong with a bright face, "Brother Dong, do you think what I said is okay?"

Zhang Lan's remarks were obvious. One side praised Ma Dong, and the other brought together things with Tong Wan'er. Anyone with a discerning eye can hear it.

When Ma Dong heard Zhang Lan's words, he immediately understood. He was very satisfied with Zhang Lan's flattering, and when he heard that he took Tong Wan'er out for a ride, his heart itched with beauty.

"No problem! Sit as you want, and take you wherever you want."

Ma Dong laughed and looked at Tong Wan'er.

"The other day, I will invite everyone to a high-end hotel for dinner. This hotel’s grounds are a bit small. When I came over, the parking spaces were full. As a result, I wandered outside for a few more laps, so I couldn’t find a place, but that The empty space is too small, that is, me, other people really can't get in."

Ma Dong brags for a while.

"Driving a luxury car, of course, there is no need to say more about the car skills."

"It's not!"

Ma Dong really enjoys the feeling of being lifted to the sky by everyone, which makes him more face in front of Tong Wan'er, and even more air in front of Shen Fei.

Ma Dong glanced at Shen Fei squintingly, and was immersed in the peanuts to eat.

Oh, a poor **** dare to come and grab a woman from Ma Dong, irresponsible.

"Doesn't the hotel have an attendant to help with parking? Just let them stop."

Shen Fei did not look up, and said with some doubts.

Yes, that's right.

This restaurant does have this service item.

Ma Dong was very reluctant when he heard this. He thought that Shen Fei was not pleasing to his eyes. If it hadn't been for Tong Wan'er to be angry just now, he would have humiliated Shen Fei a long time ago.

There is no place for you to speak here.

"Oh, you poor boy knows a p! Why are cars parked for you? Without a car of 700,000 to 800,000 yuan, who would park your car for you?"

Ma Dong said with contempt.

"I have never seen the world."

Yu Ziming sneered.

"He's just a poor man. I've never seen a good car. If you give him a Lamborghini, maybe he will say that a small car is not practical? He knows a wool! As for people like him, he spends so much talk."

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