I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 598: Heavy life

When Shen Fei saw You Manrong coming back, he surrounded You Manrong with a look of excitement, "Where is my little train?"

"Shen Fei, I've been to that store. I'm sorry, that store is out of stock now. I will buy it for you when they fill it up, okay?" You Manrong said apologetically.

"Huh! I'm not happy without the little train!" Shen Fei pouted like an angry child, shaking You Manrong's arm.

"There is no small train, but I bought you a lot of delicious food, are you hungry?" You Manrong was just coaxing a child, gently touching Shen Fei's head.

When he heard that there was something delicious, Shen Fei's eyes lit up immediately, "Really?! What is delicious? I want to eat, I want to eat!"

You Manrong gently hugged Shen Fei, "I bought you a lot of meat, I will make it for you now."

"Wow! Eat meat! I have meat!" Shen Fei completely forgot about the fact that there was no small train just now, and now only thinks about his meat.

You Manrong looked at Shen Fei with a knowing smile, then took out his mobile phone and handed it to Shen Fei, "Let's watch the video you want to watch first, and I'll cook for you."

"Okay!" Shen Fei took the phone and sat back on the bed bouncingly.

Then Yu Manrong heard the voice of an animated character on the phone, "Makabaka..."

After an hour...

"Shen Fei, come over for dinner!"

You Manrong brought all the cooked prawns, crabs and steaks.

"Oh my God! There are so many delicious ones! I want to eat prawns! I want to eat crabs too!"

"Ah! I want to eat meat!"

Shen Fei was so excited that he kept spinning around You Manrong.

"Hey! Shen Fei, have you forgotten how I told you before? What do you want to do before eating?" You Manrong suddenly stopped Shen Fei's hand extending to Steak, deliberately pretending to be unhappy and asked.

Shen Fei paused, then grinned and said: "I know! Before eating, I need to, wash my hands! Wash my hands! I'll wash my hands..."

"be good!"

Shen Fei hurried to the bathroom, only to hear the sound of running water. Then, Shen Fei ran back again hurriedly, "I have cleaned it, and it smells so fragrant if you smell it!"

As he said, Shen Fei placed both hands in front of You Manrong's face, "You smell it, you smell it..."

You Manrong lowered his head and sniffed, "Wow! Shen Fei is really great, really fragrant! Let's eat quickly!"

"it is good!"

Shen Fei directly picked up a prawn and delivered it directly to his mouth. The prawn soup was splashed everywhere, and Shen Fei made a handful of the soup.

Youman couldn't bear it and said, "Eat slowly and take a look. You're all in your hands.

Shen Fei smiled, rubbed his hand on his clothes, and then happily raised it to You Manrong, "It's clean!"

Shen Fei's current IQ is a six-year-old child. You Manrong has long been accustomed to this kind of Shen Fei for so long.

It's just that You Manrong always couldn't help but think of Shen Fei before. Once he remembered, at that time, Shen Fei took himself out for dinner and specially took him to the high-end restaurant. At that time, he had never eaten seafood.

You Manrong remembered very clearly that it was Shen Fei who ordered a large plate of lobster for himself, and he personally picked the lobster for himself...

Thinking of this, Yu Manrong couldn't help his nose sore, and his eyes were moist. You Manrong really missed Shen Fei before, and missed the happy days with Shen Fei.

At that time, Shen Fei always thought for himself, helping him with everything, blowing hair with Shen Fei by the lake, and walking with Shen Fei when the moonlight was beautiful...

The scenes that used to be with Shen Fei appeared in You Manrong's mind like a movie.

Thinking about it, Suddenly, Youman couldn't bear to cry, why did he have amnesia!

The reason why Shen Fei became like this is because of himself. You Manrong watched Shen Fei happily eating dinner, and his heart was extremely bitter.

Yes, Shen Fei's current IQ is only 6 years old. How can a 6-year-old child understand his own mind?

Even if Shen Fei is only 6 years old now, even if he can't remember what happened with him, or even if he doesn't remember himself, so what?

At least for now, I can still accompany Shen Fei. No matter what Shen Fei becomes, Shen Fei is Shen Fei, unique in the world.

"I'm full! I've eaten all of them, I'm a good baby, I'm going to bed now!"

After Shen Fei finished speaking, he bounced back to the bed.

You Manrong wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, and after clearing up the leftovers on the table, he walked to the bed and found that Shen Fei had fallen asleep deeply.

You Manrong just sat on the edge of the bed, staring at Shen Fei blankly, and gently stroking Shen Fei's face. What a familiar face!

Once this face would laugh for myself, worry for myself, angry for myself...

In the past, You Manrong also liked to watch Shen Fei quietly, especially after Shen Fei fell asleep, You Manrong always quietly touched Shen Fei's nose and mouth.

It's time for You Manrong to like Shen Fei the most during this period of time, because only at this time, Shen Fei is the most like him before. Looking at Shen Fei who is sleeping, You Manrong always feels back to the past.

That feeling is really subtle and magical, and Yuman Rong will feel warm in his heart just thinking about it.

In this way, You Manrong also lay down beside Shen Fei, put his head on Shen Fei’s chest, closed his eyes gently, quietly listening to Shen Fei’s heartbeat, and fell asleep unconsciously. went.

You Manrong is really too tired. He has to face many things every day. He has to go to work to make money, take care of Shen Fei, and deal with some messy things.

In his sleep, You Manrong vaguely heard someone calling her, "Manrong, Manrong..."

Shen Fei!

You Manrong's brain reacted at once, and it was Shen Fei who was calling himself!

But his eyelids were so heavy that he couldn't open them anyway. You Manrong felt his heartbeat speed up, and his calls kept ringing in his ears.

Shen Fei, Shen Fei...

Finally, You Manrong exhausted all his strength and opened his eyes.

"Shen Fei..."

You Manrong just lay on Shen Fei's chest, tears streaming out, no one could feel her grief at this moment.

"Man Rong..."

Shen Fei was still murmuring her name, repeating it over and over again, but Shen Fei kept his eyes closed from beginning to end, as if he was having a long dream.

You Manrong gently stroked Shen Fei's cheek, "Shen Fei, are you dreaming? Why do you call my name only in your dreams? Why do you know me in your dreams and then wake up and not recognize? Why, why is this..."

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