I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 812: Relatives of the Mei family

Shen Fei clearly saw that standing at the door was a woman she didn't know at all. She was about 40 years old and she wore ordinary clothes, but Shen Fei could feel that this woman was extraordinary, hers There is a kind of temperament in the body, which is not something ordinary people can have.

"Mother is here, unfilial daughter, Mei Yeqing pays her respects to her mother!"

Having said this, the woman threw a plop and fell directly in front of Jin Ruliu.

"Mei Yeqing!"

"Sure enough, it's Mei Yeqing, why do I look so familiar with her? It turns out it's really her!"

"Didn't this woman leave Mei's house more than 20 years ago? Why is she back now?"

"Who knows, if she didn't show up, I would have forgotten her a long time ago."

"What did you say she did when she came back this time?"

"Why did she leave Mei's house in the first place?"

At this time, everyone was talking about it, but there were also young people who didn't know what exactly this was, so one person asked suspiciously.

"What else could have corrupted the family tradition. Back then, she had children before getting married. I heard that she was driven out by the Mei family."

"Really? Is there such a scandal in the Mei family?"

"It seems that the women of the Mei family are not at peace. Look at this Mei Yihe, I didn't know the reason for marrying a wimp!"

"Shhh! The old lady is here. Keep your voice down, but it's unlucky for her to hear it."

Everyone talked.

"What are you doing back here? It has nothing to do with you." Jin Ruliu looked at the woman in front of him blankly, and said coldly.

"Today Jian Jia is 21 years old. You have seen her in the past 20 years. Today I brought Jian Jia to see you and meet the Mei's sisters."

After speaking, the woman greeted a young girl from the crowd.

Everyone squeezed to the front, wanting to see what the girl looked like. This is the illegitimate daughter of Mei Yeqing. Until now, no one knows who the father of this child is.

Because of this child, Mei Yeqing resolutely left Mei’s house, and never came back once in more than 20 years. People who didn’t know thought that Mei Yeqing had died of illness, but today Mei Yeqing appeared again, and she The child was brought.

This is big news, I believe it will spread throughout Wuling River soon.

This young girl, like her mother, wore very simple clothes. It can be seen that the clothes were all made by herself. The clothes were washed to be white. She wore a pair of old cloth shoes on her feet, which were also handmade shoes. .

It's just that no one can see the girl's face. She wears a big hat and a veil on her face. No one can see the face under that veil.

"Why are you still covering your face?"

"That's what's going on? Why do you want to cover your face?"

"A good girl, why is she blocking her face?"

The big guy was originally curious about this girl of Mei Yeqing, but now she blocked her face again, and the big guy wanted to know what she looked like.

"Jianjia, come on, this is grandma."

Mei Yeqing took Jianjia's hand and brought it to Jin Ruliu, making Jianjia kneel down.

Before Jian Jia could speak, Jin Ruliu said coldly: "Grandma? Who is her grandmother? My Mei family has never had a granddaughter, this child will not be recognized by the Mei family.

Mei Yeqing, remember that you are no longer part of our Mei family. You were kicked out of the Mei family twenty years ago. Everything about you has nothing to do with the Mei family. I It has nothing to do with you either, this lady, I am not your mother either! "

"Mom! I beg you, thousands of mistakes are my fault, but Jian Jia is innocent..."

At this time, Mei Yeqing knelt down in front of Jin Ruliu, pleading constantly.

She can suffer, but she wants her children not to suffer from sins like herself.

"Now you know it's wrong? It's too late, right?"

Mei Yeqing was able to make such a move. In fact, Jin Ruliu was very surprised. In any case, Mei Yeqing was also Jin Ruliu's daughter and knew her daughter Jin Ruliu very well.

Mei Yeqing has been a stubborn temper since she was a child, otherwise she wouldn't be reduced to the point of being kicked out of Mei's house.

Back then, Mei Yeqing and Jin Ruliu had a big quarrel because of the child. Mei Yeqing was unwilling to bow to Jin Ruliu, and even left Mei's house with her newly born cymbal.

At that time, Mei Yeqing was fearless and didn’t care about anything. There was only a Mei’s house, and Mei Yeqing couldn’t see it at all. But look at Mei Yeqing now. She is already an old woman in her 40s. The decisive style is long gone.

"Do you remember those things you said when you left the Mei's house? If you don't remember, I can tell you again. You said you would never come back to the Mei's house again, and you don't bother to have the blessing of the Mei's.

Back then, if you could marry the Shen family, the largest family in the world, our Mei family would also become the top family in the world, but you have done something to ruin your style, and you have to resolutely give birth to this evil obstacle! The family is unfortunate, the family is unfortunate! "

Speaking of this, Jin Ruliu couldn't help but shook his head, "What the **** did our Mei family do? There were two unbelievable things! There was you Mei Yeqing 20 years ago, and there will be Mei Yi 20 years later. He, what a crime...

All of this is your own responsibility. Since you have chosen to leave Mei's house, you will never come back. Please leave immediately and don't affect our family banquet. "

Everyone was shocked.

Upon hearing this, Mei Yeqing froze there, her eyes were a little desperate.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I was wrong. It was all my fault back then. If you want to beat or scold you, I will punish you. I don't need to go back to Mei's house, but Jian Jia is your granddaughter. You can't deny her!

This kid has been wronged with me. I haven't had a good day. I have no money or even let her go to school. Mom, you can accept Jia Jia and let Jia Jia live better, Mom, I I beg you! "

It turns out that the reason why Mei Yeqing brought her daughter here was to let her stay in Mei's house and live a good life.

Jin Ruliu saw this situation at this time, did not speak, as if thinking about something.

Although Jin Ruliu was still angry when she saw Mei Yeqing, after all, more than 20 years have passed since this incident. Mei Yeqing is Jin Ruliu's biological daughter again. No matter how much hatred she may have, it should almost be forgiven.

In addition, today is another family banquet. There are so many people in the Mei family. If people watch the joke at this time, the Mei family's face will be really lost.

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