I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 851: Reason

"Aunt Jiang has come to the door, there is nothing to explain, is it possible that you want to say that you and Aunt Jiang's husband are true love! Do you want to be the wife of the Ma family!" Mei Yihe interrupted Mei directly Ye Qing's words.

"Get out!" Jin Ruliu turned his head to stop looking at Mei Yeqing, and shouted, pointing at the door.

"Mom, I really didn't. I was looking for a job, and then..." Mei Yeqing was still struggling to explain.

"Get out! Fengzhi, get me out of this shameless thing! Our Mei family must not let this shameless **** be defiled! Let her get out! Get out!"

Jin Ruliu trembled all over, and in the next second he passed out directly.

Upon seeing this, Tang Fengzhi exclaimed, "Quick! Yihe, send the old lady back to the room!"

"Mom!" Mei Yeqing tried to get close to Jin Ruliu in a panic, but was stopped by Tang Fengzhi, "Get out! This is Mei's house, you can't tolerate your presumption! Get out!"


"Everything in the Mei family has nothing to do with you. From today on, you no longer have your surname Mei, so hurry out! Do you have to **** the old lady to death? If you think the old lady's life is too long, just do it. Follow up!"

After that, Tang Fengzhi was not talking about Mei Yeqing, and helped the old lady into the house with Mei Yihe.

Mei Yeqing walked forward two steps anxiously and stopped. She knew that no one believed her explanation. What's more, this group of people didn't listen to her explanation at all. Now, something like this happened. I was even more hated in the heart of the old lady.

Thinking of this, Mei Yeqing's heart was desperate, but she could only leave here.

On the other side, Jiang Yanqin left in the car and returned home angrily.

Don't look at Jiang Yanqin's anger, but she was still a little happy, because she felt that Mei Yeqing had helped herself by doing this.

Jiang Yanqin and Ma Honglei have been married for more than 20 years. Now everything in the Ma family is dependent on Jiang Yanqin's family. To put it bluntly, Ma Honglei is equivalent to a decoration. No matter who Jiang Yanqin is married to, the life will be the same.

When he married Ma Honglei, Jiang Yanqin was still full of enthusiasm. Now that all these years have passed, his son is already so old. To be honest, there is not much love between her and Ma Honglei.

Regardless of whether Ma Honglei and Mei Yeqing are hooked up or not, what happens is not important to Jiang Yanqin, she doesn't care much about it at all.

Even if Mei Yeqing really got involved with Ma Honglei, they would have no results. Over the years, Jiang Yanqin had already seen through what kind of person Ma Honglei was. Even if he liked Mei Yeqing again, he wouldn’t do it for Mei Yeqing gave up everything she had now, so Jiang Yanqin was not at all worried that Mei Yeqing would endanger her position as the hostess of the Ma family.

And through this incident, the marriage between his son and Mei Yihe was also cancelled, which is really a happy event. Compared with that **** Mei Yeqing, Jiang Yanqin is more concerned about her son's marriage.

"My dear son, I've finished talking to you before, and I've already been to the Mei family. The wedding will be cancelled immediately. The Mei family and our Ma family will never interact with each other. Don't worry, I will definitely ask your grandma to introduce one. A more beautiful girl with a good family background and an innocent reputation is much better than Mei Yihe's broken shoes."

At this time, Jiang Yanqin said to Ma Feng with a smile on his face.

But after hearing this, Ma Feng exploded:

"I don't! I just want to marry Mei Yihe!"

At this time, Ma Feng shouted frantically, "I don't care! I just want to marry Mei Yihe! I must marry her! I won't marry anyone except her! I will take her!"

This really gave Jiang Yanqin a jump. Although Ma Feng is a wealthy young man and a bit arrogant in temperament, he has been very obedient since he was a child. At least he has never violated Jiang Yanqin's words, and he has never been so right. Yelling at Jiang Yanqin.

"Ma Feng! What's the matter with you! How can you talk to mother like this!?" Jiang Yanqin scolded.

Jiang Yanqin really doesn’t understand what her son thinks. As soon as she got home today, she told Ma Feng all about Mei Yeqing and Ma Honglei. In this matter, it’s obviously the Mei family’s fault. Now It is normal for the Ma family to cancel the wedding, so why didn't Ma Feng listen to it at all!

"I just want to marry Mei Yihe! Nothing, no one will do! Just want to marry her!" Ma Feng insisted.

Jiang Yanqin was a little stunned, what is going on? Ever since I was young, Da Mafeng has never confronted myself.

This Jiang Yanqin was born in a big family. She was a daughter since she was a child. When she was not out of the cabinet, her family was obedient to her. Later, she married Ma Honglei and was also a strong woman. This can be seen from the Ma family’s family business. .

In the past few years, most of the Ma family's rivers and mountains have been beaten by Jiang Yanqin. Such a strong woman is very aura no matter at home or outside.

Even though Ma Feng is a swinger, he has some common problems with other rich young masters, but he really doesn't dare to show any disrespect to Jiang Yanqin.

"Ma Feng! What's wrong with you today? You are crazy? Because that second-hand woman is now cheating with your mother! It's because of that Mei Yihe, you don't put your mother in your eyes now, right!"

Jiang Yanqin was surprised at Ma Feng's performance and did not understand. She always vaguely felt that there was something wrong with Ma Feng, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Son, if you tell your mother the truth, is there something you are hiding from your mother?"

"Mom, don't ask about it. Anyway, I will marry Mei Yihe anyway, absolutely!"

After speaking, Ma Feng directly picked up his coat and walked out of the house.

Jiang Yanqin watched Ma Feng leave like this. Her heart sank and she had no thoughts at all. She knew that Ma Feng was a stubborn child. If he knew things, he would basically never again. There are changes.

Does your family really want to marry a second-hand item into the house? !

Forty minutes later.

In a luxurious hotel in Wulingxi.

"Master, does Mei Yihe really have a ruby ​​pendant?"

At this moment, Ma Feng respectfully knelt on the ground. Opposite him sat a man in his fifties. The man had dark skin and small eyes, but he was very energetic. His cheeks were already deep. It sank and looked a little horrified.

"Of course, I have been investigating this matter for a long time, and the ruby ​​pendant is in Mei Yihe's hand."

The man waited for Ma Feng, his face seemed to be a little sulky. Obviously, he did not put Ma Feng in his eyes.

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