I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 853: Shop is gone

After all, Ma Feng knew a lot of the legends of the Shen family, and felt that the real top big family was like the Shen family.

Unexpectedly, the man laughed, and then he made a gloomy face, "Shen Family, what can you do!"

"Huh!?" Ma Feng was shocked immediately.

Ma Feng has heard from the adults that the Shen family is the world's largest family and the most powerful family in the world. It is so powerful that it is almost invisible in this world. No one knows anything about the Shen family.

Even the leader of Shen Fei, everyone did not know, only someone could go to the main island of Shen Fei to see the demeanor of the leader of the Shen family from a distance, but now the master says that the Shen family is nothing? !

"Well, you don't need to be too shocked. What I said is the truth, but people like you don't know it. Let's talk about other things. Now let's talk about pendants.

Now your first task is to marry Mei Yihe, then get the pendant from him, and finally give me the pendant! This is a trivial matter for you, after all, Mei Yihe can't wait to marry you now, because only in this way can she have everything. "

"And you, take me seriously. What's more, the Mei Yihe you are about to marry is not something you like?" At this time, the man seemed reluctant to say anything to Ma Feng, but directly converted. Up a topic.

"It's all from the past. If it were placed a year ago, I would still admit that I liked her a lot, but now she has been married to a wretched foreigner, and it doesn't matter whether she slept with that **** or not. I'm not happy to think about it anyway.

Isn't Lao Tzu just picking up a couple of people and forgetting the broken shoes as a treasure? I'm almost becoming Wulingxi's biggest laughing stock now. And my mother has already said that if she doesn't marry Mei Yihe, she will introduce me to other beautiful girls.

"Those girls are good-looking and have good family backgrounds. Every important family is a real lady of the yellow flower. They are so much better than Mei Yihe. What is Mei Yihe? Don’t talk about broken shoes. , Is still a little bun of a small family." Ma Feng said with a pouting mouth.

"Okay, I know that it's not easy for you. I will remember this credit for you. When you get the ruby ​​pendant, I will definitely reward you with the master in the future." The man said.

"Yeah! Thank you, Master!" Ma Feng felt more comfortable when he heard the man say this, and quickly knocked his head at the man three times.

At this time, at the door of Mei's house.

Mei Yeqing originally wanted to leave, but after struggling for a long time, he came back again. Just like that, a person stood stupidly at the door of Mei's house. After standing for more than an hour, no one came out to pay attention to her. To be honest, Mei Yeqing's heart was really wronged.

Now he really has nothing to do with the Mei family. The old lady will never forgive herself anymore. Now it is too late no matter what she does. The Mei family have already determined that they are going to seduce Ma Honglei.

Thinking of this, Mei Yeqing left Mei's house in frustration.

"Mom! How are you back?"

In the fruit shop, Jian Jia is busy picking fruits.

"Jianjia, it's because my mother has no abilities, and my mother didn't find a job."

Mei Yeqing lowered her head, and for a while she didn't know how to talk to Jian Jia about what happened today.

Jian Jia didn't notice Mei Yeqing's expression, and said with a smile:

"Mom, it's okay, or don't go out to find a job. In fact, we have this fruit shop which is almost enough for us to live.

If we can make the fruit shop well and make it bigger, we can make a lot of money in one month. Why are you going out to find a job, and there is it! "

Speaking, Jian Jia picked up Ji Dian from the ground:

"Mom, do you know that our fruit shop is really thanks to Jidian. It helped us attract customers today. Anyone who comes to our store to see Jidian will buy our fruits."

I believe that as long as we can work hard, this fruit shop will be able to do well, and the business will definitely get better and better. We will definitely be able to earn more money and live a good life. At that time, even if you don’t have a job, you can How! "

"I know that grandma doesn't accept me now. She doesn't like me. I also know that because of me, you have received a lot of ridicule from the family. Mom, don't be discouraged. As long as we work hard, after a long time, grandma will know that we are What kind of person, slowly, grandma will definitely accept us.

I know that for so many years, you have always wanted to come back, and you have always been thinking about your grandma and family. Now that you are finally back, you have finally fulfilled your wish. Next, it's up to me. I will definitely make money and let you live a good life! "

"Jianjia...I..." Mei Yeqing felt like a knife twist in her heart when she heard what Jian Jia said. She originally had a lot of things to say to Jian Jia, but now she can't even say a word. Up.

She knew that if she told Jian Jia what happened today, Jian Jia would be very disappointed. Mei Yeqing couldn't bear to see Jian Jia hurt, and when she reached her mouth, she swallowed abruptly.

At this moment, a large group of people suddenly rushed up at the door, and directly dragged Mei Yeqing and Jian Jia out of the store:

"Come out! From now on, this store is no longer yours, this store is Mei's! You pack up and leave here, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude to you!"

Jian Jia was still outside, she didn't know what was going on, looking at the appearance of these people, she quickly wanted to explain:

"We rented this shop, we..."

At this moment, Mei Yeqing stopped Jian Jia. Although Jian Jia didn't know what had happened, Mei Yeqing did know very well and took Jian Jia to the road outside.

"Mom, what happened? They all removed our signs..."

After hearing the words, Mei Yeqing followed Jian Jia's sight and looked over, only to see that the group of people was taking the ladder to pick the plaque, and the shop was also demolished.

Seeing that she couldn't keep things secret, Mei Yeqing told Jian Jia all the things that had happened before.

"Jianjia, I...I'm not good..."

"Mom, what's the matter, what's going on, what are they doing? Why, kick us out?"

Jian Jia asked with a worried look. Seeing this scene, Jian Jia vaguely felt that something must be wrong.

Mei Yeqing shook her head and hugged Jian Jia, "Jia Jia, we have nothing. The fruit shop is no longer ours..."

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