TN: So I was reading a few comments, so I decided to change up how I do my “little” notes lol. Whenever you see a *, I will have a note written for it at the end of the chapter. I will still do some notes in-text, but only for ones that you have to know so that you can understand the story.

It was- too unrealistic.

The sky is dyed red, and souls wander around in the sky.

There was no light coming from the houses, and no one was out walking on the road- no humans, at least.

Walking around were undead monsters such as the decaying, flesh-looking ones- the “zombies”, and the ones with rattling bones- the “skeletons”.

Just from what he could see, there were 500 bodies just in his field of sight. He could feel the magical power of the demon all throughout the city, so it may actually be over five thousand bodies.*

After listening to the scout in detail, we rushed the carriage to Etal to see if it was true. What is this hell.

The undead don’t appear to be aware of us because we are hiding in the thickets of the nearby forest. There was an undead trying to get out of the gate, but it was repelled by the barrier in Etal and turned back.……Or rather, why are there monsters in the barrier? Barrier-kun isn’t working.

「What is this……! What’s going on……!」

The adventurers are shaken by the strange sight. Letty and the hero party also seem nervous and tense.

However, this amount of undead monsters… I don’t think it’s a natural occurrence. I don’t want to think about it―

「No way .Are these all people from the city……?」

In fact, it’s impossible to summon such a number of undead. I also remember a little summoning magic ,but still three hundred bodies in human form is the limit. If it’s a small mouse, I can summon about a hundred thousand. I never wanted to do it because I was too nervous to use it. I did it once before and almost died.

Eve:「…… Other than that, there’s nothing else. There’s no way there is a magician who can summon such a number. Most of the time, they’re humans from that city.」

Although Eve said that calmly, she’s still slightly upset.

Fina:「It’ll be okay! I’m sure that everyone is just hiding in a safe place! I’m sure that person is――」(TN: she’s talking about the “black-haired hero”)

Lina:「You can only say that you’ve been spoiled and have never seen this before, right? …No one survived.」

Lina glared coldy at Fina.

Fina murmured to herself,「”That’s…….」「But if that person……!」….I think that Lina is right. Because I think so too.There are only undead everywhere, with no sign of life.

I look over the city of Etal again.

A zombie that reminds us of their life, regardless of age or gender.

A skeleton that continues to move even if it becomes only bones.

A human-shaped soul flying around in the red sky- a Wraith.

The road was stained with flesh and blood. A building had collapsed as if it had been attacked by someone.

And the strangest thing― the undead who were acting like humans.

Zombies dressed like ladies chat at a coffee shop without lights,

Wraith, as a children, fly happily in the air,

A skeleton, dressed in armor like a gatekeeper, stood with a spear in front of the open gate.

If they were humans, it would have just been another city. For those reasons, this scene was unusual.

Seeing the undead everywhere, it’s hard to believe that the people of this city are still alive. There may be a few survivors, but… it’s almost hopeless.

Letty:「Hmm……. Well this is a bit difficult……?」

As she muttered that, she was staring at the undead with a determined face. Apparently she was thinking of fighting. Her eyes are filled with a hero’s fighting spirit. By the way, in my eyes there was one word: escape. Can I run away now?

「Oi, hey! Shouldn’t we run away!?」

Cain said with a shaking voice, frightened, when he thought was going to become something troublesome.

Fina:「Well, but! Maybe there are still survivors……!」

Cain:「There’s no way though!? Everyone is dead!!」

Cain is quick to say, 「Let’s get out of here.」

Well…… isn’t it unreasonable? It would be unavoidable to see this strange sight. I want to go home already. I want to spend my days meaninglessly. I wonder if I should use the purification magic 《Turn Undead》 so that I can go home faster. I think that will probably solve it.

Wed:「If you want to run away, you should go ahead and do it.」

I was thinking of how if Cain ran away then I would too, when I was surprised at Wed’s words. No way this guy, my heart? (TN: Jirei’s just being overly dramatic about how cold Wed’s being)

Cain:「N-no, I wasn’t planning on running away――」

When he tried to make excuses, he was stopped.

Wed:「Cain, you’re still young. I don’t think you’ll run away.」

Apparently, he (Wed) didn’t seem to be about to tell on me. I’m glad you’re not a mind-readable Gorilla. (TN: he means that he was worried that Wed thought he would run away, too)

「B, but……. even if we fight, won’t we die in vain!? What can we do?!」

「…… It may not make much sense for sure, since there’s so many monsters. I don’t know how these guys invaded, but… fortunately, they are now being suppressed in Etal’s barrier.…But what happens if the barrier breaks? Where do you think these monsters are headed?」

“…………Huh? No, no way……!」

Cain’s eyes widened at Wed’s words and shook as if he couldn’t believe it.

When I looked around, it seems that the adventurers, Letty’s party members, and Fina were all aware, and everyone’s faces had determined looks on them, like knights heading into the middle of battle.

Letty had an innocent “?” look on her face, and burst into laughter when she saw that mine was the same. Cute.

…… Apparently it was only Letty, Cain and I who were unaware. Well, if you think about it, that’s right! Actually, I was thinking that’s the case too. Seriously, seriously. (TN: meaning that Jirei finally understood, too, lol)

Wed glanced at Cain, saying,  「They’ll go to the surrounding countries and the cities. Turquese, Demonio, Orava … isn’t the kingdom of Uniwelcia the closest? Whichever it is, there are families over there who won’t be able to escape.…I can’t run away.」

Wed clenched his fists tightly to push his fear away, and with his eyes filled with fighting spirit, he spits out words to inspire himself.

「Jirei. Will you take Cain and your client’s daughter and run away? The hero is…… sorry, but I don’t want you to fight this.」

I crossed my arms, leaned back against the wall and muttered, 「It’s like a monster stampede……」Could I run away? Seriously? Truly?**

Fina:「No ……I will remain. There are things that I have to investigate.」

When I was thinking about the escape route, Fina began talking in a sharp voice.

Fina:「…… Why, why everyone, aren’t you running away!? Are you not scared!? Lives aren’t replaceable!!」

Cain looks around in disbelief, and shouts in a shaking voice. No, not everyone wanted to stay. There are people who want to escape here.

「I’m scared,」 he said. But you’re more afraid of losing someone you love, right? 「It’s scary to be a hero.」

Cain looks down silently, pausing for a moment.

And with a glancing voice mixed with fear he asked,

「…………Can I help you, too?」

While desperately suppressing his trembling body, I found that there was a light full of courage in Cain’s eyes. But wait a minute. If you don’t run away, I …

Wed was surprised by Cain’s words and opened his eyes saying, 「……Alright. You have guts. Of course, you’re welcome to stay.」

Cain laughed shyly. Other adventurers watched with warm eyes, and the air became a little softer.

But Cain didn’t run. That means that the candidates to escape are inevitably only the followers  that Fina and I brought…….

―It goes without saying that all eyes focused on me as if to ask, 「What are you going to do?」

「……. O-oh. I’ll fight, too.」

In the end, I also ended up fighting. I can’t go home just yet. It’s not an atmosphere where you can escape.

Thus our current situation.

Led by wed, The Adventurers of the C~A Class.

Letty, the hero of 《attack》, and her party.

Fina, a girl who mastered 《Magic Words》.

The masked woman doubled as Fina’s  escort who seems to be strong.

And I, a D-class adventurer with zero motivation.

The 『Etal Undead Subjugation Corps』 was formed.

Then, after seeing the non-combat personnel return (I sent them back with a little adventurer to escort and communicate information, which made me happy), it was decided that we would have a strategy meeting…….

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