26 - Magic Lecture

“——And here’s what’s going to happen, and this is what the end result will be. Do you understand?”

After that, the students and I moved to the classroom and had a magic lesson.

I really didn’t want to do it because it was so annoying, but I had no choice because they were so insistent. I want to go home.

Also….The reason why these guys seemed to be unwilling at first was because they heard that a new instructor was coming and they were testing him.

They said that the previous instructors only looked at their family background and told them the same thing as in the textbooks, so they decided to learn on their own and kicked them out. What the heck.

I was the first instructor to have a duel, and he said he liked the way I treated him as an equal, which was different from other instructors he had. I didn’t want him to like me.

“——No, I don’t understand!? You have to explain it better!”

Seno, a female student with quite a lot of make-up who is sitting in the front row of the classroom, shouts in frustration.

“As I said….Magic showdown, the one with the higher amount of magic basically wins. But if the magic is of the same quality, then the formula is this way and that way——And the result is this. Isn’t it easy?”

“Easy….? In the first place, I don’t understand what you mean that beginner magic can beat the top magic! I’ve never heard of that before!?”

Even when I explained it in a very simple way, the students had question marks above their heads. What’s wrong with my explanation? It’s as simple as that…

“…You’re too captivated by changing magic. Magic is usually more free….Well, for example——Fireball.”

In order to explain, I deploy the elementary magic “fireball”. It’s a kind of entry-level magic that any mage can use. There’s probably no one in this classroom who can’t use it.

“I’m going to hit Rudas with this fireball now. And then——What do you think will happen?“

“Why me!? ….Well, that’s easy! My magic barrier has a higher amount of magical power, so the moment it hits it, the fireball will disappear, right!?”

Rudas confidently said so, with his arms crossed. …Did you really hear what I’ve said up until now?

“……Then, I’m going to fire this at the ground, not at Rudas. Look at it properly.”

I opened the window, made sure there was no one there, and then threw the fireball away with a pop. Then——


At the same time, there was an explosion and a cloud of dust coming from the ground.

“Wh…..wh, wh, wh, wh, wh….!”

——By the time the smoke cleared, a huge crater formed.

The students’ eyes lit up in amazement at the sight.

“——As you can see, it’s wrong to say that elementary magic is weak. Even beginner-level magic can be reasonably powerful if the amount of magic power is high enough.”

“……B, but! You can’t put that much magic power into beginner level magic!? If you put too much, the magic power will dissipate and you won’t be able to——”

“…..That’s why you’re stuck at chanting magic. You need to get rid of all the stereotypes.”

If you want to make an analogy, chanting is like a recipe for cooking.

If you follow the steps, you can be assured of a certain level of power. However——When it comes to applying iut, you will be hindered by the fixed idea that ‘this magic can only be this powerful’.

As a result, you will not be able to imagine the correct magic. ….As a result, the magic power will dissipate. This is a trap that students that are taught according to textbooks tend to fall into.

I learned on my own, through trial and error so I didn’t fall into the trap…. I was really desperate to learn at that time.

When there was a magic that I really wanted to learn, I would break into the off-limits magic library and…..Frantically read until the morning while evading the security.

In the end, I was found out and caught, and I was made to work as a servant for the strange woman who was the director of the museum….Well, I was able to learn magic, so the result was good. And in the end, I escaped.

“——Basically, there is no doubt that the magic of the higher ranks is stronger. I’m talking about magic compatibility, formulas between magic of the same quality, and the need to put restrictions on magic that is too powerful…It would be a long story and a pain in the ass if I told you everything, so I won’t explain. Just read and learn as you go. ….Well, it’s about time.”

Just as the bell rang for the end of class, I just said that and tried to leave the classroom… Ahh, I’m so tired. I can’t wait to get home, eat Char’s nice meal and go to bed.

“W, wait a minute Sensei—!”

But Seno, the makeup-wearing girl who looked a little impatient, stopped me.


“….What is it. I’m not taking any questions.”

“No, it’s not a question……..What are you going to do with that?”

She pointed to the ground outside the classroom. ——There was a huge hole in the ground where a lot of teachers and students were making noise.

“……..What should I do?”

I broke out in a cold sweat as I saw the instructors hurriedly moving around.

This is bad, I threw it on the ground, but I didn’t think about anything else. It caused a big fuss……What should I do about this?

….W, well, I guess it’s safe as long as I clean it back up later. Yeah, it should be safe. It must be safer than out.

Afterwards——Under the watchful eyes of the instructors who were on high alert, I fixed it up nicely so that it would not be noticed.

The next day, the school’s public magazine carried an article titled “Attack of the Demons!? The Mystery of the Vanishing Crater” was prominently featured on the front page——

——Needless to say, the days after that incident, the security level of the school has gone up several levels.

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