-There was magical power in that voice.

『Close your mouth and lower your sword.』

The girl so “commanded” Cain.

Cain shuts his mouth as if he had pulled a zipper closed, and lowers the sword he was brandishing.


It is magic that puts magical power in words and forcibly manipulates the target. Unlike the 《Five Elemental Magics》 that can be used with magical power, 《Word Magic》 is classified as 《Special Magic》 that cannot be learned without talent.

There are few casters who can use 《Word Magic》. Cain didn’t seem to know what he was doing, and was confused by his body moving unexpectedly.

My body wasn’t restrained though, so I look at the girl again.

Glossy black hair that is well maintained and stretches to her waist. From the clothes she is wearing, you can tell at a glance that they were made using high-quality fabrics.

The same black hair as me, but its appearance was phantom-like.

「《Phantom Ring》, huh.」

I mumbled so that she couldn’t hear it.

The ring that the girl is wearing on the index finger of her left hand- the 《Phantom Ring》 is a magical tool that can change the shape of the wearer.

It is a very valuable and rare magic tool, and you could count its previous owners on one hand. If you put it on the market, it will easily exceed 100 million rien.

At first glance, it’s an ordinary simple ring, so I don’t know it’s true valuable, but I’ve seen a lot of magic tools so far.

…… Actually, I had it before. However, I gave it to someone. The reason I gave up such a precious ring was because I didn’t know the value of the thing.

……Why did I give it to her? I don’t remember who I gave it to, and I didn’t give to them for any particular reason.

「Give me an opportunity to justify myself. << Allow me to open my mouth >>」 (AN: the words in the “<<” aren’t actually said, that’s just what he implied)

The black-haired girl allows Cain to speak.

「Now, release me quickly! Do you know who I am !? I am the third son of the Stolz family–」

Cain was finally able to open his mouth and tried to spell out how great his house was.

「It’s the client who asked for an escort to Etal…. I was told by the Stolz family to send a skilled adventurer… I heard that there was a mistake.」(AN: he means that they made a mistake and the adventurer that was originally supposed to come couldn’t, so he’s a stand-in)


The black-haired girl interrupted Cain’s words and said that.

Cain’s face turned pale, and his mouth seemed to be trapped as yet again his words disappeared.

「If that is true, I would like to cancel the request contract. However, I will allow you to accompany me considering the face of the Stolz family, but the next time you do this again, I will “report” you  the appropriate place.」(AN: she means that it’s an insult to her honor to just find a last-minute replacement, but didn’t want the Stolz family to get a bad reputation because of that. When she says “report”, she’s changing the subject back to him attacking Jirei)

The black-haired girl tells him, 「I won’t forgive you next time.」 Cain nodded with a pallid face.

「You’re above this kind of stuff… Next- you.」

Jirei: 「Eh, me? Me too?」

When I thought it was over, the tip of the spear pointed at me. Eh, is she angry at me too? (AN: he means speak in a figurative way, not literally)

「It’s natural. Even though the other side’s in the wrong, why did you make him angry pointlessly by saying something that was agitating? Did you really think it was a good idea to say that?」

「I’m sorry…」

The black-haired girl preaches to me with her arms crossed. Somehow I felt like I was being scolded by my mother. Mama……

「…So, I still have a lot to say, so- I’d like you to ride in my carriage.」

The black-haired girl said that she after I had been scolded for tens of minutes and was about to reach bodhisattva. (AN: “Bodhisattva” is a Buddhist word, meaning “a person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so out of compassion in order to save suffering beings”. This basically means that Jirei was being dramatic and saying that if he had to hear her lecture him anymore, he’d die)


The sermon time from a beautiful girl has been extended! ……I don’t have that kind of hobby, can you exempt me? (AN: he means that he doesn’t find joy in her lecturing him)

However, without negotiation, he was taken to the girl’s carriage while feeling the pitying eyes of the other adventurers…


「For certain reasons, I can’t reveal my true name… but that’s inconvenient, so please call me “Fina”.」

「…I am Jirei Laro.」

After being taken by the black-haired girl- Fina, we boarded a gorgeous carriage and for some reason we were sitting face-to-face and introducing ourselves. What’s this.

Fina:「First of all, my apologies. I’m sorry I brought you here forcibly …. I really just wanted to ask you something.」

I thought I was going to get lectured some more, but it seems that is not the case. Thank goodness.

Jirei:「What do you want to ask me?」

「Fufu, don’t be so afraid. Please feel free to speak to me normally.」(AN: until now, they were speaking in a more formal way, so Fina’s telling him it’s okay to relax)

Speaking in unfamiliar honorifics, Fina smiled kindly and compassionately. I’m not good at honorifics, so I was honestly saved.

「…Then I’ll do that. So what do you want to ask me?」

「Can you tell me where you are from…?」

「Where I’m from? It’s called Arrow Village」

She had a weird look when she heard where I was from. It’s just a country village.

「…In the village, along with having black hair, was there anyone that wears a mask?」

Fina asked with a serious look. Someone with black hair and a mask? If there was such a strange guy, I would know immediately. I don’t recall anyone at all.

「No …I was the only one with black hair in the village, and there wasn’t a strange guy with a mask on.」

Then, Fina was a little disappointed as she said, 「Is that so …」

In fact, there are few people with black hair. Moreover, I have black hair and black eyes, so it’s quite rare. Anyway, my ancestors had black hair and black eyes. It’s hereditary.

「… By the way, I heard that there was a man who became a hero when the Holy Mark appeared in Etale the other day. A black-haired hero appeared! People were making a ruckus over it.」

Because of that “black-haired hero”, every day when I walked around the city, I was misunderstood and a lot of people tried to talk to me, but when I said that I wasn’t him, they were all disappointed. It’s too unreasonable. Once I meet him, I have to complain about it.

「Yes! That’s right! Finally… he’s finally appeared!」

Fina stood up with excitement and said that, as I was being angry at the “black-haired hero”.

「This time …this time it should be him! I can finally meet …! My–” destined person “!」

And here’s the fifth chapter! I hope that everyone liked it! Again, I’m sorry for any mistakes or things that are hard to understand. Also, are my notes helpful? I’m worried whether I’m putting too many…

Anyways! I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving! And, if you don’t celebrate it, then I hope you have a good day!

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