Chapter 207-Awakened Wick

If the monitoring in the subway is not damaged, then it can be seen through the monitoring that the three Wickers walked into the train fully armed, and soon collapsed on their seats and fell asleep.

The train started moving normally, passing one platform after another, borrowing one passenger after another. It is a pity that they did not enjoy the treatment of the Wick trio. Soon a black-clothed man walked up to them and raised a big hammer that flickered with cold light.

But what is strange is that here the black-clothed man is going to kill, blood is splashing in the compartment, and the corpses are all over the field. There are normal people getting on the car, and it seems that there is no horror picture taking place in the compartment.

Soon the train reached the terminal, but the midnight train did not stop at the terminal, but continued to move forward. After passing through a dark and long tunnel, he finally stopped at the abandoned platform full of ashes and rubbish.

Next, the conductor and the man in black dragged the corpses out of the carriage and threw them onto a platform full of bones deep in the platform. Immediately countless monsters rushed out, pounced on the pile of corpses, and began to bite.

On the top of the platform, there are three huge iron hooks. On the iron hooks are three women, namely Maya, Jane and Helen.

The blood-stained sharp iron hooks pierced through their bodies directly, seeing them hanging in the air out of thin air. He looked motionless and didn’t know whether it was alive or dead.

After all the corpses in the train were dragged out, the conductor walked up to the trio of Wick, took out a small flashlight, opened the eyelids of the three of them, carefully observed for a moment, turned his head and smiled at the man in black behind him. : “The three are almost the same, and the ceremony can be held.”

The black-clothed man did not speak, but walked forward, grabbed one person with one hand, and dragged Wick and Smith out in this way.

“Be careful, being touched on their heads… Oh my god, it’s so rude!”

The conductor shook his head, set up Skoff, and dragged him out of the carriage.

The two of them dragged the three of Wick to the platform. There were a few monsters who hadn’t snatched food. They snarled and wanted to get closer. The conductor hurriedly stepped forward and blasted them away: “Googling, these three are not your food, ugly. Men. That’s all tonight. If you haven’t eaten enough, just wait to eat those three women.”

The monsters squeezed out an infiltrating roar from their throats, some unwillingly circling around the three of Wick, but in the end they still did not resist the command of the conductor, and obediently retreated into the shadows, staring at a pair of red eyes, dead. Staring at the three women on the hook.

“Then let’s start.”

The conductor snapped his fingers at the man in black, nodded, and took out the small black suitcase that he usually carries with him. Take out the hammer from inside, put it aside on the ground, and took out a lancet with cold light from inside.

The conductor squeezed Wick’s mouth, opened it and looked at it, nodded and smiled: “The mouth is really good, it’s a pity…”

With that said, he beckoned to the man in black. The black-clothed man shook his head, took the small lancet, and walked over to Skoff’s Mi.

“Well, start with the one you chose… But you are clumsy, be careful not to cut your cheeks, it will not look good… Forget it, let me help you.”

Looking at the lancet in the black-clothed man’s hand, it was turning around closely to Skoff’s mouth, but it couldn’t be inserted. The conductor shook his head, stepped forward, took the lancet from the man in black, and pried Skoff’s mouth open, then…cut off Skoff’s tongue with a single blow.

“Here you are, big guy, be careful, don’t fall on the floor!”

The conductor handed the bloody tongue to the black-clothed man, and when the black-clothed man took it, his mouth opened wide. I saw that his mouth was empty and there was no tongue.

It turns out that this is why he never speaks.

The black-clothed man eagerly stuffed Skoff’s tongue into his mouth, and after chewing hard a few times, a satisfied smile appeared on his face: “One…a hundred years, I can finally speak again. ”

He made the voice of Skoff.

“Yes, it’s been a hundred years. You’re finally going to be free.” The conductor nodded, stood up, and looked at Wick and Smith next to him, “But soon, I will be able to regain freedom just like you. .”

As he said, the conductor pinched Wick’s cheek again, and the lancet just wanted to reach it. Wick, who had been in a deep sleep state, suddenly opened his eyes. Before the conductor could respond, he grabbed the wrist of the conductor holding the knife and stabbed the knife into the conductor’s neck.


The black-clothed man looked at the conductor holding his throat, blood could not stop gushing from his fingers, cursed in a low voice, bent over and reached out to get the hammer on the ground.

However, only three gunshots were heard, the man in black was splashed with blood all over his body, and he fell to the sky on the platform full of corpses.

“Damn bastard, you should find my gun!”

Wick spit heavily and stood up from the ground laboriously. At the same time, the monsters who had been lying in the shadows were agitated and approached here with a low growl.

“Calm down, lads, stay calm.” At this time, the conductor pulled out the knife, covered the wound with his hand, and waved his hand. “It’s not a big deal. Although there is a little accident, it can be regarded as a surprise.”

As the conductor waved, the restless monsters gradually calmed down.

“To be honest, I haven’t been injured for a long time, so much so that I have forgotten the pain.”

The conductor twisted his neck, and the wound in his throat was gradually healing. He looked at Wick who was pale and grinned, “Mr. John Wick, you really surprised me. To be honest, how did you break free from the illusion?”

“Illusion?” Wick’s pupils shrank slightly and gritted his teeth, “So that’s it…that’s all fake…”

He looked up at the conductor and said coldly: “I didn’t break free, I was deceived by the illusion you set up, so I committed suicide… Then I woke up.”

“Suicide? How is it possible, how can you commit suicide?” The conductor looked incredible, “You can be angry, you can blame yourself, you can be guilty… Wait, you can have all kinds of emotions, but how do you Can you commit suicide?”

Wick said coldly: “You killed Helen, I lost the courage to live, so…”

“How did I kill it? I shouldn’t kill it, it should be you!”

The conductor opened his mouth and suddenly looked up at the iron hook hanging in the air. Wick followed his gaze and saw the woman hung on the hook. Her body trembled uncontrollably. After a while, he hurriedly raised his gun and pointed at the conductor and said angrily: “Let them down. Damn it, put them down right away.”

“Shhh, don’t say anything, buddy, you know that the little pistol in your hand can’t kill me at all, right?”

The conductor took out a handkerchief, slowly wiped the blood on his neck, shook his head and smiled: “Did in your heart, you never thought of hurting your woman? Didn’t you ever quarrel or quarrel? ? You love Helen so much that in the illusion, you won’t hurt her with your own hands?”

The conductor smacked his tongue: “What a touching love, what a sincere and stable feeling, and how… disgusting!”

“Damn, Wick, do you know how good you are?” The conductor pointed at Wick, gritted his teeth, “You should have contributed more to the world with a brighter future. But just like that one by one. The little woman held you back.”

“It’s okay, Wick, it’s not too late. Kill her, kill the so-called lover, you can still look back now…”

“Boom boom…”

Before he could finish speaking, Wick shot.

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