Chapter 243

The Zhengfang Building has just been completed and put into use, and many of its floors have not been renovated, or are still in the renovating stage. This gave McAllen a flash of space for guerrilla warfare.

In the last battle, although he repelled the enemy, his arm was also scratched by a stray bullet. More importantly, the opponent seemed to set his eyes behind him, no matter where he hid, the enemy would soon chase him.

Is it because he has a locator installed on his body?

McAllen fumbled all over his body. He had discarded all the things he had taken from the enemy’s corpse, but he still couldn’t get rid of the tracking.

Finally he looked at his cell phone.

No, did the other party locate their cell phone signal?

McAllen looked around, dialed a number casually, kept the phone in Roar calling state, then stuffed it into a corner, hiding himself.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for a few masked thugs to follow and pounce on the location of the phone. But when they pulled out the phone from a pair of decoration materials, these thugs had realized that they had been fooled.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

With two guns in hand, McAllen emerged from the darkness silently.

From this we can see the difference between McAllen and other Johns, such as John Wick.

John Wick is good at shooting skills and pays attention to one-shot kills. Whether it is fighting or shooting, he has a cruel beauty.

John McAllen is another way, aiming at what accuracy and shooting skills, directly dumping all the bullets, even if my marksmanship is inaccurate, the opponent can be shot to death by the number.

It’s really cool to shoot like this, but the price is a lot of bullets.

Fortunately, McAllen never seemed to worry about bullets.

After lighting up the bullets in the pistol, McAllen flexibly retracted the magazine, but he reached out and touched his waist, then pulled out two magazines and loaded the pistol separately.

Seeing that the back waist covered by his shirt is not bulging, nor does it look like there are traces of a large amount of ammunition hidden, and I don’t know where he pulled out this magazine.

“They really locate my phone!”

McAllen looked in astonishment at the mobile phone on the ground that was still in a bright screen state, snorted, raised his hand and smashed the phone to pieces.

Just when he turned around pretending to be a bleak, and prepared to leave in the image of a lonely hero. The thug who seemed to have been shot dead by him, then someone slowly got up from the ground, and roared at McAllen’s back.

McAllen frowned and looked back suspiciously. I saw the masked thug who stood up again, and his whole body made a crisp sound of “kaka” joint activity, and his muscles expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The assault suit that was smashed by random guns was stretched and torn, revealing a strong muscle that can be said to be abnormal. It’s just that in this dark room, that body of tendon flesh emits a faint green light.

McAllen snorted, looked at some weird thugs, didn’t beep too much, and shot without saying anything.

But just as he raised his hand, the thug rushed straight up like a truck with full power. McAllen was unprepared, and only had time to fire two shots, and the mob had already rushed in front of him, and the File-size fist, which looked like a casserole, had already been smashed.

McAllen hurriedly lowered his head, Roar howled his fist, and the strong wind brought up his thin hair.

At the same time, the mob fell on his knees and slammed into McAllen’s chest. Fortunately, McAllen is also very experienced in fighting, knowing the attack he might suffer next, and when he lowers his head, his hands are already on his chest.

But even so, the force of the knee hit was still beyond McAllen’s imagination.

At that moment, McAllen thought he was about to break his hands, and the pistol could not help but let go and flew. The ball that he was serving with the goalkeeper soared into the air, smashed into the wooden wall behind, and slammed to the ground.

With a muffled grunt, McAllen opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood. Looking at the enemy in horror, one head smashed through the other wooden wall, rampaging the enemy like a monster.

Is this still a human?

Under the neon lights of the diagonally opposite building, the light in this room is much better than before. That’s why McAllen can see that the other’s facial features have been shapeshifting distorted, and there are countless small lumps on the skin of his whole body, which looks very disgusting.

The most important thing is that the opponent’s pair of red eyes, without a trace of white, are completely scarlet like blood.

Seeing that there was no emotion at all, only the cruel cold light left, McAllen understood that the guy on the other side…he must be taking drugs.

That’s right, McAllen has arrested countless addicts, and most of the guys are stunned, and they are all in the same state as this guy.

Originally, he has fallen into a state of illusion, thinking that Laozi is invincible in the sky and the earth. It is indeed much stronger than ordinary people in terms of strength and agility, but because the thinking has been confused, the threat is relatively small.

For example, this guy has forgotten to use a gun.

It’s just that I don’t have a gun anymore, what should I do?

Can’t tolerate McAllen thinking about a solution here, the mob has already rushed over and reached out to grab McAllen. McAllen grabbed a steel pipe on the ground nearby and slammed it on the enemy’s knee.

With a crisp sound, the thug’s right knee was obviously shapeshifting. But in McAllen’s stunned eyes, the mob just slid and stood up straight.

Its shapeshifting bent knees, pushed back forcefully, and immediately returned to its original shape.


McAllen swallowed, turned around and ran almost rolling.

This guy’s knock is definitely not an ordinary medicine, damn it, it obviously violates the common sense of the human body.

The mob grinned and jumped up, but he forgot that he was now taller and stronger. As a result, he jumped too high and hit the ceiling.

Just listened to the noise of “ding jing dang dong”, the ceiling was not fixed, the whole collapsed, and the mob was covered under it firmly.

“Haha, you silly big guy, deserve it!”

McAllen still had time to turn around and pointed his middle finger towards the back. However, the extreme happiness was sorrowful. He didn’t pay attention. A big foot stretched out from the darkness in front and kicked him back again.

Pidos, who was holding a small camera, smiled at McAllen, who raised his head from the debris in embarrassment, pointed to the camera in his hand, and then made a gesture to McAllen to please perform.

“You damn bastard!”

Just as McAllen wanted to rush out, suddenly a sturdy arm stretched out from behind and pressed it to the ground, and then his fist fell like a gust of wind and rain.

Looking at McAllen being abused on the TV screen, Vigo smiled: “How?”

Norman said calmly: “Although the physical quality is indeed stronger in all aspects, it is not beyond my imagination. What’s more, the side effect is also obvious, that is, a sharp decline in intelligence, which is nothing like a crazy Beast. the difference.”

Vigo smiled and said, “I admit that there is a defect, so I asked you to cooperate.”

Norman put his hands on his chin and thought for a while before nodding, “I need to see your finished product first.”

“No problem,” Vigo stood up, “please follow me.”

He stretched out his hand and swayed on the bookshelf, and immediately the bookshelf separated from side to side.

But Vigo and Norman didn’t pay attention, and when they entered the dark room, the fighting situation on the screen changed.

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