Chapter 277

Speaking of Ma Wei’s true loyalty to Vigo, even though the two were his own subordinates, comrades-in-arms, and companions, after receiving the secret words from Vigo, he still mercilessly took the killer.

But people’s hearts are all flesh-grown, and few people can be as hard-hearted as Lex but faceless and skinless.

When Ma Wei pulled the trigger, his heart was bleeding.

He didn’t understand why his boss, whom he had followed for many years, would say that secret phrase, why he suspected that his subordinates had betrayed and even seriously endangered his life.

However, what Ma Wei saw next immediately made him understand why Vigo would say the code word.

The power of a military pistol is huge amounts of. When the bullet is shot into the back of the head, the muzzle may only have a coin File size, but when it is shot out from the front, it becomes a bowl mouth File size.

What is the concept of file size in Wankou?

That is, one of your faces may be gone.

It’s definitely, like the author, it’s probably not half of his face…


In short, just imagine how bloody and terrifying this picture is. However, the scene where blood and brains should fly wildly did not appear. Instead, countless small fragments spattered.

Ma Wei’s face changed. He was stunned as he looked at the man who was still standing on the spot despite his skull being lifted. Then he hurriedly reached out and pulled Vigo over, who was lying on the ground.

The two men shook their bodies and slowly turned around.

I saw the head with a face almost disappeared, without a drop of blood, as if the blood in their body had been drained.

A dozen long red bugs stretched out from the huge muzzle, waving and twisting the slimy body in the air, making people feel the hair tingling involuntarily.


Vigo, who was dying just now, jumped up from the ground like a frightened rabbit, turned his head and ran back.

As a professional, Ma Wei is not as fast as Vigo in the face of such things. At this time, according to his habit, he aimed at his subordinates who were still not lying on the ground, and fired a few more shots “bang-bang-bang”.

The bullet easily penetrated the bodies of these two men, and the other’s bodies were already brittle like plastic, and several transparent holes were shot in their bodies. But the two men still didn’t fall down, the bugs on their faces twitched frantically, and then the two men rushed towards Ma Wei.

“damn it!”

Ma Weihu jumped backward, and as a result, he slipped and fell to the ground with a “plop”. Fortunately, he was agile, and then a lazy donkey rolled, avoiding the two men who were parasitized by the insects, and then crawled to chase Vigo.

This is a few more figures rushing out of the passage, it is the other bodyguards of Vigo. From their red eyes and the constantly twisting convex marks under their faces, it can be judged that these people and the two previous men were all parasitized by those weird bugs.

It may be that these people have just been parasitized, and the speed of these people is faster than those of mummified corpses. Just because they sucked up the blood, these people are as vulnerable as the mummy.

But because of some of those bugs, Ma Wei really didn’t dare to let them get close. He could only learn from Vigo, sullenly and ran out.

But before he ran far, he saw a beam of flashlight flashing in front of him, and Ma Wei soon recognized that it was Vigo.

“Boss?” Ma Wei was moved for a while, “Are you…returning to rescue me?”

“No,” Vigo yelled, “Turn around, there’s something stronger behind me.”

Before the words were over, Vigo chased out a tall figure behind him.

It was the predator who was resurrected by the bug.

The predator, formerly known as “Blind Eyes”, had no blind eyes at all, exuding a faint red glow. His naked body was covered with black bristles, and his eagle-like ugly face shocked Ma Wei.

This time Ma Wei learned well, turned around without hesitation, and ran to another channel with Vigo. As he ran, he turned his hand back and shot the blind thigh that was getting closer.

There was a crisp sound, and countless pieces of meat splashed from the blind thighs, and he staggered and almost fell to his knees. Looking at Ma Wei and Vigo who were almost caught, he roared blindly and anger, and opened his mouth suddenly, and countless insects suddenly ejected from the mouth.

Ma Wei was unprepared and was sprayed all over by those bugs. There was no reaction time at all, and the worms began to dive into his body. Larger bugs choose nostrils, mouths, ears, eyes and other parts, while the small ones simply burrow in from the pore.

“Ma Wei!”

Vigo heard the screams coming from behind, looked back and couldn’t help stopping.

It is not only that Ma Wei is his most loyal subordinate, but more importantly, if Ma Wei dies again, then Vigo will really become a lonely man.

“Go, boss, go!”

Ma Wei yelled.

He felt pain and itching all over his body, his hands couldn’t help scratching his whole body, and soon he tore his clothes and his skin torn. The wounds he scratched with his nails made it easier for the bugs to penetrate into the body.

The blind and others parasitized by the worms have been chasing, bypassing Ma Wei, and chasing Vigo.

Vigo gritted his teeth and ran forward staggeringly. After running for a while, suddenly a gunshot came from behind.

Vigo’s heart trembled, and he guessed that Ma Wei had fired the gun. As for whom the gun was aimed at, he didn’t dare to think about it anymore.

Behind, Ma Wei’s temple was exuding blue smoke, holding the pistol in his right hand, he fell to the ground weakly. But his corpse did not fall down, and kept trembling as the insects wandered through his body.

After an unknown period of time, his eyes gradually glowed red, and the muzzle on his temple disappeared.

The reborn Ma Wei slowly stood up, replaced the pistol with a magazine and loaded it, and walked forward in the direction where Vigo was escaping.

Vigo ran forward for more than ten meters, and suddenly the ground began to tremble slightly, and there was a muffled noise around him.

Pyramids has changed again.

At the moment, the searchlight above Vigo flickered a few times and suddenly went out. Vigo was immediately plunged into darkness, and he didn’t dare to stop, after all, there was a monster tracking behind him, so he could only reach forward and fumble forward.

Suddenly he slipped, Vigo fell forward involuntarily, and then continued to slide down the smooth ground. After sliding for several laps, Vigo was dizzy when he was spinning, and Vigo suddenly felt lighter, and then hit something with his head heavy, and he fell into a faint.

Vigo, who was in a coma, did not hear or see it. After he landed, a blue light and shadow fell from the sky. After scanning him up and down carefully, a mechanical voice sounded:

“Chiliquala… (Iron Blood: Flesh and flesh living body detected, being scanned… The living body is defective and does not meet the parasitic standards… The nursery room has a living body detected, start the baby-raising procedure…)”


The darkness that couldn’t see the five fingers was suddenly torn apart by countless blue arcs. In the shining arc, it can be clearly seen that in this huge amounts of space, a huge alien nearly ten meters high is firmly imprisoned on the iron frame.

And in this giant alien, listening to a huge belly, as the arc continues to grow larger, it wailes in pain, and discharges black eggs one after another from its belly.

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