Chapter 280

Because the Alien Queen’s mouth was full of acid blood, the three of Scars couldn’t hide, and in desperation, they had no choice but to get under the Queen’s belly. After all, if you spray something out of your mouth, you can’t spray it under your feet no matter what?

But at this moment, the strange shape was covered from the mask, and the helpless action of the three Scars just avoided the strange shape’s attack.

As the saying goes, when the sky falls, there is naturally a high support.

Now in the entire control room, the Alien Empress is the tallest.

Nearly ten meters, it is equivalent to three or four floors.

The black mask turned into a strange shape fell, and most of it fell on the alien empress. The Alien Empress felt that she had a “clothing” suddenly added to her body, and this “clothing” was still burrowing into her body, and she immediately struggled violently.

Good guy, a monster struggling three or four stories high, it feels like a bear rushing into a building block city built by a child.

As the alien queen shook her head and wobbled her tail and slammed into the surrounding walls frantically, a magnitude four earthquake seemed to have occurred in the master control room. The sky is shaking, and countless rubble splashes. The empress rubbed her body vigorously, trying to rub off the strange shape on her body.

Anyone who has watched the movie “Strange Forms” knows that the terrifying alien creatures like Strange Forms will instantly integrate with your DNA as long as they touch a little bit. Invasion.

But the alien is not a simple alien creature. This biochemical weapon that exists only for killing can even survive in the vacuum universe environment, which is enough to reflect the toughness of the alien’s physical quality.

When the two fight each other, it is still unknown who will die.

The two monsters were fighting, giving Scar and the others a chance. The three of them went into invisibility, avoiding the falling rocks from the sky, and finally escaped to the entrance of the cave.

“what should I do now?”

A predator asked Scar.

Scar raised his hand and said coldly: “Wait, where is the native with the sword?”

The other two predators were taken aback and looked around: “I was too nervous just now and didn’t pay attention. Could he have been eaten by that monster?”

Scar shook his head: “That native is not easy, it shouldn’t die so easily.”

But now is not the time to look for the mysterious person’s whereabouts. The three of Scars pressed the small nuclear bomb device on their arms in the corner of the master control room. Looking at the misleading flashing symbols, the three predators turned and evacuated quickly.

After the three of Dao Scar left, outside the big hole that was knocked out by the alien queen, a strand of fine sand suddenly flowed from the cracks in the rocks, fell on the ground, and gradually piled up into a sand dune.

After a while, the sand dune squirmed and quickly condensed into a single figure.

It was the mysterious man.

It’s just that this person is naked now, his exposed skin is cracked, and with his movements, sand particles roll down from the cracks in the skin.

The mysterious man looked calm about his physical condition. He reached out and knocked on his chest. The skin on his chest fell off, revealing a circular switch.

He turned the switch vigorously several times, as if winding. Immediately afterwards, the mysterious man made a “click” sound all over the body, and immediately the skin cracks all over his body disappeared, and his originally actions were not as stiff as before.

Finally, the mysterious man beckoned his hand at the main control room, and only heard a crisp sound of “ding and jingle bells”. Two extremely sharp double-edged swords, black masks and uniforms came out of the strange figure and flew down to the mysterious man. before.

The mysterious man slowly put on his uniform, put on the mask, took up the double-edged sword, took another look at the two monsters still entangled together, turned and left silently.

In the end, in the master control room, only aliens and grotesques were left, the grotesques tightly wrapped the aliens, and the aliens struggled to resist. After a stalemate in this way for a long time, the Alien finally stopped struggling, and the Bizarre began to slowly separate from the Alien.

The two alien monsters seemed to run out of strength, huddled in the corner, panting, regaining their strength. During this period, the two monsters themselves continued to change.

In a sense, the two creatures, alien and weird, have similarities. They both absorb the fine DNA of other creatures for my use, but the two have moved on different branches.

Alien is to absorb the DNA of other creatures for its own use. No matter how powerful other creatures are, the aliens that are born after parasitism will always be aliens.

The most different creatures give birth to different shapes. But the inner core is the same, such as acid blood…

Compared with the alien and overbearing parasite, the path taken by the strange is low-key and trivial. First transform into the target creature’s appearance, merge into the target creature’s group, and then secretly split and copy, and finally replace the entire target creature group, and then take all of the target creature’s own, including technology, resources, territory, etc… …

These two evolutionary directions cannot be said to be better, but from the current point of view, neither of them can do anything about the other.

The mucus secreted by the alien body was originally used to cool down because it did not have a heat dissipation system, but unexpectedly, it has the effect of preventing the strange shape.

However, the aliens can’t cause effective damage to the monsters. The face worm needs to confine the target’s head before it can parasitize its eggs in the target body. But the strange shape can be shapeshifting at will, even without the head, even if the face worm wants to hold it, it can’t find a place.

But neither is without gains.

The strange shape curled up on the ground and kept undulating and wriggling, and gradually it became more and more like an alien queen.

Although I cannot integrate with you directly, I can always imitate it.

As for the Alien Empress, it was not idle either, and its belly fell together, and finally, accompanied by a painful wailing, a sticky black liquid was produced by it.

The group of black liquid kept squirming and changing shape on the ground, and the last little head poked out from it, opening his mouth and let out a sharp cry.

The Alien Empress was unable to breathe, and in the face of the pressure of the strange huge amounts of, it forced herself to give birth to such a special little alien. Looking at its “child”, it screamed softly, reaching out to touch him.

But this strange little alien had a particularly violent temper. In the strange cry that could almost pierce the eardrum, it suddenly turned into a black shadow and shot into the mouth of the alien empress.

The alien queen immediately wailed, her whole body twitching violently, desperately retching, trying to vomit the little alien. But soon it stopped struggling, and a hole was pierced with a “click” on its forehead, and an eye came out from it.

This little alien has parasitized in the alien queen, swallowed the other’s brain, and controlled his “mother”.

Black tentacles stretched out from the alien queen’s body, waving in the air.

The strange shape on the opposite side has also been transformed. It has changed from a huge amounts of black membrane to an alien head, a predator body, and a monster with a long tail behind it.

In addition, the predator’s weapon was also held by it.

The serrated knives, spears and flying darts exuding faint blue glow, looked strange and murderous.

The two monsters, both of which had completed their evolution, slowly circled in the stone room, staring at each other closely. The ferocity of nature and the instinct of evolution made them continue to fight and die.

In the end, Wei Xing couldn’t help it first, howling, and throwing a spear at the Alien with his backhand.

The second battle between the two monsters finally kicked off.

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