Chapter 316: Entering the Mine

“Look, it’s Corris’ car.” Laput, who was driving, muttered with a cigarette in his mouth: “This bastard is really here.”

After everyone got out of the car, seeing that the iron gate that originally sealed the entrance of the mine had been pried open, it was clear that Corris had already entered.

“David, you take them in, and Tina and I will check again to make sure there are no chasing soldiers behind.”

David nodded when he heard the words, turned on the flashlight, and walked into the mine first. After everyone else got in, Sharon summoned the grass and swallowed the scarlet sports car into his stomach.

“Head, I still don’t understand, why do we have to go to the mine?” Tina asked in a low voice from the side, “To be honest, with the strength of the two of us, it shouldn’t be difficult to cross the swamp, right?”

Xie Lun glanced at her: “What? Do you have gloom phobia?”

“Nothing,” Tina curled her lips, “I just hate spiders a little bit?”

“Oh?” Xie Lun became interested, “I saw that you were quite fierce just now. I didn’t see that you were afraid of such a big spider, so why are you embarrassed now?”

“People are not afraid of the big ones,” Tina stretched out her hand to hug Sharon’s arm with some fear. “On the contrary, it’s that kind of small, which feels very annoying. Especially the smaller the one, the more hairy people feel in their hearts.”

Xie Lun laughed: “Are you worried about spiders in the mine?”

Tina pursed her mouth: “I need to say, there must be. Spiders like damp and dark places. For them, underground mines are the best villas, or the kind with large gardens.”

Xie Lun hugged her slender waist and smiled: “It’s unexpected that you are afraid of spiders.”

Tina squeezed Sharon and whispered: “Okay, you haven’t answered my question yet.”

Xie Lun smiled and said: “It’s not that I can’t walk through the swamp, but because of the following two reasons, I chose to walk in the underground mine instead of the swamp.”

“Which two reasons?”

“First, the marshland is not concealed enough. Once there are planes or drones in the air, we can find our tracks. As for the second reason…”

Xie Lun paused and said in a low voice: “The plane crashed into the river, and some unknown toxin polluted the river. The earthworms in the silt beside the river became bigger, and the spiders that ate the earthworms grew bigger. People who drank the water went crazy… …What about the other creatures in the swamp?”

Sharon looked at Tina: “For example, David, they once heard about the hidden crocodiles in the depths of the swamp.”

Listening to Xie Lun’s deep voice, Tina shuddered in her mind, imagining the appearance of a crocodile hidden under the water, and nodded: “Head, you are wise and correct, we should go to the mine.”

The mine is not short, Xie Lun can walk normally with his head down a little. After walking more than ten meters, Xie Lun saw a bright light ahead. It was David and the others who gathered together to look at the map in Feilan’s hand.

Xie Lun stepped forward: “No one is behind, let’s go.”

Feilan nodded and said in a deep voice: “I’m leading the way, you must follow me. Once you get lost inside, it is basically impossible to touch it. Also, if you have dizziness, nausea, or smell other abnormal smells. Yes, you must say it quickly. The mine collapsed back then, probably because of a gas explosion.”

Feilan said, his eyes flashed across everyone’s faces, and finally fell on Sharon: “Sharon, Mike and Scarlett will ask you.”

“Don’t worry,” Xie Lun smiled slightly, “Although you boldly lead the way, I will protect you from behind.”


Russell and Rapter whistled at the same time.

Feilan’s pretty face blushed, stopped talking, turned and walked forward. Schellen followed closely with Mike and Scarlett, followed by Tina, Judy and Laputt. David and Russell are behind.

The twists and turns of the mine are like a maze. Although there is still a miner’s lamp hanging above, there is no electricity. Everyone was in this invisible environment, using the flashlights in their hands to shuttle through the mine.

Although Philan could read the drawings, he still had to stop from time to time to tell the direction. But it seems that she is quite confident, and basically there is no time to hesitate.

The more you go inside, the more dull the air becomes. Fortunately, there was no gas leak that Feilan was worried about. Everyone could still cover their mouths and noses with their handkerchiefs, and force themselves to move on.

At the beginning, there were people talking. As time passed, the voices became less and less. In the end, apart from footsteps and heavy Roar absorption, there were no other voices in the team.

As he walked, Feilan, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped. Sharon’s eyesight was quick, and he stopped Mike and Scarlett to avoid the two of them who were already walking and dizzy from hitting Feilan.

But the people behind the team didn’t react so quickly, just listening to a series of oops, either hitting the back of the person in front or slamming the head of the person behind.


Feilan quickly turned around and made a silent gesture, arched his waist and looked forward carefully. Xie Lun walked to her gently, and whispered: “What’s the matter?”

“There is a situation ahead,” Feilan also said in a low voice, “a dark shadow flashed past from the front just now. Although I didn’t see it clearly, I suspect it might be a spider.”

“I’ll take a look, you guys be careful.”

Xie Lun drew his gun and walked forward slowly. Turning the corner, Xie Lun soon discovered that layers of white spider webs began to appear in the pit ahead, and the ground was covered with footprints left by spiders passing by.

Judging from the footprints, these spiders came from another pit, so Xie Lun and the others did not find any traces of the spiders.

Xie Lun carefully stepped back to Feilan and whispered: “There is a problem ahead, can you make a detour?”

Feilan took the drawing and looked at it, shook his head and said, “The road ahead is the only way, and we are very close to that underground cave.”

“That’s only a risk.” Xie Lun took a breath and said solemnly, “Then I will go ahead, and you will show the way behind. There are other people who are all cheering up. You must be careful, you know?”

Seeing everyone nodded, Xie Lun turned and walked forward.

When he walked to the pit in front, Mike suddenly said, “Spiders can sense prey through the vibration of these spider webs, so we must be careful not to touch these webs…”

Before the words fell, everyone saw the spider web in front of them vibrating slightly at the same time.

Xie Lun raised his hand and hesitated: “It’s none of my business, I haven’t walked in yet.”

The spider web vibrated again, but this time everyone noticed that the vibration did not come from themselves, but from another pothole.

Everyone turned their heads to see that the ground vibrated more and more frequently, and it seemed that there was a huge monster moving from the pothole to this side.

“What are you doing in a daze, run!”

Xie Lun reacted for the first time, shouted at the others, and ran forward first. The others also recovered and hurried forward following Xie Lun.

As soon as the group of them ran into the opposite pit, a spider emerged from the other pit. I saw that this spider was not particularly huge, about the same height as an ordinary adult male, but it was covered with hard and thick black armor, and its eight claws were extremely sturdy. It walked like a tank, shaking the ground slightly.

Two black, ivory-like pincer-shaped fangs collided a few times in the air, and after bursting out sparks, the tank spider strode after Xie Lun and the others.

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