Chapter 344: The So-called Gang Base

“Go along this road, and the three-story building at the end is the base for our help.”

The man sat in the passenger seat and said tremblingly.

Xie Lun didn’t speak, Tina sat in the back, stretched out her hand to hook the opponent’s neck, and laughed in a low voice: “What else?”

Feeling the sharp nails hung on his neck, the man hurriedly said: “The two tin houses in front are actually checkpoints. If a stranger approaches, they will be blocked and questioned.”

Tina leaned forward and grinned: “Then you can take us in, right?”

The man nodded vigorously: “Definitely, as long as there is a gang member to lead, and then pay a toll, you can go in and out at will.”

“So easy?” Xie Lun suddenly said, “What kind of base is this?”

The man swallowed and said cautiously: “Boss, you’ll know when you go in… Don’t worry, there is absolutely no danger. On the contrary… it’s all for fun.”

Xie Lun drove forward, and when he passed the two metal rooms, a few big and thick men walked out of the room, carrying guns of different lengths in their hands.

The man dropped the window of the passenger seat, poked his head out with a stern smile and said, “Guys, it’s me.”

“Didn’t you just come the day before yesterday? Why did you come again today? So unbearable?”

It seemed that those people were very familiar with this man and made jokes.

The man was a little embarrassed: “Today is to accompany a big boss, don’t talk nonsense.”

With that said, Xie Lun threw a stack of banknotes out the window very casually.

Looking at the green bills scattered on the ground, the eyes of those outside the car were straight, and they bent over to pick up the money. Taking advantage of this effort, Xie Lun stepped on the accelerator and rushed directly to the small building at the end of the highway.

With a man next to lead the way, Xie Lun and Tina entered the small building without any obstacles at all. Even the guard standing guard with a gun at the door opened the door to Xie Lun with great diligence.

Xie Lun hugged Tina’s slender waist, followed the man behind him, and walked inward without expression. The windows of the whole building are either blocked by curtains or splashed with black paint, so the light in the building is very dim.

The building is divided into small single rooms by simple wooden boards, with curtains hanging at the door. Although you can’t see the situation inside, you can know what is happening inside the single room from the sound of men and women breathing from time to time.

Xie Lun lifted the curtain and looked inside one by one. The man knew what Xie Lun was looking for, but he didn’t dare to stop him. He just hid beside him with a bitter face.

After looking at more than a dozen single rooms, she found that the woman inside was not what she was looking for. Xie Lun lost his patience and grabbed a guard with a gun. He said in a bad mood, “Where is Markusha?”

The guard didn’t know Shay Lun’s details and didn’t dare to get angry. He smiled and said, “The second in command is not here. If you have any needs, please speak up. We must meet… Oh, yes, the following conditions are too bad. There is a private room upstairs and fruit…”

Before he could finish speaking, Xie Lun broke the other’s neck with a hard hand.

The other guard was taken aback, and just about to raise the gun, but Tina snapped his fingers at random, and he fell to the ground feebly.

Xie Lun pointed to the man who led the way: “You squat here and you are not allowed to move.”

Then he pointed to Tina: “I will give you this building.”

“No problem,” Tina stretched her hands. “But where are you going?”

Xie Lun picked up the guard whose neck was broken by himself, with the AK47 in his hand, and walked out the door as he loaded it up: “I’m a little angry, and I need to kill a few people to vent the fire.”

Tina shrugged and looked at the man who was really obediently holding his head and squatting on the ground, not daring to move. She curled her lips a little boringly, and suddenly screamed: “Come here, something has happened, someone won’t give money after the accident… …”

Outside the building, Xie Lun drove the scarlet sports car back to the two metal houses. The people in the iron room saw that the big boss who had just thrown money came back, and they were excited to come out and wave, but they would not have thought that they received a deadly bullet this time.

With the muzzle sticking out from the car window, Xie Lun squeezed the trigger fiercely. The precise marksmanship did not give the opponent a chance to counterattack at all. The sports car drifted around in place and instantly swept everyone on both sides into a hornet’s nest.

When Xie Lun returned to the small building with a murderous spirit, all the men in the building, whether they were wearing or not wearing clothes, had guns or not, all lay weakly on the ground.

Xie Lun picked up a pistol and threw it into the hand of the man who led the way, and said coldly: “Go and ask Markusha’s whereabouts. If anyone doesn’t tell or knows, you will kill him.”


The man stared at the pistol in front of him and was stunned.

Xie Lun’s expression was unkind: “Why? Can’t bear it? Or do you think their lives are more precious than you?”

Stared at by Xie Lun’s sulky eyes, the man trembled, took the pistol quickly, walked tremblingly to the nearest guard, and said tremblingly: “Don’t blame my brother, if you know, just say it. Right. Where is Markusha?”

The guard spat fiercely: “You traitor, the gang will not let you go.”

The man’s cheeks twitched violently: “Don’t force me, brother, I also want to survive.”

“Go away, I won’t let you go if I die…”


The man looked at the pistol with some horror, as if he couldn’t believe that the shot just now was the trigger he pulled. But after a while, looking at the headshot corpse at his feet, he got a grim expression, walked to the other guard, and shouted: “Say, where is Makusha?”

Hearing the gunshots one after another behind him, Xie Lun re-examined the single rooms blankly. The women in the single room had noticed that something was going on outside, and all the women who were able to move wrapped up their sheets and retracted into the deepest place.

As for the immovable…look at their blurred eyes and the needle-eyes on their arms, and you know what happened to them.

“These damn bastards.”

Sharon recalled what he had encountered in Mexico, and couldn’t help sighing in his heart that once this person loses his bottom line, he will all become inferior to beasts.

After searching the last single room, Shelley was not found, and Xie Lun was nervous and relieved. Since there is no Shelley here, it means that those people have not caught Shelley yet. What’s nervous is…Where is Shelley?

At this moment Tina came over, holding a denim jacket, frowning and said: “Head, you better look at this dress.”

Xie Lun picked up his clothes and looked through it a few times, then frowned, “Why do you look familiar?”

He suddenly remembered something and took out the three photos. I saw one of the girls, who was wearing this denim jacket.

Sharon sighed: “Kem, the daughter of the mysterious Mr. Lois.”

Tina shook her head and said, “No, it’s not Keim, but another strange woman.”

Xie Lun followed Tina to another single room, and saw the woman lying on the bed, her face pale, her lips were black, there was no trace of blood, and she was dying of her breath.

Tina casually moved outward, and a man lying on the ground outside suddenly screamed. Seeing that he is naked, it is estimated that he should have come to consume, but it seems that he is going to spend his life here this time.

Soon a cloud of blood lifted up from him and merged into Tina’s palm to form a blood cell, and the man had turned into a mummy.

Then Tina stretched out her hand and pushed and shot the ball of blood into the woman.

Countless blood-colored threads passed under the woman’s skin, and the woman opened her eyes suddenly, took a long breath, and coughed violently.

Tina leaned to Xie Lun’s ear and whispered: “Head, she has been injected too much, her vitality is badly injured, and she can’t be saved. I can only tell her to return to the picture. If you have any questions, you’d better ask quickly. ”

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