Chapter 351 Dragon Kiss

“…There has been a traitor inside us, and normal communication is likely to have been monitored, so I can only get in touch with you in this way…”

“…Edward King, do you remember this guy. According to this guy’s confession, in addition to being an important source of international human trafficking, Paris is also the largest supplier of unique products to China and China. So tomorrow, The police of our country, China and France will conduct a joint operation with the purpose of arresting unique suppliers hidden in Paris, France…”

“… But according to our secret intelligence, whether it is trafficking in human beings or selling unique products, these two industrial chains are subordinate industries of the terrorist organization’Cobra’, providing a lot of funds for’Cobra’. Once this is completely eliminated The two industrial chains are equivalent to hitting the seven inches of the’Cobra’…”

“…Because of this, the’Cobra’ organization will definitely resist and even try to disrupt this operation. In addition, after analysis, we believe that the French police are no longer credible, and there must be people from’Cobra’ inside. …….”

“…In this operation, your external identity is the special observer sent by the United States to France to assist the French police in this operation. And Schellen, your real task is to kill the unique supplier and dig out the hidden Inside the police, and executed…”

“… Regarding your actions, the United States government will not admit that once you are arrested, the United States government will not conduct rescue or extradition. All actions are your private actions…”

“…If you agree to perform this mission, then you will tell the Chinese ambassador to France the code of this action “Dragon Kiss”, and the ambassador will provide you with the necessary identification and other information…”

“…Good luck, Xie Lun, the information will be automatically destroyed in five seconds…5…4…3…2…”

The electronic screen flickered a few times. After a snow flickered, James reappeared on the screen and said in a hurried tone: “Shalen, listen to me, Shelley’s disappearance is the’Cobra’ who helped fuel the flames behind. They want to use her. He threatened me, so I found her…and, don’t trust anyone…”

With a “puff”, the device gave off a puff of white smoke, and in the blink of an eye, the entire electronic device turned into a pile of charred waste plastic.

Xie Lun closed the Bible calmly, took a deep breath, then threw the Bible into the trash can next to him, got up and walked to the door of the office. Opening the door, the ambassador stood not far away smoking a cigarette silently, watching Xie Lun appear, he squeezed out the cigarette butt, walked over and waved his head and said, “Go into the office and talk again.”

After the ambassador walked in, Xie Lun closed the office door again, and the ambassador said in a deep voice: “Your uncle James and I are old classmates. I just didn’t expect that he would choose you. So what’s your answer?”

Xie Lun nodded: “Dragon’s Kiss.”

The ambassador did not speak, but walked to a portrait and pulled the portrait apart to reveal the hidden safe behind. Then he opened the safe again, took out a large thick envelope from the inside, and handed it to Xie Lun: “Inside is the identification certificate you need, and…”

Xie Lun tore open the envelope and dumped it on the table. In addition to passports, certificates and other documents, there is also a pistol.

“Wang Sen, the high level investigator of the United States Anti-Independence Bureau?” Xie Lun took up his passport and identity certificate, looked at his formal photo on it, and curled his lips. “Fak, I look really handsome in a suit. .”

The ambassador laughed at the words: “From today, you will be called by this name in Paris. Also, this is your gun, Glock G20, 10 rounds of magazines, 10mm caliber bullets.”

Xie Lun picked up the pistol and looked at it a few times, then sneered: “I have weapons.”

The ambassador nodded and said, “I know, having a gun just makes your identity more authentic and credible.”

Xie Lun interrupted the ambassador and said coldly, holding a pistol, “Or, the enemy can use this gun to plant and frame me.”

The ambassador’s expression shrank, and he stopped talking.

“Just kidding, Mr. Ambassador, don’t be nervous.”

Xie Lun smiled and thrust the gun into his waist with his backhand.

The ambassador said in a deep voice: “No, I understand. I have experienced a lot over the years and met a lot of great guys like you. But in the end, very few survived. So Xie Lun, I hope you can survive. , I hope I can send you back home safely.”

Xie Lun patted the ambassador on the shoulder: “Thank you, but now you should think of a way to send the girl back first.”

With that said, Xie Lun put away the passport information into the envelope, turned around and walked out.

When he walked to the door, the ambassador suddenly said: “Kem’s father, Lois, is now in Paris. If you have any needs, you can ask him for help. Trust me, he is credible.”

Xie Lun did not speak or hesitate, opened the door and walked out of the office.

After leaving the embassy, ​​Sharon sat in the sports car and threw the envelope to Tina. Tina opened the envelope, looked at the identification and documents, and frowned, “What is this?”

“New mission.” Xie Lun pointed. “Did you see the picture of that nasty-looking man? Tonight, I’m going to the Caesars Hotel to meet him and discuss the three-nation joint operation tomorrow night.”

“This is a three-nation joint fishing?” Tina looked at the files in her hand and laughed softly, “What do I need to do?”

“The’Cobra’ may have captured Shelley. Through this operation, I need to dig out the inner ghost of the’Cobra’ hidden in the police, and see if he can penetrate the organization.” Xie Lun took the pedestal. The information in Na’s hand, said in a deep voice, “As for you, you are responsible for secretly searching for Shelley. If she has not fallen into the hands of’Cobra’, find her and protect her.”

Tina nodded: “Head, don’t worry, I will do my best to find Sister Shelley.”

She hesitation, and whispered: “During my absence, you must be well…”

Xie Lun glared at her: “Are you setting up a Flag? You can’t die, do you want me to die?”

Tina curled her lips and muttered softly: “Cut, you found it.”

This is in the car. If it is outside, Sharon has already kicked it.

Seeing Sharon’s ugly expression, Tina chuckled: “Don’t be angry, head, I also think that if you go to hell sooner, we can be together for a longer time… Don’t do it, I’ll do it. Get out of the car and find Shelley.”

“Don’t fight three times, go to the house to reveal the tile!”

Seeing Tina almost crawling out of the car, Xie Lun withdrew her hand bitterly.

On the other side of the city, Bu Lois, who was given high hopes by the ambassador, was talking on the phone with his old friend Fadili: “Fadili, listen to me. The accident of Maikou Gang has nothing to do with me. I will go there. By the time, there were already corpses everywhere.”

Fadili looked at his subordinates who were locating Lois, and said in a deep voice: “Anyway, Lois, we need to meet and have a good talk.”

“Sorry, man, I still have to look for my daughter. I don’t have time to meet with you for the time being.”

“Fournand Manor, right?” Fadili tried to delay time. “Do you know what our police found in the ruins of the manor? Just me and you, just the two of us, you choose a place, let’s meet ,how?”

Lois was silent. After a while, he didn’t speak and cut off the phone.

“Damn it.” Fadili looked at his men, “Did you find his place?”

The hand gestured “OK”: “The time is just right, and we have located his precise location.”

“Then what are you waiting for,” Fadili shouted, “the other party is a dangerous man, please inform the special police to surround the place!”

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