Chapter 355: Okay, Mr. Doug

Liu Jian walked a few steps forward, and suddenly there was a sound of a toilet bowl next to him, and then two tall men walked out of the cubicle, sandwiching Liu Jian one by one.

The leather jacket shook his fingers, motioned Liu Jian to raise his hands, and then stretched out his hand to pull out the pistol stuck in his waist. Liu Jian did not resist, and calmly raised his hands. The other two big men began to search him rudely.

Soon Liu Fitness’s passport, documents, and pistol were all found. The man in the leather jacket stepped forward, took Liu Jian’s ID, opened it, and curled his lips and said, “Come with me.”

Under the surveillance of the two strong men behind him, Liu Jian followed the leather jacket man out of the bathroom, walked through the corridor, and quickly entered the back kitchen.

In the spacious kitchen, the first half is a lively and busy cooking scene, while the second half is deserted. There is no chef in a white coat and white hat.

More than a dozen gunmen dressed in casual clothes watched Liu Jian approaching with indifferent expressions. The leather jacket walked to an iron cabinet, put Liu Jian’s ID on the table, and said loudly, “Head, here he is.”

Behind the long iron cabinet, a man who was bending over and beating someone violently, straightened up and turned his head. It was the inspector named Richard.

He looked at Liu Jian up and down, and stretched out his hand. Liu Jian also thought that he was going to shake hands with him, and also extended his hand. Unexpectedly, the other party ignored Liu Jian’s hand, took the ID on the desktop, looked at it, and handed it over to his subordinates. He sneered: “Don’t worry, you It’s safe here, and you don’t need to use these things at all.”

Two tall men who were exactly the same walked up to Richard, and one of them handed over a towel. Richard smiled while wiping the blood on his hands with a towel, “By the way, what’s your name? Sorry, I don’t even know your painted characters… Forget it, let me give you a name. Come on… Jerry, how is it?”

Looking at Liu Jian, who was expressionless, Richard laughed loudly: “Yes, you’re called Jerry from today…Tsk, what a good name, it matches you very well.”

Amidst the laughter, Richard suddenly slapped his hands on the iron cabinet, staring at Liu Jian fiercely, gritted his teeth and said: “I know what you are here for, and you Huaguo doesn’t trust us at all, so I specially sent you to monitor us. right?”

Liu Jian still didn’t speak, his expression on his face didn’t even change at all.

Richard snorted and said coldly: “You don’t need to worry, we have set everything up, you just need to watch it by the side, don’t make trouble, you know?”

Liu Jian nodded.

Seeing Liu Jian didn’t say a word from start to finish, Richard also felt a little boring, and just wanted to wave his hand to send him away. Suddenly there was a commotion in front of him, and then a man with blood on his face flew in.


The men around Richard immediately raised their muzzles, but after seeing the appearance of the incoming person, their complexion changed drastically, and they all took a step back.

I saw a young man with black hair who was similar to Liu Jian, pinched a Richard’s neck with one hand, and walked over.

And that Richard had a ring of explosives tied to his body, and the remote control was in the other hand of the black-haired young man.

“Don’t mess around, gentlemen, 20 kilograms of TNT, although it is not enough to blow up the whole building, but you still have no problem blowing it up.”

Xie Lun smiled slightly and shook the red remote control in his hand, “I am a special observer from the United States, so…who is the person in charge here?”

Richard snorted, waved his hand to signal his men to put down their guns, and said coldly: “I am.”

“It’s great,” Xie Lun said with a smile. “Police officer, these two guys are doing the same thing to me in the bathroom. They have bad intentions. I have no choice but to defend themselves. Now I will formally file a complaint against them and ask you to Arrest the two immediately and deal with it seriously, otherwise I will formally protest to your government through diplomatic channels when I return!”

Seeing these two subordinates who were beaten so hard that their mothers could not recognize them, Richard hated the roots of their teeth and itchy: “You so-called legitimate defense, you just start so cruelly?”

Xie Lun said as it should be: “In the United States, we dared to move after the warning. Generally, we shot directly. Just leave a sigh of relief like this. I have seen the friendship between our two countries. The face is up.”

“Okay, very good, very good.” Richard gritted his teeth, and suddenly clapped his hands. “It’s done so well, typical of the United States style. I admire it. I was stunned. I didn’t hear this slave. What about the Special Observer from the United States? Drag these two guys down and throw them straight into jail.”

Hearing Richard’s words, his men cautiously stepped forward. The one on the ground is easy to handle, just drag it away, but what should Xie Lun do with this?

He has explosives tied to him.

Xie Lun smiled slightly, unwrapped the explosive from that buddy, and threw it on the iron cabinet. Seeing the close contact between the dynamite bag and the iron cabinet, everyone’s expressions couldn’t help changing, and Richard even shuddered in shock.

Only Liu Jian remained unchanged and stood still.

Richard’s face was a little embarrassed, he pushed the pack of explosives out, frowned and said, “By the way, Mr. Special Observer, can I see your ID?”

“No problem,” Xie Lun drew out his credentials, swayed in the air, and smiled, “Where’s yours?”

Richard froze for a moment, then laughed, took out his ID from his pocket and threw it over. Xie Lun also threw his ID to Richard. After taking Richard’s ID, he opened it and looked at it, and said, “Inspector Richard, I have to say that you are more insulting than the picture.”

“You are too polite, Wang Sen?” Richard snorted, “This name is too difficult to remember, so let me change you a new name… Tom? How about it? You call it a lot in the United States. ”

“Okay, Mr. Doug,” Xie Lun made no attempt to show weakness, but retorted, “There seem to be more people by this name in the world.”


How could Richard couldn’t hear the meaning of Sharon’s words, and stared at Sharon, Sharon shook the remote control in his hand indifferently, with an expression on his face as if he was saying: “Did you not accept it? Come and bite me.” Ah, Doug!”

Richard gasped for a long time, and finally said bitterly: “Well, Observer Wang Sen, should I return my credentials?”

Xie Lun hooked his finger, and Richard was helpless, so he had to drop Xie Lun’s ID on the table first, and then Xie Lun returned Richard’s ID.

“Then it’s business,” Richard gritted his teeth, “Tomorrow’s meeting site is already under our surveillance. However, someone from the United States has an accident. According to our insider report, the other party will meet at the meeting place. After a temporary change, they will meet in the Continental Hotel tomorrow night.”

“Time is urgent. Whether it is manpower or equipment, we have no time to control the Continental Hotel, so the monitoring side will be left to you, Wang Sen.”

Richard smiled maliciously: “If you have any problems there, it has nothing to do with our French police.”

“Continental Hotel?” Xie Lun raised his eyebrows. “Thanks to Inspector Richard for reminding me. Fortunately, there is still one day left, and I still have time to carry out deployment control.”

“Then I wish you good luck in advance.”

Richard smiled grimly, turned around and waved his hand to pick up the person he had beaten up. Only then did Xie Lun discover that this hapless ghost with blood and swollen nose turned out to be Lois.

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