Chapter 470 “Doomsday Collapse” Detected

On the ruined walls, like the ruins of the apocalyptic city, a piece of rags that can no longer distinguish the color is hung on a bare steel bar. Suddenly, a wisp of breeze came from nowhere, rolled up the rag, and flew forward.

While the rags were flying, another rag flew, followed by the second and third… Gradually more and more rags, like snowflakes, came together from all directions, and finally pieced together. Into a cute panda plush toy.

The toy was still rolling on the ground with the wind, and as the toy rolled, the surrounding situation also changed. The broken glass flew from the ground, and the broken mirror recirculated. The collapsed building began to stand up again, and the vehicle covered in the ruins rolled back to its previous position. The wound on the corpse trapped in the car is rapidly healing…

The panda toy crossed the silt-covered street again, and the silt subsided rapidly. A torn finger flew out of the silt and moved forward with the panda toy.

In the end, the panda toy leaped forward and sat firmly on the shelf before the front glass window was healed. And outside the glass showcase, that finger was also firmly connected to a slender arm.

This blond little girl who seemed to be only seven or eight years old, pulled her parents, pointed at the panda toy placed in the window, and shouted: “Mom and dad, I want this!”


[Because you saved a city, you got the achievement “City Light”][City Light: The higher the exposure rate, the higher the trust, trust, and conviction index of others in you (remember, traffic is the kingly way, and black powder is also a fan)][Because you have saved 5 million people, you will be rewarded with 50000 experience points and 5000 points][The case “Doomsday Collapse” is solved, 15,000 experience points are rewarded, 2,000 points are rewarded, a total of 65,000 experience points and 7000 points are accumulated in this case]

Listening to the system prompts in his mind and looking at the restored city, Xie Lun stood at the top of the signal tower, raising his hands high and clenching his fists.

Perhaps it was because of Ancient One’s help, or it was because Death God was mostly killed by Asmodeus, and Asmodeus was swallowed by himself, so in the end the control of the illusion fell into his own hands, so he had Ability returns everything to normal.

But in any case, if Xie Lun had not made up his mind to pull the entire city into the illusion, then no matter how hard he tried afterwards, he would not be able to save the entire city.

That’s why the system will reward Xie Lun with so many experience points and points like never before.

Tina quietly walked behind Xie Lun and looked at his back, her teeth biting her red lips, but she didn’t speak.

Xie Lun turned around, looked at her hesitant to speak, and laughed: “Are you planning to resign?”

Tina shook her head and looked at Xie Lun quietly: “Unless you fire me.”

Xie Lun stepped forward, stretched out her hand to lift her chin, and smiled: “If a beauty like you is expelled so easily, wouldn’t it be too wasteful.”

If you change to normal, Tina will fight back and molested Sharon a long time ago, but now she has a dim expression and whispered: “But…head, can you continue to trust me? After all… the information it came, I I didn’t tell you.”

“Is it your master in hell? My beloved little Tina. I don’t dare to disobey its orders, I can understand.” Sharon patted Tina on the shoulder and said with a smile, “And you don’t have to be too sad. Blame yourself, after all, I have never really trusted you.”

Tina gave him a white look and pouted: “Since you don’t really trust me, why put me by your side?”

“The reason I just said, it’s a pity that a beautiful and beautiful woman like you doesn’t stay by her side as a vase.” Xie Lun squeezed Tina’s cheek and smiled, “Furthermore, you are still mine. What about the chauffeur and the smart computer, have you forgotten?”

Listening to Xie Lun’s words, looking at Xie Lun’s smile, and feeling the fingers brushing her cheek, Tina’s heartbeat began to accelerate unstoppable, and she took a step forward suddenly, wrapping her arms around Xie Lun’s neck. I stood on tiptoe and kissed hard…

At this moment, a violent cough interrupted the warmth of the two.

Xie Lun and Tina turned their heads and saw Ritasa standing not far away, looking at Xie Lun with a bit of bitterness. Xie Lun laughed and beckoned at Ritasa. Although Ritasa was a bit tangled, hesitation for a moment, he obediently stepped forward.

Tina took the initiative to lift Ritasa’s little hand and gave Xie Lun a glance: “It looks like I have another sister.”

Ritasa shook her head quickly and said: “Don’t get me wrong, I’m just his personal Death God, specifically collecting the souls of the deadman.”

“That’s a coincidence. I’m just his personal driver. I just drive him.” Tina leaned close to Rita Sar’s ear and laughed wildly, “Do you need me as an old driver to take you with you?”

Ritasa’s face flushed.

“Okay, there will be a time when your sisters have sex in the future.” Xie Lun patted Tina’s hip and asked, “I want to ask you something serious, what is the origin of that demon?”

Tina shook her head and said: “Sorry, head, I have been spelled and cannot tell its detailed identity.”

“It’s Lilith, right?”

Tina opened her eyes suddenly: “How do you know its real name?”

“I can beat it away, knowing its real name, it’s not easy.” Sharon blew the cowhide without blushing, “It doesn’t seem to look down on Asmod at all. Could it be that it is also a Hell Lord.”

Tina nodded. Although this is the top of the signal tower, there is no one else on the scene except for the three of them, but she subconsciously looked around, and then whispered: “One of the seven demon kings of hell, fear King, Lilith!”


“You want to go to New York with me?”

Daddario said in surprise.

John Nathan nodded, put his arm around his beloved wife, and smiled: “We are definitely going to be with our little cutie.”

Daddario asked anxiously: “What about your beach rescue team?”

John Nathan smiled unnaturally: “Xie Lun promised me. When I get to New York, he will help me find a suitable job.”

Daddario looked at John Nathan suspiciously, and after a while, he asked Kayla, “What about you, mom? You finally got promoted to the company’s executive, so you resigned?”

Kayla smiled and said, “No matter how important the job is, it’s not as important as my family and daughter, isn’t it?”


“…Thank you, Inspector Xie. If it weren’t for you and Mr. Frank, desperately trying to get the vaccine from the robbers, now my son would have left me long ago….”

Benjamin shook hands with Sharon tightly.

Xie Lun smiled and said, “You are too polite, Mr. Congressman, this is what NIA should do.”

While talking, Jerry ran out of the back room, threw himself into Frank’s arms, and said loudly: “Thank you, Frank, I know you won’t give up on me.”

Frank patted Jerry on the head and smiled: “I promised you, I will protect your safety.”

Audrey stepped forward and smiled: “Mr. Frank, can I continue to invite you to be Jerry’s chauffeur?”

Frank looked down at Jerry, and saw Jerry looking at himself expectantly. He looked at Benjamin again, and Benjamin laughed and offered to extend his hand to Frank: “Welcome, Mr. Frank.”

Frank looked at Benjamin’s extended hand, hesitation, and finally held it tightly: “That’s better than being respectful.”

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