Chapter 482

Two shameless guys, after cherishing each other, Long Qi wiped away the unnecessary tears, and sighed: “I have to say that for so many years, I have wanted to sneak into the agent here, even if your United States agent has ideas. And dare to work hard.”

Xie Lun’s voice was even a little hoarse, as if he had just cried bitterly: “Big brother, why do you say that?”

“This building is relatively tall, plus it is located in the city center, so we have never worried before that there will be enemies that can invade from the air. We only focus on strengthening the defense downstairs.”

Long Qi explained: “Remember when we first came in, the business building across the road? That building was more than ten meters higher than the research institute. So the three agents from the United States actually got their ideas here. coming.”

“They used a baseball launcher to launch a baseball on the roof of the institute from the top of the building in another direction to attract the attention of the security at the top of the building. Then at the same time, an agent jumped from the top of the industrial and commercial building with a rope tied to his body. Use inertia to swing to the top of the institute.”

Xie Lun scratched his eyebrows, tried to recall his memories of his previous life, and frowned, “But aren’t there security guards on the roof? Even if he falls on the roof, he can’t escape those security guards, right?”

“His marksmanship is very good.” Long Shisan said, “Just now, we think that no one can invade from above, so there are not many security personnel on the top of the building. He shot one by one quickly and took all the security guards. knock down.”

He looked at Schellen with a serious expression, and then said: “Fortunately, he used rubber bullets. Our people are all fine, so it is possible for them to return to the United States.”

Xie Lun breathed a sigh of relief: “What’s next?”

Long Qi smiled and said: “I have to say that although the guy is an ordinary person, he is very powerful, much stronger than most agents. He played a cat and mouse game in the research room, and finally successfully sneaked into the research room. But…”

He shrugged: “There was a trap, and he was trapped when he entered. Then we were outside and grabbed the two players who were ready to meet him.”

Xie Lun frowned and said, “So, he didn’t steal anything?”

Long Shisan said in a serious tone: “However, after the investigation, it was discovered that our research results were indeed stolen.”

Xie Lun sighed: “After talking for so long, I still don’t know what you are studying here?”

“Don’t worry, you can see it right away!”

The three of them didn’t talk too much, just walked along the stairs quietly. After walking for more than ten minutes, the end of the stairs finally appeared in front of me.

Long Qi pushed open the door hard, and a dazzling blue light shone over. Long Qi proudly stretched out his hand and said loudly to Xie Lun: “Controllable nuclear fusion, unlimited energy in the future.”

Xie Lun squinted his eyes and looked at the towering cylindrical machine in front of him. Accompanied by a loud rumbling noise, countless blue arcs with the thickness of his arms constantly ejected from the machine.

“Actually, this is not a very advanced technology. At least some of you in the United States have already researched and mastered it.” Long Qi said in a deep voice, “Stark has such a nuclear reactor, which is smaller and more efficient than ours. , The response is more stable. Unfortunately…”

Xie Lun said, “It’s a pity that such good technology is only enjoyed by Stark.”

Long Qi nodded and said: “We wanted to cooperate with the United States and Stark to research or purchase its reactor technology, but after defrauding our deposit, we rejected ours on the grounds of national security. ask.”

“That’s why we swear that we will use our own hands to create our own small nuclear reactor. Although it still looks very large now, we believe that as long as we keep working hard, one day, it may become like an ordinary battery. The same File size.”

“I believe you, and this day, it should appear soon.”

Sharon did not lie on this point. If there is no deviation in the future, as long as Tony is shot in the chest, a small nuclear reactor will be developed.

“But if this is what you call top-secret research, let alone three people, even three hundred people can’t steal it.”

Xie Lun pointed to the twenty-story nuclear reactor and said.

“The lost definitely is not this big guy, but the most precious core of this big guy.” Long Shisan said, “This core is cylindrical, 20 centimeters in length, 10 centimeters in diameter, and weighs only 5 kilograms. It is sealed in there. With a small amount of uranium, and the activation device that activates the nuclear reaction.”

Xie Lun frowned and said, “What’s the use of that core?”

“If you take it out alone, it’s basically useless. Even if there is a leak, it won’t cause any harm, because the uranium content in it is really too small. But…”

Long Qi hesitation for a while, and said in a low voice: “Once it is modified and installed on a nuclear weapon, it can be used as a remote control device to detonate a nuclear weapon.”

Xie Lun’s eyes widened, staring at Long Qi, gritted his teeth and said: “So, you lost a gun?”

Long Qi nodded: “The same can be said.”

Xie Lun took a breath: “But this gun is a bit too powerful. Once the trigger is pulled, there will be no one or two dead people.”

“So we are also very anxious.” Long Qi said in a deep voice, “After discovering the theft of the core, we immediately blocked the research room and conducted a secret investigation of Shanghai City. After so many days of investigation, we basically It’s certain that the core shouldn’t flow out of Shanghai City, or maybe even still in this research institute, but we haven’t found it yet.”

Xie Lun frowned and said, “Then what do you want me to do today, and want me to help you find it?”

Long Qi shook his head and also frowned his eyebrows: “After the incident, all personnel who might be close to the core were all controlled by us and detained in the detention room under the research room. But since that day, there have been people between them. Something strange happened.”

“Weird thing?” Xie Lun frowned. “What weird thing?”

“How do you describe it?”

Long Qi hesitation, Long Shisan said from the side: “It’s just fear.”


Xie Lun didn’t understand even more.

“Anyway, you’ll know if you follow us to see it.”

Long Qi clicked on the wall next to him, and a door immediately appeared on the wall, and inside was another elevator. The three people took the elevator down. After opening the door this time, there was a sealed air-cushion door behind the door. Four security guards in isolation biochemical suits stood behind the door.

The three of them also put on biochemical suits, and after they were disinfected, they walked in.

This is a long clean white corridor with closed doors on both sides of the corridor.

Walking to a door, Long Qi snapped his fingers at the camera above his head, and immediately the door slid aside. After the three of them walked in, they found that the room behind the door was not the narrow and dark prison room as imagined, but was similar to a normal hotel room with a TV, refrigerator, and bathroom.

And on the big bed in this room, there was a black man curled up. I saw this man who was nearly two meters high and nearly three hundred pounds tall, like a big bear. At the moment, like a little bullied girl, his whole body was wrapped in a quilt and shrunk into a ball, with a frightened expression on his face. Looking at the three of Sharon.


Xie Lun recognized at a glance that this black buddy was Luther, Ethan’s deputy.

It’s just that this tough guy with a big face, how did he become such a virtue?

“Your taste is not so heavy, right?” Xie Lun looked at Dragon Qi suspiciously, “Can you handle this kind of appearance?”

Long Qi hurriedly waved his hand and cried out injustice: “Heaven and Earth conscience, apart from normal interrogation, we didn’t touch him. Not only did they take care of food and shelter, they also allowed them to watch TV, and gave them physical examinations every day. He was even better than the one who lived in. At that time, I was a few kilograms fat.”

“Then how did he become such a virtue? It’s like a poor girl who has been tortured and tortured by others.”

“That’s why we are looking for you.” Long Qi tightened his eyebrows, “Before he became like this, several of our researchers had experienced this situation, and some of them had even died.”

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