Chapter 619 Blood Orchid

“Do not!”

Seeing his nine deaths, the blood orchid that was finally found was eaten by a “long worm”, Norman almost jumped directly off the cliff.

Fortunately, Xie Lun grabbed him and said in a deep voice, “What is it? It’s just a flower.”

“A flower?” Norman gritted his teeth. “We came to this damn rainforest and were chased by those giant pythons. We almost died because of that damn flower.”

“But now…”

Norman looked sadly at the rushing river under the cliff, and could vaguely see the thick and long black shadows under the water.

God knows how many pythons are hidden below.

“I think you are really frightened and start to worry about gains and losses.” Xie Lun laughed instead, “I think this is a good thing instead.”

“Good thing?”

In Norman’s puzzled gaze, Sharon explained: “How many giant pythons have we seen along the way? As you said, the reason why those pythons are so huge is probably because they swallowed the blood orchids. As for the abnormal changes in the body.”

“Then think about it, if the number of blood orchids is very scarce, will there be so many pythons?”

Xie Lun patted Norman on the shoulder and smiled, “So I think you can relax. Blood orchids may be difficult to find, but I don’t think there will be too few, at least not just one.”

Norman was stunned. He was also one of the top rich, a well-known doctor of biology. He was naturally very clear about what Shay Lun said. It’s just that care is chaotic, and the ups and downs between excitement and loss made him lose his sanity in a short time.

Hearing Xie Lun’s words, he immediately came back to his senses. Looking at the pythons walking along the river below, he solemnly said: “Follow them, maybe you can find more blood orchids.”

“Finally, he has become a smart boss.”

Xie Lun laughed.

Along with his laughter, the giant python under the cliff also poked his head out of the water, making a scalp-numbing neighing sound, which seemed to follow the sound.

Norman also laughed, but after a while, his expression was a little stiff, and he hesitated: “But is it upstream or downstream?”

What he asked was naturally a blood orchid, which might be upstream or downstream of the river. Although it seems that the python is moving downstream along the river, it seems that the blood orchid is more likely to be downstream. But considering the rush of water, I’m not sure that these giant pythons were actually swept down by the water.

Xie Lun squinted his eyes and looked up and down for a moment. He knew it in his heart, but he still hesitated to say: “It’s hard to say, but from now on, the possibility of downstream is higher. Or we will go downstream first. If there is no result, go back upstream and look for it?”

He sighed: “Actually, if the team is not dispersed, it is best to search separately.”

“No, even if everyone is present, I won’t look for it separately.” Norman pointedly said to Xie Lun, “After all, I don’t trust anyone other than Inspector Xie.”

“Hehe, even now, I’m afraid you don’t completely trust me, do you?”

Xie Lun sneered in his heart. He was very clear about the nature of these big capitalists.

Not to mention that Sharon and Norman followed the cliff and looked down the river. In the grass five kilometers upstream of the river, tentacles with big eyes suddenly swam out. Soon these tentacles gathered together and finally condensed into the appearance of Xie Lun.

With his hands on his back, he walked slowly along the edge of the cliff.

What stayed with Norman was just the duplication of Xiaocao, and the real him, feeling the abnormality here, came to check it out by himself.

Here is a small waterfall, and the source of the river starts from here. It can be found that the trees near the waterfall are extraordinarily tall and sturdy, and the canopy that obscures the sky makes the light here very dim, as if entering the evening when the sun has just set.

But in such dim light, the green vines around the cliff were covered with red flowers of fist File size.

Bright red, like a flower made of blood.

“Blood Orchid!”

Xie Lun did not rush up to pick, but stood on the rock at the edge of the waterfall and looked down. I saw that the pool formed under the waterfall was filled with giant pythons. The long, wet and slippery bodies were entwined and densely packed. People with intensive phobias would definitely have nightmares after seeing them.

Xie Lun also felt dizzy. This was definitely not frightening, but he felt a mysterious power from below the waterfall, attracting himself, and wanted to make himself jump from here.

There is something hidden in the pool below this waterfall.

Xie Lun stood on the cliff and gently waved his hand downward. The pythons who should have felt the fear and fled all around, but raised their heads one after another, spitting snake letters at Xie Lun.

They didn’t have the guts to come up and besiege Xie Lun, but they were still entangled in the pool.

Apparently, the courage of these pythons has grown a lot under the influence of the thing below.

Xie Lun laughed silently, a black shadow slid out of his shadow, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a giant python, walked down the cliff, squeezed other pythons, and easily got into the pool.

Taking advantage of this time, Xie Lun knelt down, and curiously plucked a blood orchid, ready to see what’s so peculiar about this flower. But as soon as he picked up the blood orchid, the system prompt sounded in his mind:

[Congratulations on obtaining the one-time epic item “Blood Orchid”][Blood Orchid: You can get 5000 experience points after using it]

Xie Lun opened his eyes wide, and the hand holding the blood orchid was shaking.

I heard that right, this thing… can actually increase experience.

Looking at the dense blood orchids growing on the green vines, Xie Lun suddenly stretched out countless tentacles on his body without saying a word, plucking all the blood orchids off.

[You use Blood Orchid to gain 5000 experience… 5000 experience… 5000 experience… You have successfully reached level 16… 5000 experience…]

After Xie Lun used all the blood orchids in one breath, he found that his level had risen to 30.

Before he could assign attribute points, the group of snakes under the waterfall suddenly began to violently commotion, as if something was about to come out.

After a while, the python that Xie Lun conjured was squeezed out of the group of snakes, with its mouth closed, bulging, and there should be something in it. The other giant pythons opened their mouths and attacked them desperately, trying to tear apart the python that Sharon had conjured.

Xie Lun snorted coldly, pointed at random, countless eye tentacles shot out, opened a big mouth full of fangs, and swallowed all the pythons in the blink of an eye.

Only the giant python that Xie Lun turned into climbed up from the cliff, walked in front of Xie Lun, bowed his head, and opened his mouth flatteringly.

A basketball file size meteorite appeared in front of Xie Lun. And this meteorite gleamed with a faint red light from time to time.

Xie Lun squinted his eyes and put his hands up carefully.

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