Chapter 629 Pierce’s Request


Robert did not expect the minister of the country to say so, frowning, and did not speak for a while.

At this moment, a black phone in front of Robert suddenly rang. He frowned slightly in doubt, reached out and picked up the microphone, and then the video screen turned black. After a few minutes, the video communication returned to normal, and Robert’s expression was a little weird: “SHIELD will also be involved in this case. You have to work together to solve this case successfully. Do you understand?”

With that said, Robert cut off the communication without waiting for the minister’s response.

In the next second, the screen was connected to a new video communication request again. After the connection, it was Pierce who appeared on the screen.

James frowned and said solemnly: “Why did SHIELD intervene in this case?”

Pierce calmly said: “Don’t say that, Deputy Minister James. Strictly speaking, this case should be an international case, and it should have been our responsibility.”

The Chinese Minister snorted: “This plane belongs to the United States, so this case is ours, and there is no need for you, an international organization, to intervene.”

Pierce smiled and said: “But there are more than 30 passengers from other countries on the plane, and the plane is still on the high seas, so our S.H.I.E.L.D is responsible for investigating.”


Everyone was taken aback, staring suspiciously at Pierce.

Pierce laughed and said: “In fact, more than once, some people think that SHIELD’s name is too difficult to remember and should be changed. After discussion by the International Security Council, it was decided to rename the Bureau of National Land Strategic Defense Attacks and Logistics Support to S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Everyone looked at each other, this name… indeed sounds more powerful and domineering than the original shit Security Bureau.

The Minister of China reached out and knocked on the table, signaled everyone to turn their attention to the business, and said in a deep voice, “Well, even if your S.H.I.E.L.D is involved in this case, do you have a solution?”

“In fact, we might actually have a way to send people to the plane silently.” Pierce reached out and clicked on the side. A PPT popped up on the screen immediately, “This is the space shuttle secretly developed by SHIELD. The purpose is to allow astronauts to enter the space station quickly. But now it is also possible to transport a group of commandos to sneak into the hijacked plane.”

In the demonstration screen made by 3D animation, everyone can see that an advanced Flight device flies under an aircraft, keeps parallel and is connected by a pipe, and the members of the Flight device enter the upper aircraft through the pipe.

James frowned and said, “Have you ever used this method by S.H.I.E.L.D?”

Pierce smiled: “I tried it a few times, and definitely was in the mock chamber.”

“What about the success rate?”


James figured it out for a while, then turned to look at the minister of the country: “Maybe you can try this method.”

The minister closed his eyes and said in a deep voice, “Then send that team to sneak in?”

James approached the minister of the country and whispered: “Mission Impossible Group?”

The minister hesitation for a moment, nodded first, and then immediately shook his head, opened his eyes and looked at Pierce on the screen: “Does S.H.I.E.L.D have a suitable team?”

“No.” Pierce replied very simply, “We can only provide transportation. As for the assault personnel, you need to figure out your own solutions.”

“Really?” James frowned. “You S.H.I.E.L.D. are so talented. You can’t even get a small assault team together?”

“With this, I can also ask you, is your United States Department of the United States now so badly dying of talents?”

Pierce smiled and said, “Perhaps I can recommend someone to you.”


“NIA high level inspector, Xie Lun!”

“What did you say?”

James suddenly opened his eyes.

He didn’t expect Pierce to say Sharon’s name.

“Deputy Secretary James should be familiar with this inspector. After all, he is your nephew.” Pierce stared at James. “Inspector Sharon is very capable. I’ve heard of it many times before. If he takes action. , Then this case will definitely be solved perfectly.”


James retorted subconsciously, but he felt the strange look of other people, he quickly explained: “He is just an ordinary police detective, and there is still a big gap compared with the strictly trained special forces. Not to mention him. It’s from NIA, and our Ministry of State Affairs has no right to order him.”

“That’s your problem, it has nothing to do with me.” Pierce sneered, “Anyway, I’m just giving you a suggestion. You need to consider whether to adopt it.”

James said coldly: “What if we don’t adopt your suggestion?”

“Oh, that’s really a shame.” Pierce stretched his hands. “I seem to remember. Our SHIELD aircraft seems to be malfunctioning and is under maintenance. I am afraid that we will not be able to participate in the mission in a short time. I’m really sorry. Minister of the country, it seems that the task of saving that plane will depend on you to complete it alone.”

With that said, he stretched out his hand to cut off the communication.

At this time, the minister of the country said: “Wait, Pierce, give me half an hour.”


Seeing that the communication was cut off, James opened his mouth and just wanted to speak, the Minister of State reached out his hand to signal the others to leave first. After only the two of them were left in the room, the minister of the country said: “James, I know you are worried about Sharon’s safety, but now there is a passenger on an airplane waiting for our rescue. At least… we want to Ask Sharon’s opinion, right?”

He took out his cell phone, dialed the number, and said in a deep voice: “I’ll call William, you can go out first.”

Although James was unwilling, but helpless, he walked out of the command room quickly, looking for an unmanned corner, and immediately took out his cell phone to call Sharon. After the call was connected, his first sentence was: “It’s broken, Pierce’s revenge is coming.”

Xie Lun said lazily, “I had expected it, what would he want to do?”

“He wants you to perform a very dangerous task.” James looked around, lowered his voice, “I can’t say the specific content right now, but it is estimated that William will call you soon. Remember, no matter what William will do when the time comes. Don’t agree to any threats or tricks. As long as you don’t let go, they won’t be able to do anything to you, understand?”

Xie Lun laughed: “No, James, what kind of task makes you so nervous?”

“Okay, I didn’t fight you haha, be careful yourself.”

James hung up the phone, frowning sadly. Although Ramirez reported to him what happened in the Amazon rainforest, he also knew that Sharon was no longer an ordinary person, but subconsciously he still did not want Sharon to take risks.

It’s a pity that Sharon doesn’t think so.

Before I had time to trouble Pierce, I didn’t expect that this old boy would dare to provoke himself.

After half an hour.

The Chinese Minister said with a cold face to Pierce on the screen: “Xie Lun agreed. In addition to him, he will lead his team to participate in this mission.”

“Very well, let him arrive at the Roosevelt military airport within twenty minutes, where my plane is waiting for him.”

Pierce smiled in satisfaction.

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