Chapter 660

“It doesn’t look unusual.”

Luke put down the binoculars in his hand and said back to Peter and Connor.

At the moment, they were sitting in a seemingly ordinary black business car, and stopped at the corner of the intersection just tens of meters away from the residence of Conner’s adoptive parents. In addition to Peter and Luke, there are Sam, Brandes and Downey, and an entire NIA action team.

“Gate, did they retreat?”

Connor was a little worried.

Luke hesitated: “Should we retreat, the local police station reported that a police officer had come.”

Connor breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. Although his adoptive parents treated him badly, he didn’t want them to die in the hands of robots.

“No, it’s not right.” Branders, wearing sunglasses, suddenly said, “I didn’t sense the breath of a living person from that room.”

Connor’s face changed drastically when he heard that, Peter hurriedly calmed down: “Don’t panic, let’s try a call first.”

He dialed the phone at Gate’s house again, and it didn’t take long for the call to be connected.

“Connor? Where did you go? Why haven’t you returned home? Your adoptive father and I are worried about you.” Mrs. Gate’s voice came from the microphone, “Hurry up and come back. I made your favorite dishes. I ordered pizza.”

Listening to the words coming from the microphone, Connor’s face became paler. He covered the microphone with his hand and whispered to Peter, “It’s weird. She has never been so kind to me.”

“Give it to me.” Sam took the phone and opened his mouth to make Connor’s voice, “Are there any police officers coming today?”

“Yes, but we sent it away. It’s okay, Connor, we will protect you.”

Brandes took the cell phone from Sam again, and also made Connor’s voice; “How does Abu keep screaming, what’s wrong with it?”

“Oh, it’s okay, maybe I’m hungry.”

When Branders heard the words, he hung up his phone, turned his head and said to the others: “His dog is called ‘John’, so you can do it. The guy inside is definitely not the Gates couple.”

Luke nodded, held down the headset to give orders, and immediately the heavily armed special soldiers got out of the car and surrounded Gate’s residence from three directions.

Connor looked at Brandes blankly: “How do you know the dog’s name?”

Brandes looked back and smiled: “Child, I know a lot.”

Peter was a little nervous and said, “Then do you think we can succeed this time?”

Brandes shrugged: “It’s human work.”

“Then we will help too, and Connor will leave it to you.”

Peter and Downey also got out of the car and caught up with Luke and others.

Stared at by Sam’s gray eyes and Branders, who was still wearing sunglasses in the car, Connor felt uncomfortable all over, and said cautiously: “Why… I’ll go and see too?”

With that said, he wanted to open the car door. It’s a pity that Sam grabbed him before he could move.

“Child, the outside world is too dangerous, you should stay by our side.”

Sam smiled slightly, showing two rows of white teeth that made Connor’s heart flustered.

Soon there were fierce gunshots outside, and after a while, grenade explosions also sounded one after another, shaking the windows of the car violently. Connor leaned over to the car window nervously and looked out, but it was dark and could not see anything except the flashing fire.

After another ten minutes, there was a sudden loud bang, and half of the house was lifted off. A white shadow rushed out of the flying fragments, and rushed into the night in the blink of an eye, disappearing without a trace.

“Damn it.” Peter fell from the air, opened the door, and shook his head to Sam and the others, “That guy can’t kill him at all. Downey even chopped him into dozens of pieces, but he can still be integrated.”

Luke, who was covered with dust, ran over quickly and said anxiously: “Sam, there are several brothers injured. Can you help?”

As he said, he patted Peter on the shoulder again and nodded, “Thanks to you, kid, otherwise the brothers will save more than just injuries.”

“no problem.”

Sam got out of the car and followed Luke to treat the wounded.

Peter sighed and said to Brandes, “Aunt Bran, can you predict where that guy will go next?”

Brandes laughed mysteriously and looked at Connor: “Actually, I don’t need to say, this kid should know it too, right?”

Connor was taken aback for a moment, but then he reacted, his face changed drastically, and he said anxiously: “Mental hospital? My mother?”

Brandes nodded: “Since you can’t kill your primary target, then kill the secondary target. Isn’t this the logical thinking of the machine?”

“Then what are you waiting for, let’s immediately notify the mental hospital and ask them to evacuate as soon as possible, and then we will lie in wait there again.”

Peter got into the car.

Brandes waved his hand: “Don’t panic, let’s pick someone up first, and wait for Sharon’s call by the way.”

Peter’s face suddenly blushed, and he hummed: “The leader should be busy now, he may not have time to call us.”

Brandes laughed strangely: “He is really busy, but after a while, he will be busier.”

She pointed at Peter: “You drive, let’s go first.”

Peter was taken aback: “But I’m not an adult yet, and I haven’t got my driver’s license yet.”

“You don’t know how to drive, what is it.” Brandes snorted: “Will you let me drive, or this kid, or Downey?”

Seeing Donny, who returned with a blank face holding a long knife, and sat directly in the back seat, Peter touched his nose, reluctantly got out of the car, and switched to the driver’s seat: “Where are we going?”

“Go straight ahead and I will show the way.”

Just as Peter was driving a commercial vehicle without a license and swaying on the road, Shay Lun, who was also caught in fierce fighting and gunfire, received a special call.

“Director William?”

Xie Lun gasped for breath.

“Huh? Inspector Xie, are you busy?”

“horse riding.”

“Oh…Although you are young, but you have just been discharged from the hospital, you must take care of your body.” William is indeed an old fox. He understood what was going on in an instant, he laughed, “Then you are busy, I will contact you when I’m done.”

“Just tell me, I’m afraid I will be busy in this short time.”

Xie Lun felt Tina’s small movements and took a slight breath, his strength and speed improved a bit.

“Sure enough, I am young and in good health. It really makes us old guys envious.” William turned around and said in a deep voice, “Do you remember the previous hijacking incident? Although it was Pierce’s proposal, I still agreed to let you go. Do you know why?”

Xie Lun smiled: “This was your cultivation back then.”

“I know that you are not very human, and you should bear extraordinary responsibilities, just like the hero of the year.” William seemed to recall something, but he was a little bit sighed, “So now I need to give you a task. , If you can do it, then I can assure you that, at least within the NIA, you will have a bright future.”

“Task?” Xie Lun heard what William said, and laughed, “This task is very difficult? No problem, you give the order, I still like challenges.”

“That’s it. According to the informant, a nuclear bomb was transported into the United States, preparing to launch a terrorist attack on our country, but the whereabouts of this nuclear bomb is still unknown.” William said solemnly, “Now I need you to find this one. Nuclear bombs, stop this attack.”

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