Chapter 685 Chernobyl Underground

Following the steps down the deep and quiet underground passage, Xie Lun felt abnormal immediately. The smell of sulphur filled the air, indicating that there have been demons here. The deliberately disrupted space and arranged illusion are more than enough to make ordinary people who step into here lose their way, and then be trapped in this seemingly short underground passage forever.

Xie Lun didn’t need to hold a flashlight either. He walked steadily in the dark underpass where he could not see his fingers. The messy rubbish piled up in the passage and the abandoned trolleys did not cause any hindrance to him at all.

Soon he came to the end. Although it was pitch black, he could still see clearly. The walls in front of him were covered with cobwebs and wet moss, and there were a few insects squirming on them, which looked extremely real.

But this can’t hide from Xie Lun’s eyes.

Xie Lun stared at the wall in front of him, tilted his head and looked at it for a moment, then suddenly shot out, dragging out a humanoid monster with green eyes from the darkness beside him. The monster was wet all over, slipping without leaving his hands, and his facial features were twisted into a ball, as if a catfish had become refined.

The monster who was pinched by Xie Lun’s neck made a weird cry of “Sisi”, and his hands with sharp claws resisted desperately. It’s a pity that its resistance didn’t have any effect. A layer of invisible power hugged it, and gradually fixed it firmly.

Xie Lun pinched its neck, leaned in front of him, looked around, then shook his head in disgust, “There is no sane corpse.”

As he said, he backhanded the monster in his hand to the wall in front of him. As a result, the monster easily passed through the wall and smashed other monsters that had been hidden behind the wall.

The strange cry of “Sisi” sounded all around, and countless green-eyed monsters rushed towards Xie Lun from all directions.

Xie Lun shook his head, ignoring the swarming monsters, just took a step forward, and he easily got rid of this illusion and came to a closed iron gate.

Akern appeared from behind Sharon quietly, put his hand on the rusty iron door, and seemed to stroke it with nostalgia.

“What? Have your kind ever been imprisoned here?”

Although Akern has never spoken, Sharon can clearly know what she thinks, frowning slightly: “I still think that there is only you in this world, the ancient god.”

Akern shook his head.

“In the beginning, your ancient gods dominated the earth, but after failing in the battle with the gods, you were imprisoned and sealed in different places on the earth. As time passed, only you, the ancient god of the whole earth, survived. Fallen?”

Xie Lun frowned: “No, your ancient gods are not connected to the core of the earth. As long as the earth is not destroyed, will you not die?”

Akern looked at Sharon with a sad expression, his big eyes were a little red.

“Suicide?” Xie Lun forced, “Your ancient gods are also sentimental. Will they commit suicide?”

Akern pursed his lips, and suddenly reached out and stepped on the toes of Sharon’s toes, seeming to vent his dissatisfaction.

Xie Lun was not angry, but laughed: “It is theoretically impossible, so you have always suspected that there is a problem with their suicide, but because of being sealed, you can’t come to check in person, so now you want to entrust me to investigate it?”

He reached out and rubbed Akern’s hair, smiled and said, “Definitely it’s okay.”

Hearing this, Aker was happy again, stood on tiptoe, and proactively kissed the corner of Xie Lun’s mouth.

“But you also have to thank them for dying, so you will become the strongest ancient god?” Sharon’s expression became weird. “Every time an ancient god dies, his Ability will be divided equally among the other surviving gods. The ancient gods, and now they are all dead, so their abilities have been absorbed by you, so…if they are still alive, you have to find a way to kill them?”

Akern nodded vigorously. Some eyes were flushed, and some expressions were sad. They all disappeared. Instead, he had an eager attitude.

Xie Lun couldn’t help asking: “Back then, the relationship between your ancient gods was the same?”

Akern rolled his eyes, pouted his mouth, and thought for a long time before shrugging at Sharon.

“Can’t remember?” Xie Lun widened his eyes, “Who are you fooling? I remember other things so clearly, but this one is the only thing I can’t remember?”

He stretched out his hand and flicked Akern’s forehead, shook his head and smiled: “I know why you failed back then. It’s so intrigue and infighting. It’s weird if you don’t fail.”

Akern stuck out his tongue a little mischievously, and followed Sharon’s example, reaching out and flicking on Sharon’s forehead. Hearing only a muffled sound of “bang”, Xie Lun flew out in the air, hitting the wall behind, and directly into a big human form.

Akern was stunned.

She didn’t control her strength.

Frozen for a while, Akern hurried forward and hurriedly pulled Sharon out of the wall, like a kid who made a mistake, shaking Sharon’s thigh with his hands to act like a baby. It’s a pity that because of her emotions, she used her strength again, and she shook Xie Lun like a tree leaf in the wind, and her bones were about to fall apart.

“Don’t you want to kill me too, do you?”

Sharon poked his head from the side and stared at Akern.

Akern was taken aback, looked at “Xie Lun” in his hand, cracks emerged from the skin of “Xie Lun”, and after a while, it turned into grass.

It’s just that the poor grass, At the moment, his eyes were wide open, like a rag doll that had been played badly, lying limply in Akern’s hands, and he no longer had the domineering and dignity of being a terrifying monster.

“I just wanted to have fun with you, I didn’t expect you to be so cruel?”

Sharon pinched Akern’s cheek and twisted it hard.

Akerne was teary and didn’t dare to resist, so he looked at Xie Lun pitifully. Xie Lun would not be deceived by her current appearance, and Akern’s two cheeks, which had been twisting like a monkey’s red butt, were only released with satisfaction.

At this moment, the iron door that had been closed all the time suddenly made a “creak” and slowly opened from the inside.

A soft orange light shone from the door, and a black man in a decent suit poked his head out and smiled at Sharon and Akern: “How long are the two going to play at the door?”

Xie Lun raised his eyebrows in surprise: “Unexpectedly, there are still people living inside.”

The black man smiled and said, “Didn’t you delay the time on purpose because you were worried about a trap behind the door?”

Sharon patted his forehead lightly, and smiled at Akern: “It seems that our thoughts have been seen through by others.”

Akern threw away the broken grass and returned to his usual expressionless indifferent face again, standing behind Xie Lun, staring at the black man coldly.

The black man opened the iron door and stepped forward to make an inviting gesture. Xie Lun shrugged and walked in. I saw that the door was a circular platform just like the underground base of the Three Eyes Alliance in the United States. It’s just that this platform seems to have been renovated into a living room, sofas, coffee tables and TV sets are all available. Even at the edge of the platform, there is a circle of bookshelves and wine racks filled with books and wine bottles.

A figure was sitting on the sofa with a tall wine glass in his hand, looking at the red wine in the glass that looked like blood, and laughed in a low voice: “Welcome, Inspector Xie, long time no see.”

Xie Lun raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at the man’s back, and hesitated: “James?”

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