Chapter 801 Bruce Was Imprisoned

The Arkham lunatic asylum, which covers a huge area, is divided into four major areas according to the function, namely the office area, the mild treatment area, the intensive care area and the logistics area. However, under the inspection of Yakern, it was discovered that there was a special area underground in the lunatic asylum.

Although this area is not large, it is heavily guarded, at least through three gates, guarded by hundreds of heavily armed guards.

After entering, you can find that all the prisons here are made of bullet-proof transparent glass. There is only one prisoner in one room, and all prisoners are dressed in white tights, which can ensure that there are no contraband hidden on their bodies.

Neither the guards nor the surveillance cameras found the black tentacles walking on the ground. Soon Akern found Bruce in these rooms. It was so late, and he didn’t sleep, standing at the wall, making gestures and chatting in sign language with the tall and thin man in the next room.

Bruce checked carefully and found that there is no problem in his body, no poisoning, no positioning monitors or the like, plus the clothes he wears and the transparent glass single room, he can basically be sure that he is imprisoned.

Although it is not clear how he was sent in, Bruce can be sure that he is not stunned, so it is very likely that he has been hit by a certain spell.

But why hide yourself here?

Fortunately, there is a neighbor who talks about it.

Although the glass room is soundproof, the transparent glass is just convenient for the two to communicate in sign language.

The guy on the other side called himself “Jack”, and said that he, like Bruce, was imprisoned here inexplicably. It’s definitely, and only he knows how true or false it is.

But what Jack said next made Bruce cheer up. According to his description, this is a dark prison secretly established by the Gotham City Government, with the purpose of imprisoning some people in Gotham City who are in conflict with the municipal government, but are sensitive to their identity or have value for use. Every once in a while, someone will be taken away by the guards, and then those people never come back.

I don’t know if those people are alive or dead.

Bruce’s face turned gloomy. If Jack was right, then the darkness and corruption of Gotham City were far beyond his imagination.

Thinking of being unconsciously fainted and sent here, his identity must have been exposed, and Bruce looked a little dazed for a while. In such a dark city of Gotham, can you really save the city from the darkness by relying on yourself, Ah Fu, and the Sheriff Gordon who may always insist on justice?

Seeing that Bruce’s expression was a little languid, Jack shrugged and did not continue to disturb him. Bruce lay back weakly, fixed on the bed on the ground, thinking about the information just now in his mind.

According to his analysis, at least seven to eight points of what Jack said are true. It’s definitely, the other party must have hidden selfishness, maybe he has recognized his identity and wants to use himself, but conversely, why don’t you want to use the other party to obtain intelligence?

The key now is how to escape from this ghost place.

According to Jack’s description, the guards here are extremely strict, except for one hour a day for a separate wind release time, they can only stay in this glass room of less than six square meters. Even the meals are delivered and eaten within the room price. Going to the toilet is even simpler. There is a toilet in one corner of the room, but in the transparent glass, the whole process of going to the toilet will be exposed.

Even if it were to let the wind go, it was nothing more than being taken to a larger glass house. You don’t even have a skylight, and you can’t see the sky. This makes you want to pass the sun or the stars and probably tell where you are, but you can’t do it.

Bruce frowned tightly, defending such a tightly guarded place, and wanting to escape, the ordinary ninjutsu learned from the Kagemusha League was useless. The only way is to use the space spells learned from Kamar-Taj.

However, because of the particularity of his physical constitution, Bruce had mastered all the magical knowledge that Ancient One had imparted to him, but he couldn’t display it smoothly. According to Ancient One’s explanation, it was because Bruce himself was too smart.

As the old saying goes, wise men die.

It is no exaggeration to say that Bruce Wayne is a genius with extraordinary ability, good food and good learning. Wandering outside for so many years, from sliding doors and picking locks, to martial arts fighting, to hacking skills, all of them are smart. Not to mention anything else, just how long has he joined the Shadow Warrior Alliance, he has learned all the basic ninjutsu.

Just because Bruce is too clever and too defying, if magic can be mastered well, then he is really not far from death.

It’s definitely, this is Ancient One’s explanation, Bruce doesn’t believe it. But after countless experiments, he found that although he knew all the details and theoretical knowledge of spell casting, he couldn’t concentrate the so-called mental power.

This so-called mental power is completely different from your concentration.

If you just concentrate, Bruce can do it easily, otherwise he wouldn’t learn things so quickly before, but he just couldn’t use magic.

If you change to an ordinary person, facing this situation, I am afraid that you will have already given up. But how can Bruce be an ordinary person, for him, the more impossible things are, he wants to become possible. So under his hard work, he finally found a possibility that he could use magic.

That is… not enough magic, technology comes together.

This is also one of the reasons why Bruce hurriedly returned to Gotham City. After all, his base camp is in Gotham, so it is very convenient to do research. But after I came back, the research just started, and there was no specific details, so I was locked in here.

Bruce was thinking, suddenly a black tentacles that looked like a poisonous snake appeared in front of him silently. Bruce was so excited that he almost sat up without turning over.

He is not afraid of snakes.

Strictly speaking, the master has not been afraid of anything other than bats.

The reason he was so excited was because the room was not big, he had checked it many times, and there was no such swarthy thing at all.

So how did this stuff come in?

“Hi, Bruce.”

The black tentacles with big eyeballs suddenly made a sound.

Bruce opened his eyes wide.

This sound is so familiar.

“Thanks…Xie Lun?”

Bruce looked around with some guilty conscience. There are surveillance cameras outside each glass room to ensure that there is no privacy for the people inside.

“Don’t worry, Bruce, no one can see me or hear me except you.”

The black tentacles shook its head with big eyeballs: “It looks like your little life is going well, so I can rest assured. So goodbye, I will see you later.”

“What? Didn’t you save me?” Bruce raised his eyebrows lightly. “Or, you can’t save me directly from here?”

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