"You haven't hit a shot in the end, have you?"

Having defeated the penguin just like I did earlier, I look down at Sisty sitting on the penguin.

"Ugh, this isn't supposed to happen"

Sisty was sitting back with her cane supported, with a bit of tears in her eyes.

Sisty was barely able to work thanks to his bad luck so far, but this time he didn't.

Well, the result of this one is the usual sisty, and I guess I've just been too lucky so far.

"Well, no. By the way, do these penguins have materials to sell? Is that hair? Is that mouth?

"Yeah, well..."

The moment I tried to strip the material off the penguin, I heard something howling from the woods.

All of a sudden, we can play and gaze into the woods.

"……… I've heard this howl before"

"……… Black Wolf."

Uh, they attacked me even before I came to Wang Du, and they're everywhere.

I don't like it, but I jump out of a fluffy penguin's stomach.

"Black Wolf is rarely supposed to come out of those woods and into the hills..."

The moment Sisty said something like that, Black Wolf came out of the woods.

"Already! Although Sisty would have really come out because she says something like a flag!

"Yep!? Even if you say so. I mean, what's a flag?

While we're at it, the Blackwolves are headed this way.

The distance is quite open, but you will be fighting to stay like this.

"They're obviously coming this way, aren't they? Are you even after penguin meat?

"Not only are we after you, we're after you."

Yes, it was. Black Wolf was an obsession.

More than just checking with us, the penguin's meat might not satisfy us.

Other demons would only go for penguin meat, except for these guys.

"Instead, the penguin meat is supposed to hit us first."

There are eight black wolves from the woods. That's quite a lot.

I don't have a leg called a carriage this time, and there's no way a lot of people would hold me back with a bow.

Regardless of me being avant-garde and fucking defensive, I might not be in danger in a magical sisty.

'Cause I can't hit the magic.

"Hey, Sisty. Are you sure it's okay if I go that way or two?

If it sucks, then there's a way to get only Sisty off the hook and I'll be the shield.

Let them bite for now, and they'll be able to stop moving.

"I'm fine. I have a dagger, too, and a little, but I'm doing martial arts. I'll try to judge you if you're one or two."

Sisty slaps the dagger's sheath without worrying.

"Well, the magic doesn't work, Sisty, so if you don't build up your melee workouts, you're gonna die."

"Shut up!

When I told him I was bossy, Sisty yelled at him with a bright red face.

He may have fought through it before with one of his daggers.

"Because I'm gonna kick your ass with my magic about Black Wolf! Look at that!

Powerfully put, Sisty stepped forward with a cane.

Then chant as usual and turn your wand toward the diseased Black Wolf.

"'Fireball' heh!

A fireball was created from the tip of the wand, and it landed at a herd of black wolves running straight here.

"... you shot out a beautiful spot where no one was"

I think it's amazing in a way to let them land without damaging the hell out of you when it comes to all that density.

"Hey, that's a warm-up now!

You've been using magic on penguins for years. That's a long warm-up.

"Fine, but with the current attack, Blackwolf ran out to be vigilant and serpentine, huh?

The densely packed Black Wolf cautioned against the earlier magic or ran like a serpent instead of running in a straight line.

This makes Sisty's magic harder and harder to hit......

"'Fireball' huh!" Fireball. "Huh!

Sisty was unleashing the next magic that I had to worry about.

No, it's certainly right to unleash a little more magic to reduce the number of impending black wolves, isn't it? Can you take some advice for me?

As I was dissatisfied, watching the end of the fireball, what a fireball hit Black Wolf both times.

Explosive flames scorch down the bodies of two Black Wolves.

"............ Huh? ……… Did you hit it?

"You said you hit it!? Impossible!

"What's impossible is too much!

Now there are six Black Wolves. The distance narrows considerably and the pressure increases.

In the meantime, Sisty keeps releasing fireballs.

Every time Black Wolf sinks into the ground once again. As if you were aiming precisely, sucked in, but as if.

Every time I saw the sight, I felt wary.

That sisty is magically sinking demons with dongs. So!? Impossible.

Oh no... You really look like a wizard.

"It really sucks, but it does, to Black Wolf...... hmm?... that?

A fireball hits you straight so you can get sucked in before you dodge it......? How do you predict such random movements? Sisty can't have that power...

I felt like I was missing something, so I looked at the fireball that was going to be fired.

At first, I watched with a face similar to my emotions, but when I watched the movement of the fireball, I found that it was different.

Yes, the Black Wolf is going to hit the Fireball, not the Black Wolf is going to hit the Black Wolf.

That the fireball that originally flew in the cod direction just hit the black wolf that I avoided on the cod. Just that.

The cod only meets each other.

Then I watched Black Wolf crumble to the ground with cold eyes, like a trick I had figured out.

"Shh, that's amazing, Duke! I've never been so magical before!

Just because I can't believe it myself, Sisty happily slaps me in the arm with a bash.

The float is already amazing, and I'm glad to hear it.

What makes a wizard happy to be so far with his enchantment……….

Speaking of results, Sisty would have finished six black wolves by the time he approached.

And I sliced the two approaching black wolves with a big sword.

It was definitely thanks to Sisty that I first encountered the octopus but was able to win so easily.

Well, if I didn't know Tane, I'd be happy to do it with him, but I can't do it anymore.

It hurts to mistake the wrong abilities for strength. He's a very unlucky kid, so I have to teach him how to be a good partner.

I'm troubled if you ask me to get on with my difficult quest.

"Am I compatible with Black Wolf?

I think the cod condition is with me.

"I guess so."

"Hey, why is Duke so cold? You can praise me even more because I did the magic and it worked."

When I'm appropriately flushing Sisty's words and stripping away the Black Wolf material, Sisty says with her lips pointy and dissatisfied.

To Sisty like that, I say it with fortitude.

"…… Sisty, it's a no-can about Blackwolf's work"

"Why not! Didn't you just hit my magic!? By the time we got close, we had six of them down!? Whatever you think, it's not my work!

"Then I ask you, did you really hit for Black Wolf?

As I often teach Sisty, I ask in a slow tone.


"Liar! You were surprised yourself when you hit it!

I was surprised by the habit of shouting dumber voices than I did on the side.

"Oh, I'm just surprised you hit Black Wolf with one track fix that moves around so smartly, huh?

I don't want you to talk about track modification or anything. Those are the words I want you to say after you become someone you can guess a little more at.

"Yes, that's it. That didn't come under Sisty's control."

"What if I am?

I say clearly to Sisty, who frowns.

"Sisty's out-of-the-box magic just happened to fly to where Blackwolf dodged. I mean, it just so happens! Never mistake your strength for something like that!

"Nor! Why would Duke doubt my strength? That's all the fireball hit me!

"Okay, then I'll prove it to you now. I'm ten meters away, so hit the fireball. I'll admit it when I hit it."

"Fine! I'm in great shape today, aren't I? You can afford to shoot Duke ten meters away. Don't complain about hitting me and burning me, right?

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