
Wyburn roars in the rear.

The momentum is about to come soon behind us and swallow the whole thing.

Wouldn't you blow a fire? I was riding on the back of purple flames and walking through the woods, frightened.

Anyway, try not to punch the center of gravity, pull out the strength of a strong body, and let it run as purple flame pleases.

Every time I run, the shock is coming through and I almost lose my balance, but I can manage.

Still don't let your body power you.

I heard it was a TV or something that would inhibit the horse's movement if the person on it had the strength. So I tried to sit as balanced and natural as possible.

Purple flame is a smart horse who can understand my words, so I say I'll take care of all the details.

Naturally, not everything in the woods is a flat path.

Crawling trees, muddy mud, plants so long that they are likely to take their feet, slopes, without them as things, the purple flames rush with scattering soil.

"…… and he's persistent."

Because of Wyburn's body, the trees seem to be out of the way and they can't storm like they think.


So I twist myself around like a snake, cleverly folding my wings and I'm afraid to approach you. It's nasty where this one comes up with a trick at a time that was close to the slope.

The demons of this world are quite clever. No, I just happen to meet them all the time?

But my purple flame is different from a normal horse.

This one is also a monster. Whether it's on the slope or not, keep running as hard as you can if you don't pull Wyburn apart for me to stay on.

This is an undead who doesn't know how tired he is. Purple flame can continue to run all the time whether it is a full-blown disease or not. Bring it into endurance battle and Wyburn will lose ground.

"Ha-ha-ha, you can't even touch us unless you throw up in a brace."


As I agree with my whining, purple flames are short.

Anyway, there was an atmosphere where I was making fun of Wyburn.

If I checked the rear on the view, Wyburn flew low and opened his mouth wide while avoiding the trees.

And the back of his throat glowed red, spitting out a flaming brace.

"Duh! I'm really spitting out your braces!?

Beat the purple flame back like it hurries with bread.


No purple flames, no heart, either. "Seriously!?" such a chirp.

Hundreds of degrees, thousands of degrees of flame spread behind you.

Flame-soaked trees and demons that happen to be streets are quickly engulfed in flames.

Aren't you vulnerable to flames because you're undead!? Yabe!

And in a moment of impatience, a blast of high fever stroked my back.

"Ah, hot!?

Reflexively feverish back, bumping both arms like a slap.

My red cloak was on fire when I realized it, so I tapped the cloak and put out the fire.

As long as I touch it, it doesn't seem like my back is dissolved or anything.

My armor is kept without deforming its shape. The red cloak burned a little black......

The braces just now are so hot but unbearable. Still hot enough to think it's reflexively hot. I'm not a mazo, so I don't want to eat it if I can.

Amongst the undead, the defense is extraordinarily high, thanks to the armor.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee in!

What do you think? I heard a rushing noise from purple flames.

"What's wrong!?

When I asked, the purple flame unnaturally lifted my back leg.

When I looked behind me, the red tail of purple flame was on fire.

While I sit back a little bit, I'll be careful not to be shaken down, and I'll knock the fire on my tail with my hands and put it out.

"They're gone!


Did you find out that the purple flame itself disappeared? Not so short as to say thank you.

And that fucking Wyburn.

I've never seen any signs of using a brace before, and I thought I couldn't use a flame brace because it's a more degraded species than a dragon.

How clever of him to lay down a trump card called a flame brace without ever using it.

But you showed the trump card on our provocation.

It's a degraded dragon species. Ha.

"Ahhhhh! He said it's a little hot!

Damn, he threw up another brace. I'm busy with Wyburn's habits.

But even Wyburn is a creature. It's not like you can throw up your braces indefinitely.

As far as I can tell, that should consume a lot of energy. It is also undead, and it is so decided.

I don't know how many more shots of braces I can shoot, but if I get approached on a steep slope, in an accident, and eat the braces, I can't even stop.

I think endurance fights can win eventually, but there are risks.

I hope there's some kind of technique that can be used to attack at a distance from here, but this one is Durahan and Koshta Bawer, the purple flame. There is no such technique.

If you look around to see if there is anything, the scenery is flowing with great momentum because you are on the verge of a disease.

It's even hard to find, and I can't stop because Wyburn is approaching from behind no matter what.

When I'm wondering if it's anything good, I hear purple flames from below.


This is the voice when you give any warning.

When I do my gaze forward, I see a thick branch just sticking out to the side.

If you continue like this, you will hit me beautifully and fall off the horse.

That's what I decided to do and keep my posture low... but I stopped.


"Slightly lower your speed and keep running."

Purple flames sound suspicious, but instruct them to run as they are while slowing down.

And against the thick branches that came around my belly, I raised my right arm wide,


I lowered my knife.

The power to gently cut large stones also transmits to the lateral branches, making a dry noise and cracking.

I caught that right away.

It's a thick branch pointy in a good way.


In the rear, Wyburn approached us at a high speed.

You must have decided we were tired or weak because we slowed down.

Whether a small tree hits your body or wings, it breaks and goes without worrying.

I'm just tempted to say I'm going to stay here. He must be physically limited.

"Walking like this slowing down!

Instruct the purple flame trying to increase the speed to keep the speed intact.

The distance between us and Wyburn, which was open, is shrinking.

If Wyburn throws up his braces from that position, he will be swallowed up.

But that doesn't look like it because of Wyburn's fatigue.

Maybe he can still throw up his braces, but his range is short.

Either way, it's not a problem because it's my aim to get you close to that distance.


Wyburn, who twisted himself and twisted his wings, opened his wings wide and approached him.

Vicious fangs that squash everything glow suspiciously.

It's disgusting to see Wyburn's vivid mouth.

I see an ugly face for a reptile and tiny yellow eyes as big as a raptor.

Observe the mouth without haste but do not glow red.

Apparently, they decided to pin us down with these fangs.

I threw the thick branches into Wyburn's mouth as close as I could.

A wooden spear, struck out by Durahan's power, slashes the air at a fierce speed and pierces Wyburn's throat.


Wyburn screamed sadly, twisting his body like he couldn't wait to break the tree into the sidewalk.

"Okay! It's purple flame now! Full sickness!"


Me and Purple Flame went up at once and ran through the woods.

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